Witch for All 1994

Chapter 20 Extraordinary Market

With excitement, a little bit of curiosity, and a little bit of questions, the two of them eagerly opened the Mo Dou Fu magazine with the cover of a naked witch in an apron.

The witch on the cover appears on the home page, holding a bag of soybeans, with the words written in italics next to it: [Grinding tofu is an ancient traditional handicraft in my country. On the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth lunar month every year, people have a custom of grinding millstones to make tofu...]

It’s really a pure tutorial on grinding tofu.

It’s a little different from Jiang Han’s idea of ​​mirror grinding!

God damn hand ground tofu!

"It's a hand-grinded tofu making method from Guangdong and Guangdong. I've heard about it a few years ago!"

Li Li's excited voice made Jiang Han realize that he seemed to have thought something wrong.

So she coughed awkwardly and said, "Very good hand-made tofu...", and then she told Li Li the whole story by talking about it.

It turns out that the hand-ground tofu in this world is similar to the hand-ground coffee in the previous life. Every witch likes to make a few pieces of tofu to eat. Some even make magic potions into tofu for easy access during battles. How to make dried tofu.

Just regular tofu though.

For ordinary witches, it is just an ordinary tofu food to satisfy their cravings, but at least they can feel the taste of their hometown when eating it. Treating new acquaintances to taste their own hand-ground tofu is also a way to get closer among witches.

If we can share tofu and wine from our hometown with each other, maybe we can take the relationship a step further.

After Jiang Han and Li Li watched how to make hand-grinded tofu, the birdcage car stopped. Cen Jing, who was wearing a provocative black and pink witch robe, took them down the parking platform and came to the floating in the air. The floating mountain is hollowed out inside the mountain. When you first walk in, you will be shocked by this ring-shaped supermarket with dozens of floors.

The layers are brightly lit, and witches come and go on broomsticks.

Although I don’t know the name of this place, I feel sincerely sighing when I see such a scene.

This is the witch's market.

There are all kinds of strange bottles and jars and all kinds of materials placed on many stalls. The prosperity of Nancheng's trade has been concretely displayed here. There are materials from Africa, materials from Europe, and countless folding space specialties. All kinds of witches are intertwined among them, trading, communicating, or asking for information.

"This is the birthplace of many witches, and it is also the place where many witches fall into poverty. There are never enough spells to learn, and there are never enough materials to have, so no matter which country the witches have, they will have something similar to 'Kenji' A motto or proverb." Cen Jing introduced the market.

Jiang Han nodded to her. He had already seen how expensive the knowledge of witches was in the cram school.

5000 yuan for a rare spell...

No wonder there are often rumors in the news that great witches are on the verge of bankruptcy. Without a suitable industry, the bankruptcy rate of witches is indeed high... The spells required to hunt powerful monsters are extremely expensive, and hunting is necessary for more powerful or sophisticated spells. Monster, which creates a pseudo-dead cycle. The more anxious you are, the more you suffer.

She made a mental calculation.

If a witch does not need to learn new spells, hunt for magic items, or fight for more powerful power, then as long as the level of this witch is maintained at the level of being able to use level 3 spells 6 times in a row, she will be fine. Easily save more than 2,000 yuan every month.

But if a witch starts to pursue the path of power, it will be bad. The path of power can be translated into the path of debt. An economic level of more than 2,000 per month will instantly lead to debt. Being in debt is like a Hollywood star taking off her clothes. Once she starts taking them off... she can no longer put them back on. Once you start going into debt, it is basically difficult to pay it back.

"Be wary of the economic situation and never use loans..." Jiang Han whispered. In addition to the benefits of developed communication, it also brings people's bad habit of spending future money in the future. However, Ye Keshu and Jiang Xuan at home Parents typically don't like loans. They don't even have loans to buy a house. They just go out early and come back late to do more work and entrust, so as to increase their income and funds in a down-to-earth manner.

Following Li Li and Cen Jing, they walked through the stalls in the market. Cen Jing stopped when there was something worth noting and explained to them the role and preciousness of the materials in detail, as leisurely as three people. It's like a girl of the same age going out shopping.

Substitute teachers are probably all like this, most of them are fishermen. It will make students feel like "it would be great if the substitute teacher had been teaching us", but in fact, when the substitute teacher actually teaches his own students, he will definitely not be like this.

wake up! There is no teacher in this world who can take you out to visit stalls every day, tell you stories, and give you self-study!

Such teachers can only be substitute teachers, because they don't know what they can teach students these days.

Jiang Han wandered around with the substitute teacher and got to know a lot of minerals.

The final gems that a witch wants can be easily identified, such as precious minerals such as rubies, opals, topaz, amethysts, and moonstones.

Gemstones have spirituality that ordinary materials do not have. They play an extremely important role in both Eastern and Western mysticism. Their status is second only to gold and silver. Taoism also uses gems and jade as important materials. Taoist witches derive unique spells. , out of the ten kinds, nine kinds of magic potions need to be made with gemstones.

"It's a pity that it's really too expensive..." Jiang Han whispered again.

As a poor witch with only 50 yuan in her pocket, she really can't afford these expensive materials unless she learns from the Bodhisattva of Joy to give in body.

Giving up on the dangerous thoughts born out of poverty, Jiang Han followed his instructor around the stalls on the first floor with a sweet smile and identified some plant materials. She was extra attentive this time, because she might come across plant-based materials when she went out, and it was also a good way for a poor witch to make a fortune.

I don’t have half a penny in my pocket, and I’m looking for it on the mountain!

Jiang Han turned his head, and Li Li also listened very seriously. He must have the same idea as her: to make extra money.

Noticing the change in their attitudes while listening to the lecture, Cen Jing smiled and said:

"Except for a few very precious plant materials, their prices are generally not high. If you want to make money, hunting dragon species is the best way to make money."

Hunting dragon species, this term has been heard a lot recently, but I don’t know what it is exactly.

"Isn't it dangerous?" Jiang Han asked deliberately.

Cen Jing looked at her and smiled: "As long as you don't hunt large dragons, it's not dangerous."

Speaking of dragon species, Li Li suddenly became enthusiastic:

"It's really not dangerous to hunt small or medium-sized dragons. I heard that a fireball is enough to hurt them?"

Cen Jing said: "There is a high probability that it is not possible. Dragons are relatively agile, and most anti-spell tracking is difficult to hit them with fireballs alone. Level three spells are still very expensive for many witches. Therefore, it will only be used as a trump card when there is a flaw."

After talking about hunting dragon species for a while, Cen Jing turned back to the materials on the stall.

Jiang Han nodded thoughtfully.

She has the mana of a great witch, so she doesn't need to be careful when throwing fireballs like ordinary witches. You can consider this way of making money!

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