Witch for All 1994

Chapter 1681 Let’s have fun

Game six.

"In an incredible showdown, Wei Changqing was once again forced into a desperate situation by Jiang Han."

"Jiang Han, who has completed his transformation, has a very strong ability to withstand injuries. Although Wei Changqing has a very exciting damage and tempering set, the power of the curse is simply insignificant to Jiang Han. What is Wei Changqing doing? What!? Why can you fight against such a tough Jiang Han!? Go crazy, go wild, the opponent is still using illusion curse in the sixth round!"

Chu Yujun’s voice was infinitely loud.

While explaining, Sister Chu Zi stood and clapped her hands heavily on the table. With slightly damp hair sticking to her face, she shouted wildly: "Nice! Jiang Han avoided the battle and hid in the sandstorm, that's it! Transform into a sandstorm burrowing cat, don't just get out casually, at this moment she The body is covered with giant cat-type buffs, oh, another buff, high-level heroic spirit. Although it is not a magic spell for the cat-type witch, it is the way to fight at this time! All buffs are applied."

Next to the passionate Sister Chu Zi was Du Lingxuan, who was silent and covered his mouth with his hands.

At this time, next to him, Historia also stood up on tiptoes as much as possible, letting her face appear in front of the camera.

She also slapped the table: "That's it! Wei Changqing is so arrogant. He fought so many times in a row. Now I'm afraid I'm starting to regret it! Jiang Han, if you want to win, you can only win with this one." ! In the seventh round, you are definitely no match for Wei Changqing. Don’t delay it until the seventh round, or make this guy regret it!”

Historia almost roared: "If Du Lingxuan doesn't know how to fight, Maomaohan will teach you how to fight!"

Jiang Han's heart beat rapidly.


The beating was almost dozens of times per second, and even the body of a giant cat could not function healthily. The blood vessels throughout the body were in a state of explosion, but they were constantly repaired and repaired under the endless magic power.

After Jiang Han turned over three times in a row, this state kept appearing.

She realized,

If Shang fought head-on, I'm afraid twenty of them would just end up being killed indiscriminately by the opponent. But at this moment, she was infinitely close to victory.

Hold on, Jiang Han!

Hold on!

She kept screaming to herself in her heart: 'Quality eight, top eight, top eight! As long as he wins this round, as long as he holds the victory in this round, he can enter the quarterfinals! ’

This is the highest honor for a little witch.


future investment,

Different treatment and different situations.

When Jiang Han realizes that he will get huge benefits every time he takes a step forward, no matter how cold-hearted the girl is, she will become passionate at this time.

At this time, you need to stay calm.

She felt her body temperature rising unnaturally.

It's a curse, it's a curse that boils the blood. Jiang Han felt the passage of his life, but he dealt with it very calmly. He took advantage of this buff and dived directly into the sandstorm.

Avoid fighting!

Avoid fighting!

At this time, Wei Changqing didn't have much buff on his body. At this time, his own buff was constantly increasing. Shushu Han, who was summoned but was killed instantly, had already put two mutation spells on Jiang Han's body, and a giant cat mutation. , a giant dragon mutation. She was improving every 0.05 seconds in the sandstorm!

"Yes! Avoid the fight! If you are hit, move quickly. Don't stand still and fight. I beg you, Jiang Han, go and win! Go and win!"

Chu Yujun shouted, "At this time, just avoid the battle, but be careful about harassment and don't give Wei Changqing a chance to switch spell pools."

The witch can change her spell pool at any time, but it takes nearly a second.

That is, there is a gap above the minimum spell deficit of 3.00.

Even if Wei Changqing loses this spell deficit, he still wants to replace his spell pool!

After she first put a legendary magic armor on top, she immediately started to cut the spell pool.

Jiang Han fought extremely resolutely at this time.

I canceled the Giant Cat's Perfect Shape that I read about three-quarters of the way through. This is a super spell that increases all attributes by +5 and strengthens the giant cat's fur. It is very suitable for Jiang Han, and the casting time is slightly longer.

Wei Changqing completely relied on his own combat experience to lure Jiang Han into casting a spell with a longer casting time, and at the same time used this opportunity to perform a longer-lasting action himself. It can be said that he got Jiang Han's state perfectly.

Although this will inevitably lead to huge disadvantages.

But Wei Changqing believed that after he changed his spell pool, there was a possibility of a comeback.

But Jiang Han wouldn't let it go.

Faced with a super-powerful magic advantage, Jiang Han refused to give in.

Jiang Han bit Wei Changqing like a hungry vicious dog craving for meat. A sacrificial lightsaber thrust combined with the tail sword technique interrupted Wei Changqing's switching of spell pools. Although it was a small loss, her tactical goal was achieved at this time.

"Beautiful! Jiang Han gave up the spell to interrupt Wei Changqing. This is correct. Although facing the super high attribute bonus, any witch will be fooled at this moment. Jiang Han maintained the tactics given by her coaching staff, Drag it to the end! The [Painful Curse] from Wei Changqing's backhand made this witch with little resistance almost fall to the ground and scream, but she had great willpower and cast the spell when she fell to the ground!"

Victory, victory, victory!

As long as Wei Changqing is stuck switching spell pools, he will be the winner, and he will be the winner.

Jiang Han fell to the ground and struggled with his pain. He hit Wei Changqing with a [Pain-Causing Technique] (Level 3, Undead), interrupting the opponent's movements again.

At the same time, Jiang Han rolled over into the sandstorm without any shame, was surrounded and protected by the sand, and once again transformed into the form of a giant cat buried in the sand.

"Very determined, Jiang Han's attributes have improved again. There are not many opportunities left for Wei Changqing!" Chu Yujun roared, "Keep it up, now Jiang Han should fully understand that if he opens the normal magic table, he will Wei Changqing himself is not an opponent. But as long as you, who are not an opponent, can hold back the opponent at this time, you will be the winner! The winner is strong, and the winner is everything!"

Historia shouted from the side: "Victory is everything! Even if your opponent can theoretically kill you 100 times and you will not die once, this time you win, you advance, you are the winner and the opponent is just a loser. Hold on, hold on!"

Time was dragged forward to 28 seconds, and Jiang Han's attributes were already so high that even the giant cat was afraid.

Finally, Wei Changqing was in a state of regret, and even though he had won two games first, he was forced to chase four.

Jiang Han successfully completed the reversal!

She reached the quarterfinals.

The top eight of the Erin Cup, a top eight spot in the two major invitational tournaments of the world's five major cups.

The ticket has been taken away by Jiang Han!

Although the price is that even if he wins, he will be in a very miserable state, being cursed all over and almost losing his human form.

But a win is a win.

Victory is victory.

The witches never say anything to the winner, they only shout her name.

"Jiang Han wins!"


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