Witch for All 1994

Chapter 17 The Pigeon with Black Hair and Red Eyes

Click, click, click...

After drinking her third cup of coffee, Li Li took out her pocket watch and took a look, her serious expression even more serious.

Jiang Han, who drank his fifth cup of milk tea, looked at the wall clock in the cafe. Time passed and the sun set outside the window. The setting sun in the evening shone in the wine mist, like golden wheat ears sprinkled in the lake. The witches also changed batch after batch.

She tapped her index finger on the table, rested her left elbow on the table, rested her chin on her hand, and looked out the window.

"Gulu, gulu, guru, bum, bum, bum..."

He took a sip of milk tea and blew bubbles in his mouth. She really didn't expect that the rendezvous mentioned by Cheng Yu would take so long. In fact, witches generally have a good sense of time and do things quickly and resolutely. What is done in one day will never be delayed until the next day. What is done in two days Then work overtime and try to finish it in one day. Based on the information and gossip she had gathered over the past few days, the witch and her friends made appointments to arrive on time or read there in advance and wait.

Breaking an appointment is even more unbelievable than unexpected death.

Now that his mentor had let him go, Jiang Han couldn't be more angry. He was just a little curious about what was holding his mentor back.

That was a witch who could turn into a giant dragon. She had absolute destructive power and flexibility even without using magic.

Jiang Han picked up the milk tea cup, took a few bites along the edge, grinded his teeth, rubbed the right side of his face, squinted at the wall clock and asked:

"Li Li, what are the special features of the black dragon? Many books I read said that the black dragon is the first choice for dragon transformation, followed by the red dragon."

Li Li put the book on the table, looked at Jiang Han expressionlessly and replied:

"The red dragon is the most violent and powerful dragon type. There are the Tianyou Dragon, which is famous for its magic, and the Snow Flame Dragon, which is famous for its violent power. The black dragon is the most cost-effective advanced dragon species, and it is easier to hunt than the red dragon. , but its combat power is stronger than that of white dragons, and there are many types. There are different black dragons distributed all over the world. It is also the second largest and third largest dragon species in the world."

She really knows a lot about dragons. Jiang Han stared at the fox witch. Books about dragon types are not cheap. Basically, ordinary witches can only understand the common dragon types and the characteristics represented by their colors. If you really want to have a deep understanding of the types of dragons of each color, That requires a lot of books to back it up.

Jiang Han straightened up and stretched. She was a little tired after sitting for so long. She asked:

"What kind of dragon is Tianyoulong? Does its name sound strange?"

"A kind of red dragon that was first discovered in northern New China. It is much longer than the average reptilian-looking dragon. It is extremely fast and has beautiful red crystal-like scales on its back. When it gets angry, the scales will fall off its back. Flames spurted out from the gaps. It was named because this dragon loved to eat a local small dragon species called Xilong. Xilong often destroyed human villages, so it ate them and ignored humans. The Tianyou Dragon will be named 'Tianyou Dragon' by local people."

Li Li's fox ears twitched excitedly, and her eyes also revealed excitement. She also used a spell to draw a dragon on her notebook, handed it to Jiang Han and explained:

"27 powerful Flame School spells require its materials, and because of their characteristics, they have been researched to replace the main materials of 6 eighth-level spells. And they are so beautiful and impressive!"

"Well, it's really impressive." Jiang Han glanced at the notebook he handed over. The dragon on it was relatively slender, but full of power. It had a slender neck and a majestic brown-red body, and was larger than ordinary dragons. A long dragon's snout and tail. The appearance is very good, and it is probably a dragon that is very popular among the good-looking party.

"Really?" Li Li's pair of purple eyes burst out with bright light, her fox ears were upright, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised like some kind of happy dog ​​asking for a pet, "Our family has spent several generations studying dragons. , started in Europe, ran to Africa, and finally came to Asia, the kingdom of dragons, but even though I have seen so many giant dragons, ancient dragons, sub-dragons, small and medium-sized dragons, Tianyou dragons are still the most beautiful ones."

"I can understand, they are indeed elegant and beautiful." Jiang Han can understand the spirit of spending his whole life studying dragons.

I just don’t know if their ancestors left any documents on dragon research. If there are, they are definitely very precious. Although there are many dragons, there are not many secluded places and sighting reports, because many times the dragons are Living in a small folded space of no more than 400 square kilometers is certainly difficult to find.

It is said that ice bears also have some dragon blood. They are stronger than ordinary bears, can learn to cast spells, and are smarter than most bears. These are all external manifestations of dragon blood.

Thinking of the bear at home, Jiang Han asked Li Li, a witch who studied dragons for generations:

"I have a Ukrainian ice bear. I heard that the ice bear has dragon blood?"

"Ice bears?" Li Li showed a very interested look: "They have dragon blood, and most of them are green dragon blood. This makes them like to use tools and have super high IQs. After training, they can even pass the A3 civil servant examination. The test is the International General Qualification Examination in the Arcane Field. Many witches spend their whole lives studying, only to find that they are not as smart as ice bears. This is also a common thing."

A bear that is smart enough to pass the A3 test of 99% of the witches in the world is indeed smart.

After chatting with Li Li about how to raise bears, a new witch walked in at the door of the airship's cafe and walked directly to their table.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Jiang Han and Miss Li Li?"

A clear and melodious voice interrupted the bear-breeding exchange meeting. This witch had clear gray eyes and a charming appearance.

Her black hair has a hint of dark gray, and her facial features reveal a mature flavor. There is a lighter-colored tear mole under her right eye. Her figure is also very good, no worse than Li Li.

This witch is the most beautiful one Jiang Han has ever seen so far. Neither her mentor Cheng Yu nor Li Li can compete with her in terms of appearance. She is a witch who can make a living with her face alone... As a side note, the witches Jiang Han has seen so far are not bad in appearance. The worst one can be said to have a relatively innocent appearance like the delicate mountain village model, but she is so beautiful. first time meeting.

Jiang Han nodded shyly under her gaze.

——Originally, she wanted to say a more indifferent hum, but there was no other way. This witch was too beautiful.

"We are." Li Li replied briefly.

"It's you." The extremely beautiful witch showed a happy smile, "My name is Cen Jing, and I am a witch. Your mentor Cheng Yu encountered a sudden dragon uprising and rushed to the commissioned base to hunt the giant. Because the dragon's operation requires a period of tracking and hunting, she entrusted me to come over and be your substitute tutor for three days."

Normal personnel fluctuations.

But it seems a bit unlucky. I just signed up for a cram school, and the tutor of the cram school went to hunt dragons...

Cen Jing clapped her hands:

"Miss Cheng Yu feels a little guilty for letting you go, so she asked me to entertain you here for a big meal."

After meeting the substitute tutor and having a big meal, Jiang Han and Li Li said goodbye with satisfaction - the substitute tutor even called a Griffin taxi for the two of them and took them home.

No matter how you look at it, you think he is a more reliable mentor than that pigeon with black hair and red eyes.

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