Witch for All 1994

Chapter 2 The world grows wildly

Jiang Han was able to figure out the basic common sense of this world while making some innuendoes at the dinner table.

Witches began to spread crazily in AD 643 and gradually integrated into the human world.

A race that possesses powerful force, possesses extremely outstanding individual abilities, and eventually occupies the mainstream of the world. Although witches in Asia, Europe and the Americas all have their own differences, the differences are not that big and confusing - no matter where you obtain your witch diploma, it is universal in every corner of the world.

The world-recognized origin of witches is probably near Eastern Europe, so witches from all over the world have more or less European designs. For example, most witches in the East wear witch robes and hats. Of course, there are also local characteristics, such as cheongsam, hairpins, Hanfu, or the newly popular short robe and casual wear.

Humans are very adaptable, and so are witches.

In this era, the witch culture called for in the country is taking off and entering an extreme bidirectional stage of inferiority and pride.

Inferiority is the longing and admiration for the Western witch. It can be seen from the fact that most witches in China have studied Western magic since childhood.

Advocating Western culture, Western education, in short, the witches in the country are curious about and want to absorb everything about the West.

Confident, that is true recklessness. Unlike foreign witches who are keen on resolving disputes with tea parties and social evening parties, domestic witches have the extreme Asian cultural characteristics of getting into trouble whenever they disagree. In this era, even if there is the slightest contradiction between two villages, , that is, they gathered the fighting power of the village and rushed forward with a big fireball in their hands.

The police witches at the police station often can only watch on the sidelines, trying to prevent the conflicts between the two parties from causing casualties. There are very few talents who can mediate the conflicts between the two parties.

Although many of the great witches in the country admire and love foreign culture, they are also extremely ruthless when it comes to their actions, and their national strategies are extremely reckless.

Even the slogans are mostly arrogant: “Move mountains to build a continent, fill in the sea to build bridges”

Various major projects, major constructions, and major developments came into being along with the slogans.

Jiang Han knew that if this was the country of the original world line, the consequences of this kind of development and construction would be that the pace was too big, and various enterprises were finished one after another. After paying a lot of tuition in the country, he finally settled down and entered the gold industry. development period.

But, this is the witch world line.

There are 700 million witches out of a population of more than 1 billion in the country. They are all people with super powers and extraordinary powers. The country picked up a sledgehammer and made a mess. With a sufficient number of witches, it actually succeeded in making a big move...

Development is in full swing. If one witch is not enough, then ten will be needed. If ten is not enough - the local cadre said with a stroke of his pen: "Well, let's just get a thousand!"

If there were no superpowers and no witch's world line, and these 1,000 people came on board, it would probably lead to development failure due to mismatched majors and excess low-end labor.

But there is no such thing as a mid-range or low-end workforce as a witch. Except for a few pure and noble mental workers, the witch's labor force is treated equally, and the only difference is that the magic power is greater and less. So if 1,000 witches pile up, it will only take ten days and a half to build a dam.

For example, when foreign countries just built artificial satellites, the domestic witch knocked on the table and said, "Give us one." Although the technology is zero-based, and the materials are also basic, domestic expert witches have come up with an unorthodox method, which is to recruit a team of five hundred people, all composed of great witches, and ride brooms to the outer atmosphere. , artificially built a platform with a rough appearance, and stationed a team of twelve great witches on it. Every month, other teams would be rotated up to artificially function as satellites.

If it were another world line, wouldn't this cause a big problem?

But in the witch's world view, native methods can indeed solve the problem.

For another example, if the technology of a paper factory that produces papyrus used by witches cannot keep up with imported products, then the big witches will be directly punished and lead a bunch of witches to do it themselves. As long as the magic power can keep up, the imported machinery can be replaced. Is it comparable to the work of noble rural female workers?

‘One witch supports ten production lines’

"If there are not enough witches, let's go to the big witch"

It can be said that it has grown very wildly.

The topic at the dinner table had long strayed away from pets. One moment it was about the advancement of witches, and the next it was about the international situation. They even discussed gossip, such as the witch from that family having an egg with the witch from another family. What……

Yes, witches are egg-laying creatures. The birth process involves two witches having a special relationship and laying an egg. After that, they only need to put the egg in the refrigerator for 8 months, and then the witch will incubate it for 18 days to generate a new witch.

The active witch is called the 'father clan', and the passive witch is the 'mother clan'. Often a new witch represents the excellent evolution of the father clan and the mother clan, and will bring many of the characteristics of the father clan and the mother clan, as well as the characteristics of a single clan. Or multi-ethnic characteristics. For example, sister Jiang Zhenling inherited the height, eyes and some personality traits of mother A Ye Keshu, but did not inherit many traits from mother B Jiang Xuan. In this world, Jiang Han inherited mother B’s height, but also inherited mother A’s appearance.

Due to the high egg-laying rate and low survival rate, only one egg out of twenty or thirty can survive being stored in the refrigerator for eight months. Therefore, the refrigerators of witch families often contain dozens of their daughters’ eggs. Sister eggs, cast a wide net.

This topic did not continue, and the family soon reached the level of witch again.

The levels of witches in foreign countries are divided into more than ten levels, while in China they are simply and roughly divided into two types: witches and great witches.

The Witch is akin to an undergraduate degree, while the Grand Witch is akin to a PhD.

Witches only have normal civil rights and normal civil responsibilities legally. The Great Witch is a true elite, a cadre-level person who must be given preferential treatment and special treatment even by the city hall and provincial government. And just like a doctorate, you can apply for various funds from official organizations for research.

The gap in combat power between the two will also be very wide. An ordinary witch may need to rest after flying on a broomstick from city A in the south to city B, but a big witch can often fly across the ocean and build her own residence in the sea. Create sufficient reasons and evidence for the country's "this territorial sea has been our indivisible territory since ancient times."

My younger sister Jiang Zhenling also gossiped about the witch near her home.

In Jiang Han's memory, their family was not only wealthy in the original world, they were also middle class in 1994. She lived in a villa community in the Southern Development Zone at that time. She had her own two-story villa (she still read it as Bieye when she was a child). Her daily staple food was four dishes and one soup, and she ate Western food at a restaurant once or twice a week. Perhaps because their family is middle class, they became the standard witch family in this world when they came to this world. Most of the other families in the villa community also became middle-class witch families, such as their neighbors.

She was quite impressed by the neighbor's family.

I think back then, when she was still carrying a schoolbag, the neighbor's little sister was her secret crush. Because the neighbor is a family composed of Americans and Chinese, the daughter is naturally of mixed race. Her physical development is much better than that of her peers around her, and she has the delicate face of a mixed race child.

According to my sister, the neighbor’s family is a mixed Chinese and foreign race. When Western witches come to China to develop, they can be regarded as imported talents...

Although he still couldn't quickly integrate into this world, Jiang Han's sense of immersion has deepened a lot. After all, many familiar things just wear the skin of a witch and sneak in, making people familiar, yet distant, familiar yet strange.

The Witch Line in 1994 was a bit savage and reckless.

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