Witch for All 1994

Chapter 1676: Plainness is the truth

Since Ovelia’s career is not just about black and white photos, but at least they are colorful, so most of the giant cat nests she designed are the comfort of the stream of consciousness, which is very suitable for understanding nature and experiencing the uniqueness of the moment. Traditional pain points.

To put it bluntly, it is suitable for sleeping in a hotel, but not suitable for stable housing.

Not to mention that Sister Chu Zi, a witch who is greedy and has no bottom line, is not pleasing to the eye.

Even a classy witch like Eve Huggins felt that if she really couldn't live in it, she'd better leave this kind of house to the giant cats who would take advantage of them.

"Is there anything better?" Chu Yujun asked. He also knew that the giant cat's nest was built by Ovi, so he used more polite words. "Look, sisters, we are all common people. It is good to feel the aura of heaven and earth like this." The cat nest must still be left for some good cats to live in. Sister Eve and I each buy real estate, so it must be more tacky, right?"

Conscience, she said this not because there was a cat holding a typewriter squatting above the portal, let alone because the cat had opened its eyes and started typing on the typewriter.

You still have to be careful with this kind of spying cat.

Eve Huggins said in a more elegant tone: "I live in this hair-catching place built by Ovi. I'm afraid the ghost giant cat will protest and rebel the next day."


The typewriter in Maomao's hands fell down, and he looked like a cat with its mouth open and its whiskers constantly trembling.

Crazy, so crazy!

However, now that Huggins has lost the game, he was tricked by the cats, so it is normal to feel a sigh of relief in his heart.

The cats can just forgive her for being disrespectful to the boss cat.

Meow hahaha! The cats are still having fun, meowing!

Jiang Han usually doesn't have that much respect for Ovelia. He touches her whenever he wants and touches her belly and back all the time.

Pretend you didn't hear it and think about it carefully:

"I can introduce you to a series of cat nests made of cat lanterns. But let me explain in advance that their architectural style is more hard-core and natural. If you are not interested in this aspect, I can only find other cat lanterns for you. The giant cat’s nest.”

“Hardcore and natural?”

Eve Huggins said curiously, "What kind of cat nest did they make that would make you say that."

What Jiang Han wants to introduce is the giant cat nest made by the mushroom cats, although Mao Luo has been saying, ‘Cats don’t like this waste of space to make a nest and sell it! ', However, Mao Luo would not be stupid enough to keep arguing with Ovi, the ruler of the cat lanterns. In addition, Mao Luo believed that 'this can be used as a group activity to exercise the interests and hobbies of the mushroom cat lanterns', so she agreed. .

However, they built a huge cat nest and used the funds to invest in more cat light technology.

If anyone still remembers the hot fields of Nuanhe Technology.

Mushroom Cat Lamp focuses on investing in Nuanhe technology and has developed technological equipment that can use earth vein energy to develop floor heating for a long time.

And this kind of construction is also reflected in the giant cat nest they built.

A huge ring-shaped castle, the city walls are composed of rows of mushroom terraces. The warm river network covers the entire castle's transportation network. The steaming castle stands in the wind and snow. At the same time, in the center of the castle, in the hot spring square at the entrance of the main castle, there is a stone statue of the giant cat of the Mist Fairy.

Maoluo and the others ordered from Anjie. Jiebao especially liked this kind of order. It was done quickly and effortlessly, and the charges were not low.

This astonishingly imposing fortress-like city is filled with a hard-core feel.

However, since it is full of various mushrooms, it is quite satisfying.

At least the castle owner was satisfied.

"I want this giant cat nest. Can I pay in cash?"

Eve Huggins took out a witch's gold from her pocket.

The witch can really do something like throwing away "ten thousand gold" in some martial arts novels.

The first thing most witches do when they reach adulthood is to get themselves a strong enough dimensional bag.

A broom, a dimensional bag backpack, a witch hat and robe, and finally a cat lantern hung on the broom, this is the complete package for many witch backpackers. Of course, as the times become more and more sophisticated, top backpackers now need to have an aerostat to be considered top. For example, as a senior backpacker, Xiao Li bought a teleportation airport on Long-haired Cat Claws Island.

When she drives the aerostat to a certain place, if she wants to come back, she can open a channel through the special connection between the aerostat and the airport (actually it is the authority of Cat River), so that she can go home.

It’s no exaggeration to think that a witch like Eve Huggins can carry around a mountain of gold and silver with her.

Jiang Han quickly arranged for a giant cat to settle the bill with Eve.

I took Sister Chu Zi to continue to visit the scene where the giant mushroom cat was built.

There are huge fields,

There are tall towers with valleys,

There are also mechanized factories.

None of these suited Sister Chu Zi's taste, so Jiang Han showed off the cat nest made by giant cats who are good at building.

In the end, Sister Chu Zi chose a giant cat nest that surprised even Jiang Han.

It is a crescent-shaped island, low at both ends and high in the middle. There are mountain peaks on the arc side of the island. Facing the bay on the inside, you can see the sunrise and moonrise, but you can't see the sunset and moonset. The endless sparkling sea makes people feel peaceful. The Crescent Bay on the left is built with a tall observation cat tree and a rest area, the Crescent Bay on the right is a planting area, and in the middle are the witch's own workshop-style houses and small cute factories.

Far from luxurious.

The only thing that touches luxury is a glass greenhouse, facing Crescent Bay and the sea. Inside, there is a large lazy cat sofa. On the side that is protected from the sun, you can see game consoles, live broadcast equipment and small bookcases.

It's a house that doesn't fit Sister Chuzi's personality at all.

But perhaps, it subtly fits her setting.

Jiang Han still remembers that when he first met Chu Yujun, he thought he was a gentle library girl like Du Ningzhuang.

But she didn't expect that she would choose this giant cat nest.

"Can't you tell, are you returning to your original nature?"

"This is definitely not the case, sisters. However, this is the romance of a witch." Chu Yujun said.

"I don't understand." Jiang Han replied.

"This is exactly what a little witch like you doesn't understand. You are not mature enough." Chu Yujun lowered his head and lit his cigarette, "Hiss."

Jiang Han is a little funny.

His total age must be older than that of Chu Yujun. Compared with himself in this world, Chu Yujun is only the same age.

"We are the same age."

Although it was a bit shameless to say this, Jiang Han thought that age did not mean much in the world of witches.

"Without a romantic heart, do you deserve to be called a mature witch?"

"What exactly is romance?"

Chu Yujun pointed to the inside of the room, which is the peak on the side of the crescent island arc: "A closed space."

She pointed to the Crescent Bay facing the glass window: "A private and warm place."

Finally, he pointed to the moon: "A huge and open private territory."

Jiang Han understood this romance.

Just like the kind of situation a witch likes in her daily state.

Living in a busy city yet feels like living in the suburbs.

Walking in the quiet corridor of my house, I know that there are people coming and going on the road outside.

This is the romance of a witch.

However, seeing that Chu Yujun seemed a little insincere, Jiang Han tried to lie: "There is more?"


Chu Yujun folded his arms with both hands and held a cigarette in his mouth.

She sighed, as if changing the topic, or answering: "Look, this room is quite suitable for two people to use together, right? The bedroom is also suitable for two people to use together, right?"


Yesterday I played the Pioneer's Wrath of Justice, and sure enough, I directly played the Wrath of Master Dong! And Xiliang Iron Cavalry, meow hahaha~

There will also be a performance by Mammoth Han!

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