Witch for All 1994

Chapter 1659 The evolution of tactics (Part 1)

Kasha Fieldlist, the most famous work in her life is riding Anjie on the face and won six championships.

Don’t ask, ‘Is it Anjie again? ', Sister Anjie has a relatively long career, and she is the only sister known to be valuable every year. As the saying goes, career is not about climbing to the top. The longer someone like Jiebao stays, the more worthy of praise...etc. Wait, Jiebao has won the Grand Slam more than once? That's okay.

In short, the Kasha sisters’ riding skills are believable.

Climb the mountain road.

Jiang Han made an appointment with Teacher Ji and Teacher Yu to climb the mountain together. The three of them took their cats out for a walk. They found the highest peak dug from a different world on the Long-haired Cat Claws Island. Legend has it that there is no need to meow or meow. If the magic shrinks, it must be 15,000 kilometers high (15,000,000 meters)... Although it must be a blow, Jiang Han is still too timid to release this shrinking spell.

What if it's true?

Jiebao took a look and said, "Although I don't know how big the mountain is, it is possible that this mountain can be used as a teething stick for the giant cat lantern of stars." ’, that’s nothing, what’s more serious is the last sentence, ‘The starry giant cat lantern in its true form. ’

This kind of mountain, which can meow and zoom without limit, still occupies the title of the highest peak in the entire long-haired cat's claw mark island. It's thanks to Han Maomao's good heart that he didn't see the giant cat being criticized and didn't initiate, "You made the mountain so high." Isn't looking down on cats' proposal.

The owner of the mountain, the giant lantern cat Verlind of the mountains, wisely presented an adventure of the giant cats of the mountains worth 5,000 magic power enhancement points.

Maybe this thing is of some use.

In short, Jiang Han didn't care about this matter. He also allocated funds to build a mushroom tea production base and a special food and cultural street on this mountain, which are open to all walks of life. Even aliens and people from other worlds can come and masturbate cats legally - —But you are not allowed to go out of the scope of this mountain, otherwise you will be sniped by the witch, meow!

Teacher Ji came here to try a taro ball dumpling, which is said to be a delicacy of the giant cat lanterns in purgatory. By planting hell spores and sixth-level hell mushrooms, plus deep sea taro balls, the taro ball dumplings made in one go taste great. It's so sweet that one bite can replenish your sugar supply for a week! At the same time, it is not cloying at all.

Teacher Yu came here to get close to Jiang Han. On the one hand, sister Xiaohan is so capable! On the other hand, the Xiaohan sisters have good relationships with many top witches, so they get exclusive interviews. Last but not least, Maomao Han’s big cat ears really make people want to pinch them.

Jiang Han's goal is even more complicated.

She wants to use these two people to get some information and stories about the Kasha sisters! On the one hand, they wanted to have some fun and gossip, on the other hand, the Gou Ba people did a good job of keeping things secret, and there were no public videos. And all the personal ones were borrowed by herself, and the time was not long. On average, she had borrowed each of her own video paintings for about 600 years.

The sophisticated witch has coexisted harmoniously with the rules.

"We are witches with transparent jurisdiction. Of course, transparent things are sometimes too transparent, so we have to use some methods to make them 'powerless', meow hahaha!"

"Kasha? This sister is not a good thing. Let's put it this way, Dorothy in the early days was good."

Teacher Ji is not very optimistic about Kasha's personal moral character.

Teacher Yu next to him recalled: "Is it the Ka'Sa who beat Anjie violently while riding on her face? Her quality is not that good, and she is on the same level as Du Lingxuan in the early days?"

If Teacher Ji is just not optimistic, then Teacher Yu is simply insulting.

Jiang Han said angrily: "Apologise!"

"Eh? Okay, okay, I shouldn't say that about Sister Du Lingxuan..."

"I meant to apologize to Sister Kasha!"

The three giant cats with erect cat ears next to them collectively let out a "meow hahaha" laugh.

"But she was very powerful when she won the championship, and she didn't use transformation, but strong protection, strong spells, and strong prophecies."

Good guy, look at the choices from these three schools, you know how to play!

He must be a goalkeeper.

Jiang Han nodded. After watching the recent games, he felt that the birdman would transform. It's probably a hidden tactic.

"So, I have to be careful about conjuration and protection schools when I fight her?"

It goes without saying that every great witch can predict prophecies. No matter how talented she is in prophecy, the witch will still learn it hard, because the Master without prophecy is like Du Lingxuan without the Golden Microphone, or in other words, it is like the Golden Microphone Award without Du Lingxuan, without the inner flavor, right?

The most important thing is that if you don't know how to predict, in this era where the curtain of prophecy has been torn apart by Anjie, your destiny is like a toy. You can't backhand if you are played with in this way or that way.

"Well, she is also the world's number one master of seizing opportunities. To put it simply, in the eyes of the Cloud Witch, the representative figure of quick attack is Lin Zhaojun. But in the eyes of the real Duel Witch, the representative figure of quick attack is Kasafield Liszt. Because Lin Zhaojun is not only strong in quick attack, but also strong in everything else. And the Kai'Sa sisters have received tactical bonuses because of their transformation in the current version."

Teacher Ji paused for a moment, "The easiest way to beat the Kasha sisters is to directly defend against forward pressure, because a full 45 of her fifty are forward pressure. And all of them target reaction and reflex abilities."

"So fierce?" Jiang Han asked in surprise. The giant cats next to him had cat lights piled on their heads. The big cats and kittens listened together.

"It's not that fierce. She and Lin Zhaojun had a classic fight of front pressure and front pressure. Lin Zhaojun just relied on her reaction speed to twist her 59 spells in total, and managed a spell deficit of 15.00. In the end, she had enough. Just take her away in one wave. By the way, Ah Lin was young and vigorous at the time (even though he is still now), so he used ten of the fifty-nine spells she had available, and he hit ten out of ten."

Top insult!

Bring the bad guys.

But it does sound like something Lin Zhaojun can do.

"Jiang Han, you seem to be worried about how to deal with forward pressing tactics?" Ji Haijun spoke.

"That's right." Jiang Han replied calmly.

Only by looking directly at your weaknesses will you become stronger. This is the most important thing Lin Zhaojun told her.

"Then I seem to have a pretty good suggestion. Do you want to listen to it?" She paused, and an indescribable expression appeared on her face. She seems a little nostalgic, but also seems a little wasted, but she is more like the mature big sister who can say the wise words of "Don't fall in love with an old woman, because she will only hurt you" in the scumbag world. emotion.

"Please tell me." Jiang Han began to ask for advice regardless of whether the other party was his competitor. The witch distinguishes between public and private affairs, this part is private, and she will not give up the opportunity to discuss and discuss with the other party just because [the two parties are competitors].

"my suggestion is……"


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