Witch for All 1994

Chapter 202 Banquet

The reporters will shoot for up to 2 hours, divided into 1 hour of posing, 1 hour of personal interviews and team interviews, and will take a lot of time to promote the witch's house, including the kitchen, study room, and witch. My favorite dry steam room has to be photographed.

For a long time, the image of the Witch House in the minds of common witches has been the feeling of a club.

It's a great opportunity to get the right image and positive look out there.

"So is Miss Jiang really an adult?" the reporter asked Jiang Han, who was taking them to visit the dry steam room.

Jiang Han shrank his shoulders, tilted his head, bit his lips with a charming smile, and smoothed his long hair around his shoulders with his hands:

"Me? I'm already 18 and almost 19." She spoke with a few confusing pronunciations on purpose, not to be coquettish, but to have the feeling of a little girl who can't enunciate clearly. After finishing speaking, she quickly licked her upper lip, pursed her lips and smiled, "There have been 16-year-old witches who applied for jobs before, but we rejected them without a student work permit. The witch house only accepts adult witches to work. After all, our The nature of work can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, right?"

Her answers were impeccable and there were no explosive points among the reporters.

In fact, she also asked Manager Qin about this question. Manager Qin said that at that time, she was not sure whether Jiang Han was of age or not, so she just signed her first and then transferred her before she reached adulthood... well, she just educated her for two years first, it was slow anyway. Take your time.

The dry steam room of the Witch House is in the movie playback area on the second floor. The semi-circular green wood dry steam room surrounds the TV spray. It is very refreshing and comfortable. The glass windows can also be opened at any time to enjoy the cool air. As for the temperature difference, the temperature difference will increase. It will not make the witches sick, this is not within the scope of the witch house's consideration.

Warm ore used for combustion is stacked in the box to heat the dry steam chamber. Witch does not use ordinary water for dry steaming, but spring water mixed with a little beer for evaporation and dry steaming. Beer and witch are two terms that are almost inseparable. Even in the East, drinking a glass of beer every day is normal. Fortunately, there is no shortage of food in the world of witches.

In the Witch's House, you can also enjoy drinks in the dry steam room, and there is also a business of accompanying drinks in this area.

Jiang Han accompanied Lin Qiang to watch a movie about the witch world called "Saint Ode". It is the most popular movie so far, and it is also one of the few witch world movies that Jiang Han has watched. By the way, the film production process here is also very brutal and simple.

As soon as you hear the name Saint Ode, you will know that it refers to the French witch who pinched him, and it tells the story of hell.

——On the first level of hell, there is an ordinary demon named Oud, who lives a chaotic life of sucking harmful plants, fighting fiercely and fiercely all day long. Until one day, it suddenly gained enlightenment, pulled out the staff in the stone from the witch's stele, and became a witch. It led the demons on the first floor to cooperate with the witch, opened the door to hell, and brought the witch in. Became a glorious hell race witch.

...Although the witch is generally beautifying herself, the story is indeed similar, and it is indeed adapted from a real person.

Jiang Han introduced:

"...We use three-layer dry-steamed wooden boards, all of which are made of high-quality wooden boards north of the Nakong River, which can ensure that the guests' skin is properly cared for and the most comfortable enjoyment is provided. At the same time, we also have accompanying bathing and watching services For movie services, you can also name your favorite witch for individual escort, but many of the popular witches in our store need to be booked one to two months in advance."

Reporters were filming and taking notes.

One of the reporters asked:

"If I make an appointment with you, how far in advance should I make an appointment?"

Jiang Han put on a business smile:

"About this, please consult the store manager Qin Shunying. I don't know it myself."

At least two months in advance, and reservations will not be accepted after the quota has been reached for two months. Theoretically, the reservation time is 12:01 pm every Sunday, and the scheduled itinerary is often fully booked within ten seconds.

It gave Jiang Han the illusion that he was one of the flash sale orders promoted by merchants in later generations.

After finishing the visit, the reporters finally left collectively, leaving only two beautiful reporter ladies still staying in the witch's house. They are the legendary connections, and Lin Rachel's spokesperson, so they are naturally qualified to stay. The Witch's House attended the celebration banquet.

Qin Shunying directed the staff to remove all the food that had been placed, and then brought all the freshly prepared dishes to a large number of tables.

"No wonder I didn't eat just now. It was all for posing for photos..." Jiang Han helped carry a prepared dragon egg beef steak and put it on the dining table.

As melodious and relaxing music was played, the banquet officially began.

Jiang Han was arranged to rest in a small booth. Next to her was a simple game area with board games and pixel world games that could be controlled by injecting magic power.

Leaving her bow and hood in the booth, she jumped out wearing a small cape, a cute little ranger skirt, and a milky white sweater that exposed her waist. She slipped over to the dining table as the witch. As an employee at home, she has fully understood which foods in her company are expensive and which are cheap. Without hesitation, she picked up oysters from Linghai, sand oysters from the desert, and the specialty 'sea pattern' that is currently out in the large folding space. Nautilus' and 'sea clam' are both fresh, delicious and expensive ingredients!

On the way back to the booth carrying the plate, several witches rubbed her hair. Although they looked at them as if they wanted to rub something other than their hair, Jiang Han generously forgave them.

The buffet banquet at the Witch House has a small hot pot and a small baking sheet in each booth, which is very free and personalized.

When Jiang Han returned to the booth, there were already three other people in the booth. Chen Ligu, Li Yun and Du Ningzhuang had already begun to bake food.

Watercooler guardians come together.

Jiang Han greeted them and sat down, heating up his own small baking pan and hot pot.

Although we only saw each other for a few days, there is no doubt that we still miss each other very much and miss the days of guarding the water fountain together. Jiang Han had a great time chatting with them. Because she couldn't drink too much, she used juice instead of beer. Instead, Chen Ligu and the three of them drank at least 3 liters of beer.

"Let's go to the bathroom." The three good sisters, who had drank 3 liters of beer, slipped out arm in arm, looking a bit like "looking for a lady tonight".

"Hmm." Jiang Han tasted the clam meat from Shan Ye Clam, which tasted a little like coconut milk, and nodded to the three of them carelessly.

The food ingredients in the Witch's House are very rich. The feeling of having a buffet like this is simply the pleasure of flying in the sky and never falling down, right? After tasting the food simply, Jiang Han stood up, looked at the dining table, and walked over with an empty plate.

I picked some prawns and crab paste fried rice, and when I came back, I saw two witches standing in the game area next to them. Judging from the back, they were Li Lisi and Kraken.

Two great witches.

Jiang Han's heart moved and he slowed down, wanting to eavesdrop on any gossip. When she passed by quietly, she heard a very soft conversation. If she didn't pay very much attention, she wouldn't even be able to tell that they were having a conversation. Li Lisi, who was entertaining the guests, held an exquisite wood-carved cigarette case in her hand and said to Kraken:

"It really annoyed me to death yesterday. We are obviously great witches but we still do things like that. Do witches really need to attract our attention..."

"Get used to it, and after your strength develops to a certain level, politics is something we need to understand and make concessions to." Clarken took out the cigarette case from his pocket, pulled out a slender women's cigarette and held it in his mouth.

"I understand, I just... I just feel I'm not used to it." Li Lisi stretched out her index finger, and a small flame ignited on it.

The firelight flickered twice, smoke filled the air, and the two great witches changed the topic to a lighter side:

"...I heard that Muhai will soon organize a low-level league team and a high-level club team. Is it true?"

"Damn it, every time I want to do something, all the information is leaked within a month of my order." Kraken took a deep breath and expressed his emotions in a rare and relaxed manner.

She was very relaxed and casual when getting along with witches of the same level, and Jiang Han remembered that it was almost the same when she got along with him.

"Witch team, huh?" Li Lisi coughed noncommittally, closed her eyes and enjoyed the tobacco.

Kraken took a breath, highlighted a Q-version octopus smoke ring, and said leisurely:

"These are the times, my lord, times have changed."

Li Lisi looked at the smoke ring and was stunned. She held a cigarette in one hand and pointed at the smoke ring and said:

"This is so cool, where did you learn it?"

The two great smokers chatted about smoke rings.

These two smokers... Jiang Han shook his head and returned to the booth with the plate in hand. He put behind what he just heard and enjoyed the food.

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