Witch for All 1994

Chapter 222 The King of Figures

Update log for the Kraken translation:

"This is Angelette. Today we still brought some updates to the database."

"Some pink spell tutorials have been removed from the shelves. Reason: not sexy enough"

"The level 8 spell [Group Charm Monsters] has been removed from the shelves. Reason: Some witches are defined as monsters, which is racist, very bad, very bad."

"The level 7 spell [Calling God's Alienated Power] has been removed from the shelves. Reason: I, Angelite, am not a god. Don't try to use this spell to call me out."

"There are 16 pink spells on the shelves, 3 5th-level spells, 1 6th-level spell, and 54 low-level spells. The price has increased by 5%."

"The spells shared by everyone will become a way for the barriers between witches and witches to weaken again and the connection to deepen again."

"Added paper upload and copy checking functions."

“Added a large picture bed and video library.”

"Added the function for non-author users to upload videos and pictures."

"The online store has released the beta 3.11 version, and now users can pay through the Internet. Special thanks to a research group in China, the Wings Association, for their outstanding contribution. They provided a very cool idea, and now you can try it remotely Payment, after booking, the magic contract will appear in the computer, and you can pay after sending the gold."

"Note that the online store version 3.11 can only accept gold."

Because there were many new features added, Jiang Han also had a lot of fun playing it.

She glanced at Kraken who was grilling meat, secretly picked out an article from the tentacle book in her hand, and used magic to rub it onto the page of the forensic paper. In Du Lingxuan's strange eyes next to her, Clicked the OK button.

Drip, drip, drip—boom!

The identification results have appeared!

Jiang Han clicked on it and took a look, "The similarity rate is 100%. It is plagiarized from "Necromantic School's Offensive Tentacle Book 1970 Edition, 1.0.03 Reprint", and the author is 'Kraken.V.Kr'."

So smart! ?

You must know that even in the parallel world, as of 2010, the duplication checking system is still not that accurate!

Moreover, the book on touch surgery that Jiang Han selected was extremely rare. According to Kraken's label, about 1,200 copies were issued. As a result, because these touch surgeries did not involve the scope of pink magic, it was returned within 3 hours for 620 This book, at the same time, there are 300 copies bought by Muhai Zhe, and 200 copies purchased by friends of Kraken. In other words, there are only more than 80 copies circulating outside!

Even more than 80 unpopular books and information have been put into the database. The workload is terrifying when you think about it.

"Your expression seems to be saying 'How is this possible?', but in fact, this is a normal thing." Du Lingxuan leaned over, her smile was a bit like a cat, but a little less beaten, as if the blood of Yin and Yang was parasitic. On the body.

However, Jiang Han feels that if the factor of not wanting to be beaten is ignored, Du Lingxuan is indeed a beautiful girl - a flat beautiful girl?

She nodded and said:

"Normal? Are you saying this huge database is normal?"

"Yes, yes, that's the truth, Sister Han." Du Lingxuan explained in a low voice with her unique canary-like voice, "Well, Miss Angelite is the richest man in the world. The ultimate witch His assets may be dozens of times that of the sea monster. Of course, when it comes to fighting, two people have never fought one on one, but if they compare the outcome, the winning rate is 46, Kraken is 4, and she is 6. But if In terms of money and assets, she is much richer than Miss Kraken."

Bi, dozens of times richer than Kraken... Jiang Han was instantly devastated by the news.

After blinking, she suddenly reacted:

This is probably the legendary rich man who is driven by interest?

Because of my interest, I casually bought all the magic books and papers from all over the world and entered them into the database... Indeed, indeed... this is much more ruthless than the open thesis platform in the parallel world! The power of capital allows the ultimate witch to create a global library at will!

Moreover, this guy might be too!

The richest otaku in the world!

If she wasn't a nerd, it wouldn't make sense why Angelette updates the Internet every day and every week! He didn't even show up at the opening ceremony of the Witch Invitational Tournament, and he hasn't published any papers on magic research recently. He's just bored on the Internet!

"So, she bought the entire database?" Jiang Han asked.

Du Lingxuan is worthy of being the Wikipedia among witches, and she answered clearly:

"Yes, she holds 16% of the shares in the World Witch Patent Office. For example, if I upload a spell worth 10,000 yuan to the Patent Office to apply for a patent, I need to pay 13% of the spell's valuation. , which is 1,300 yuan, and the books issued by this spell cannot include 'spell models', 'magic potion recipes', etc. That is to say, the castrated version will cost about 4,000 yuan, and 60% of this part of the expenditure will be retained by the publisher. , 30% goes to the patent owner and 10% goes to the patent office.”

"That's 10,000 yuan. I want to give 1,300 yuan. For each subsequent purchase of information, I can get 1,200 yuan, and the patent office can get 400 yuan. If you convert it, for every 4,000 yuan spell information book sold, An Jie Lite can earn nearly 50 yuan, and her daily income can easily exceed the weekly or even monthly income of Kraken and I while lying at home and sleeping."

Hiss... this is too cruel... Jiang Han's eyes widened and he quickly calculated in his mind that he was frightened.

Kraken roasted the meat and brought it over.

Miss Sea Monster happily rolled up a piece of Balrog meat with her tentacles and stuffed it into her mouth. After tasting it, she joined the conversation:

"...I remember that Wings Association is the association of your friend Jiang Han, right? Be careful, Angelite may want to buy your teleportation patent."

"Patent?" Jiang Han was a little confused again. Isn't it a good thing for others to buy patents?

Seeing her like this, Kraken shook his head and said:

"Your association may think that you can get a lot of money by selling this patent, but in fact it is just killing the goose that lays the egg. After Angelette bought the patent, with her resources, she could directly get two By conducting research on folding space and different worlds, it is estimated that it will be put into practical use soon. After it is put into practical use and becomes popular, the value of this patent will be very scary."

"Even your association has to pay royalties in return, so I suggest you better hold on to this patent, or only sell the patent rights for 5 years. From what I know about Angelite, bleeding once every 5 years is enough. She has reached her limit.”

It has to be said that the great witches have a relatively clear understanding of each other's bottom lines.

Giving practical opinions is precisely what the yin and yang Lingxuan Encyclopedia cannot give!

——But speaking of it, it is indeed difficult for Wikipedia to give useful opinions. At most, it can satisfy curiosity.

"Speaking of which, I remember that Angelette has a collecting habit." Du Lingxuan also came up with an idea, "She likes to collect beautiful witch dolls. I think if you sacrifice and let her make a doll, it might Maybe you can get additional conditions, right?"

"Ah?" Jiang Han looked at Kraken.

Miss Sea Monster said a little reluctantly:

"...Well, that's right. Angelique has a hobby of collecting golems, and often pays very expensive prices to customize witch golems. However, she has hamster disease and will ask for permission before making. I once I’ve been to her doll house...no, I should say the world, the doll world.”

Doll world? It sounds so touching... But why does Kraken look so disgusted... Jiang Han asked:

"what is that?"

Clarken poured Jiang Han a glass of beer and introduced:

"... She had a piece of folded space that she carried with her, which she compressed into a crystal ball. The size of the space was roughly 5:1 compared to the earth, and then she built a city inside it to look like a different world. She will put the made golems and dolls inside, and implant intelligence - to be honest, it is like a real other world, with beautiful dolls living in it, and they can also eat and work, just like... ...The gun version of our witch world is the same."

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