Witch for All 1994

Chapter 195 Poor Contact

After becoming a glorious wandering witch, there will naturally be side effects, after hearing the buzz of the aircraft.

There is always an indescribable feeling.

【Intention to urinate】

Holding his stomach, Jiang Han shuddered when he thought of what happened yesterday. The pain caused by the centrifugal force of that moment still stayed in his body.

After locking the bathroom door, she turned around.

Her eyes were covered in red. She took half a step back in surprise and bumped her back against the door panel before she could see the true face of the red.

It was a giant lobster that was probably a little shorter than the witch, and she had to look up at it.

It was red all over, like some kind of shrimp that had entered the steamer.

It, it had a serious expression. Although it was unclear what emotion was on that shrimp's face, Jiang Han knew it just like the investigator Moskov Ukilic could read the expression on the face of the octopus of the Kremlin family. It was very reasonable.

"I encountered a standing lobster in the bathroom?"

Her thoughts were sailing away, but before she left the port, she heard a female voice calling, "Tello, you scared others!"

The lobster understood the words and obediently moved out of the way. Jiang Han saw a delicate and cute witch standing in front of three stalls in the bathroom. She was wearing a white casual skirt, red pantyhose, and boat shoes. Her hair was parted down her back. There are six bunches of tentacles, each with a folded parasol rolled up on it.

The combination of tentacles and witches is truly terrifying.

She showed an apologetic expression to Jiang Han:

"I'm really sorry, my suitcase is too lively, she always scares others."

"Ah, it's okay, I'm just a little... surprised." Jiang Han bit his lower lip lightly, "I've never seen such a big lobster."

The tentacle witch kept a smile and said:

"She is not a lobster, but a tourist shrimp whose scientific name is Luo's Ghost Sea Clamida. Tourist shrimp can travel in the ocean at a speed that takes the earth once every six years. They are huge and their lifespan is comparable to that of our witches."

Comparable to us witches...Jiang Han felt a little suffocated.

She smiled at the witch whose appearance was not inferior to that of Cen Jing, and walked to the bathroom stall. Since in the world of witches, witches have only one gender, the bathroom can only exist in the form of a large number of cubicles. On land If people come to an empty island, they must lock the door and hang a sign when using the bathroom, otherwise male land people will encounter witches walking in when using the bathroom.

Compartments are usually made of hawthorn wood, which has a strong aroma and ventilation ability. Their skin has a large number of invisible pores that can absorb the odor and circulate it to produce oxygen with a woody scent. A hawthorn partition wall must have an exhaust port, otherwise the witch will easily inhale excessive oxygen and become mentally depressed.

Jiang Han turned around and closed the door of the cubicle, lifted up her skirt skillfully, and tied up her long hair and threw it to her chest.

The moment she sat down, she seemed to see the shadow next door standing.

……etc? Standing?

Jiang Han realized something, covered his mouth, and his eyes widened in surprise.

After remaining strangely silent for a while, I heard the voice of the witch next door, as well as the lobster's cry of "pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!"

"Want to eat lobster? But, Kotlo, you are also a shrimp..."

"No, no, no, we witches will never eat witches, absolutely."

"You mean eggs? How can a witch egg be considered a witch?"

The sound of the strange witch talking to the lobster became more and more distant. After Jiang Han solved the sequelae, he slipped out, frowned again and looked at the next cubicle, recalled something, and said uncertainly:

"Was she standing just now?"

With an expression of doubt about life, Jiang Han returned to the coffee table and said to Miss Fox who was busy:

"I just encountered something strange."

For a moment, there was no response.

Li Li was like a friend of Yingdiya whose network delay reached 500ms. It took her a while to react, and she looked up with a confused expression.

She opened her mouth and said very quietly:

"Wait a minute, I'm busy."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and moved her hands in a box on her thighs.

...Are you going to log off from the witch world? Or do you want to clean the door now? Jiang Han told a cold joke in his heart that was unprecedented in this world.

She was silent for a moment, then stretched her neck curiously to see what Miss Fox was doing.

Li Li simply had no intention of refusing to let her watch, so she easily saw what the other party was doing.

The box was filled with a light blue transparent liquid that was similar to water but seemed to be thicker.

Glowing faintly, exuding shallow fluctuations of magic power, Miss Fox's slender jade fingers rubbed back and forth in the box, and a pair of fox ears that she should have been carrying were being cleaned in the box.

Li Li rubbed the pair of fox ears with a familiar technique, cleaning all the inner contours of the fox ears. Then she put the wet fox ears on the tissue paper spread on the table, and then wiped the liquid with fox fur floating on it. After closing the box, he reached out and opened the zipper of a space, and threw the box labeled [Disposable Cleaning Headphones] into the space.

She clapped her hands and looked at Jiang Han, who had a stiff expression and had encountered two difficult-to-accept things in his life.

"Are you here?" Jiang Han asked towards the fox ears placed on the table.

The fox witch pulled the tissue in front of her and took out a dry towel to dry the pair of fox ears. As she did so, she said:

"My earphones have a bad contact. There may be something wrong with the rune circuit inside. I have to clean them."

"Originally, my new ears should have grown this month, but it seems that because I drank too many physical potions recently, the growth was slightly delayed. My grandmother Li Ni did a check-up on me and said that they will not grow back until mid-September. New ears, until then I'll probably have to use these for another ten days, or try to use my old headphones."

Li Li finished speaking in one breath and asked with unfinished thoughts:

"By the way, what did you want to say to me just now?"

Jiang Han shook his head numbly:

"Nothing, nothing."

No matter how strange things were, they all seemed acceptable compared with the scene in front of him... Jiang Han lowered his head and honestly reviewed the A2 general paper, and at the same time secretly glanced at the pair of fox ears that were dried on the table.

Sometimes she still couldn't accept the contemptuous attitude of the fox witches towards her ears, as if they would grow back after being cut off!

Well, it does grow... Jiang Han sighed.

The last time she encountered something like this, or when she felt uncontrollable admiration and fear in her heart, she had to talk about it with Wu Xian, the dragon witch from Beijing Pharmaceutical.

That time she and Wu Xian went out for tea, and Wu Xian made her a cup of extremely delicious fragrant tea.

After drinking it, Jiang Han knew what Wu Xian's secret formula was:

She added a keel! keel!

After taking out one of his own ribs and grinding it into bone powder, the brewed dragon bone tea is a rare thing that can restore the magic power of the witch, and it almost made Jiang Han scream:

Rib bone tea? Is Ning the comedian version of Wu Xian Emiya?

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