Witch for All 1994

Chapter 23 Magic Plants

The course on the second day was a bit special. Cen Jing asked Jiang Han and Li Li to study by themselves for a period of time, and explained to them that today's course would be moved to the evening.

At night, Cen Jing brought the two of them to Jiuxian Ridge.

Jiuxian Ridge is as magical and charming as ever. The mist mixed with various colors of wine makes the originally complex terrain more difficult to identify. But strangely, the lower ground of Jiuxian Ridge is very dry, with only the wine mist belt A touch of moisture. The grass paths on the ground are also very clean, and it seems that the locals are diligent in maintaining them.

What surprised Jiang Han was that the local ordinary people greeted the passing witch with the tone of "Hello, comrade" and "Thank you, comrade," which seemed slightly different from the history books I read in the past two days about the working people under the oppression of witches. .

Seeing her confused look, Cen Jing smiled and said:

"The witches of the West built magnificent castles, beautiful manors, and towering witch towers one after another. They divided the continent into territories one after another, consolidating their extraordinary status. To this day, there are still witches of the West using 'slaves' To describe ordinary people. In our country, witches can only live on empty islands at most. Since the founding of New China, witches, soldiers and civilians have been closely connected with each other."

Li Li added: "Comrades are comrades, comrades are comrades, comrades are comrades."

...It is unexpectedly in line with the values ​​​​of the Chinese people. It is also very possible that there are too many witches. According to the Western methods, one witch can rule a village of more than a hundred people, and a powerful witch can rule even more. But in China, one witch can probably rule... one point and five ordinary people?

Coupled with the country's unique culture of witches playing with ordinary residents, and the fact that witches are a product of "We are trying to turn ordinary people into witches" that I just learned about yesterday, the status of ordinary people in the country is in conflict with that of witches. Waiting is relatively normal.

After hiking up the mountain, I could see several little girls and boys sitting there near the top, holding books related to occultism in their hands. They were ordinary people, and Jiang Han couldn't sense the magic power from them.

"Witch reserves, if not surprisingly, after five or six years of study, they will become a new batch of witches... As for their magic power, it depends on their luck. If they are lucky, they will be normal witches, if they are not, they will be weak witches. ." Cen Jing smiled and greeted the group of children, her words very calmly: "Weak witches are not much different from ordinary people, so most of the witches are working as assistants for the witches and doing some light magic duties. , and there are also teachers like me.”

Although the witch Cen Jing talked about was very weak, Jiang Han suspected that the real magic value of this witch might be amazing.

Jiang Han's ability to perceive magic has reached a certain level of 'extraordinary'. His sensitivity to magic is like a radar. It has a huge range but can only vaguely sense the amount of magic.

But that's enough. Most of the witch instructors in the cram school don't have as much magic power as Cen Jingchang, a witch.

Jiang Han didn't try to expose the other party's magical power. Jiang Han silently listened to her introduction about the witch.

After passing through the mangroves full of wine mist, and then bypassing a mountaintop lake formed by a mountain spring, after walking for about twenty minutes, a secluded and unique cemetery appeared in front of us.

The cemetery looks a little gloomy at night, but the gloomy atmosphere is broken by the large number of people.

Witches in twos and threes started a dinner party in the cemetery, simmering bone soup in the crucible and setting up a barbecue grill.

It's a cemetery. Hmm, it's a cemetery... Jiang Han couldn't make a sound for a long time.

God holds a barbecue party in the cemetery.

Sometimes Jiang Han feels that she has seen through the witch race and feels that this race has reached its lowest limit, but it will give her new surprises or scares.

"The cemetery is also a kind of market, where we buy some 'fresh' or 'special' materials."

"For example, the Ai mushroom, whose international scientific name is 'Umbrella-shaped spiny mushroom species·Graveyard fungus·Bai'an Junma', needs to be planted in a cemetery or mass grave with heavy air to grow. Because of the growing environment It is special. If you want to preserve it, you need to store it in an opaque bottle. It must be a glass bottle, which is more troublesome." Cen Jing pointed to the mushrooms planted on the grave soil, "Although they were born in the cemetery , but it is used in the life faction under the branch of the Necromancy School, and it is also a commonly used base material when brewing potions with healing effects."

Species name, genus name, and namer. The scientific names of the plants named by the witch are basically the same as those in the previous life. They are all composed of these three, but the species name is moved to the first place.

As a senior keyboard bureau operator who knew a little bit about everything, Jiang Han was different from Li Li who looked like 'what are you talking about, what do you want to say', she still understood the scientific names. Species names basically refer to plant adjectives, appositive nouns and the possessive noun that gives all English learners a headache. The genus name is the basic information of the plant, such as economic utility, growth environment, or characteristics. The last one is filled in blindly.

Therefore, there are often names like "Baian's Horse" that make students want to use a knife to have close contact with the namer's mother clan.

Some people may think that Bai An's horse only has four words, but the suffix of the scientific name is: Himot.et.Moyhse, which is the abbreviation.

Coupled with the previous description, the official international scientific name of Ai Jun mushroom should be:


The full name of this scientific name was guessed by Jiang Han himself, because assuming that the witch world also includes a description of magic, there may be five or six more words. And since the description "umbrella-shaped with thorns" in this world has not existed in the previous life, the root of the word must be more complicated, and it must be several times more complicated than this made-up word.

But what Jiang Han was more curious about was Cen Jing. It was really difficult for a witch to obtain this kind of knowledge that most witches didn't understand.

Although the knowledge of plant materials is not as expensive as magic, it is by no means cheap. She had previously found an academic information book on "Potions and Plants" in the library, and the price exceeded two to three thousand yuan. Considering the rigor and tediousness of records among witches in this world, a book like this The book may only contain information on a dozen kinds of plants. If you want more, you will have to spend more money.

Jiang Han glanced at his mentor in surprise, and asked, "Teacher, do you love plants?"

Cen Jing nodded and said: "Extremely, I decided to become a witch because of plants. It would be too dangerous for an ordinary person without magic power to pick these plants."

"Then...Teacher, you have always wanted to study plants after becoming a witch?" Jiang Han was a little envious of this kind of person who has his own beliefs.

Cen Jing nodded again, "Well, I like plants and study them. I want to write a book that covers magic plants from all over the country."

She smiled again:

"If possible, I would like my research and hobby to be famous throughout the ages and become the second witch to write the term witch into history."

I want to write a complete book on plants... Jiang Han nodded secretly. Compared with the impression given by this tutor, this wish was positive energy, so she asked curiously: "Then... the first one to write about witches Who were the witches in history?”

She saw that Cen Jing's smile was stuck, and she seemed a little bit dumbfounded, so she looked at Li Li for help.

Li Li's expression that had remained unchanged for thousands of years also broke the ice. He was also a little bit dumbfounded. When he saw her looking over, he still explained:

"The first witch who can leave her name in history is naturally the 'first witch', the first truly born witch - Fulla, the first witch born in the world, is also the first The witch who crossed the ocean to China with the aid of a small sampan, the art of making water, and the art of making bread... is also the first witch to cross the world's largest ocean with only the magic power of a weak witch."

So far, the author still cannot reply in his own comment area...

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