Witch for All 1994

Chapter 143 Stick and stick

In Vientiane Trade Street, the food street is more famous. Unlike the Witch Market, which prefers bars, even underage witches can enter the restaurants in Vientiane Trade Street and enjoy delicious food and juices that taste like alcohol.

Among them is a Nancheng-specific witch delicacy called Nancheng cheese.

It tastes different from the cheese that most Chinese people are not used to. It is more like some kind of cheese cake, but with a rich milky flavor. They are often used to make meals before meals or desserts after meals. Even European witches who are used to eating Western cheese come to Nancheng, they will appreciate and eat this delicious cheese.

However, due to the special nature of cheese, they are still made by British witches.

"Agnes, is your family called the LeBlanc family?"

Miss Jiang Han, who escaped from the fox den but was hungry, sat in an apartment building in Vientiane Commercial Street and watched Agnes LeBlanc, the main player of the Jue City team, make Nancheng cheese for herself.

Miss Agnes, who seemed to be immersed in her own world with empty eyes, shook her head:

"No, my family's name is LeBlanc, and the Chinese pronunciation is slightly different."

Since Miss Agnes often had to replenish desserts, Jiang Han and her friends from the Witch House served as takeaways and delivered late-night snacks to her many times. Over time, they got to know each other quite well, allowing Jiang Han to occasionally I wanted to eat cheese, so I came to Agnes’s room and asked her to make it for me.

Jiang Han asked with a smile:

"Then why aren't you called Agnes LeBlanc? I think this name is very nice."

"Because I never teamed up at the top - well, in fact, LeBron is a name, and LeBlanc is a surname. My family's ancestors were confused at first." After Agnes made a joke, she stored the food in the kitchen. When the cheese was taken out, a rich milky aroma filled the room.

Whether it is Nancheng cheese or European cheese, they all have the characteristics of durability and can be eaten even after a long time, or their fermentation inherently takes a very long time. But for witches, the ability to speed up the passage of time is not uncommon. The minimum time-related spells are level 3 spells, but if you want to manipulate time, you need a foundation in advanced spells.

But no matter what, the high-grade cheese that takes more than a year to make for land people can be made in as little as one day for a witch.

Agnes's family is famous for making cheese. Perhaps this family, whose selling point is the chef witch, never thought that one day, their family would give birth to a superstar-level witch duelist, but this is an irreversible fate. .

Agnes is not only a duelist, but the chef's blood has not faded away from her body. The cheese she makes by herself tastes particularly good!

"Do you need my help?" Jiang Han smelled the rich milk fragrance and made a hypocritical voice.

This hypocrisy was so obvious that it made Agnes twitch the corners of her mouth. The duelist witch held six or seven round pancake-shaped cheeses about 1 meter in diameter, placed them in a wooden box, and sprinkled them with the witch's special fermented growth liquid, and then poured in all the fruit tea made from nuts, peaches, and apples, and then she closed the wooden lid of the wooden box.

"No, you just need to sit there and wait for me to get the cheese out for you... By the way, do you want some creamed corn?"

Creamed corn... high-calorie food... Jiang Han raised his hand frankly and said:

"I want one."

When Agnes was wrapped in her kitchen skirt and cooking, Jiang Han asked:

"Don't you Jue Cheng have any training?"

"There is training, but it's not long. In fact, I've been in a burnout period recently. I feel like I can't beat Li Lian anymore." Agnes said, "But Li Lian was in an angry state. She was just beaten last month. Her sister scored 20-0, that’s really an exaggeration.”

My sister is my sister, and she is ruthless... Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Agnes bringing the cheese, he immediately showed a bright smile, picked up the spoon, and ate the milky cheese one after another. Down.

After enjoying the dessert, Jiang Han checked the time and saw that there was no need to go home yet:

"Thank you very much for the dessert, comrade."

Agnes, who cleared the table with a wave of her hand and used magic, looked over. With deep blue pupils, this delicate British woman measured her head and said:

"You're welcome. Why do you suddenly want to visit me today?"

She also spoke with the politeness of a traditional British gentleman or lady. The underlying meaning of her words was 'Why did you suddenly come to my house for dinner today?', but it was more subtle.

As soon as she asked, Jiang Han sighed and faintly told the environment of his friend Li Li's house.

When she mentioned the name Li Li, Agnes jokingly said, "Is it from Li Lian's family?" ’.

And when she mentioned that Li Li was a fox witch, Agnes' face gradually became serious, her blue pupils were deep, and she gradually became silent.

Finally, she talked about Li Li's family members, the two charming and enchanting mothers, the fox witches.

Agnes's complexion changed drastically, she jumped up, ran to the kitchen, solemnly made two cups of tea and brought them out, placed them on the table, sat down and rested her thighs with her elbows, looking expectantly:

"How awesome are they? This awesome?"

She pointed to the green apple.

"Still that great?"

She pointed to the big red apple.

"Or is it this great?"

She pointed to the orange, which was slightly larger than the apple.

"..." Jiang Han was speechless for a moment.

After trying hard to recall the average size of Li Li's family, she pointed to her chest hesitantly and uncertainly, and said hesitantly:


This made Agnes focus on her chest and gasp, "You're great too."

"..." Jiang Han really couldn't say a word this time.

She dared to use her salary to guarantee that Agnes must have passed the level 9 Chinese language exam just like Kraken! Have mastered the special usage and special meaning of the same word in different contexts, and can even express new meanings occasionally with expressions and movements.

Just when Jiang Han thought this woman would say something again.

Agnes changed the topic:

"Why are you going to your friend's house? Besides, I don't usually see you being so innocent. You just run away after being teased for a few times."

I endured it for a while, then I ran away after eating the barbecue... Jiang Han sighed and briefly told the story of the witch he kindly picked up from the street and what happened next.

After listening, Agnes looked at her with a strange look:

"Are you so kind?"

"Among the witches, I should be considered particularly kind!" Jiang Han is quite confident about this.

Agnes's home was small, or unexpectedly small.

As a superstar in the witch world, her income is not low. Her weekly salary is even higher than the annual salary of some witches. However, the apartment she lives in is only two floors. The first floor is used to store food, wine barrels and wine barrels. The wooden boxes for fermented cheese have all been treated with magic. The second floor is the reception room, study room, chess and card room, and bedroom, and there are no guest rooms.

So Jiang Han borrowed the other party's study room to study, but he brought his own books.

Because witches' books are generally very expensive private property, they are not willing to share them with others. Therefore, when you go to the witch's study room, don't mistakenly think that you can read at will just because there are many books in the study room. This does not exist. of.

They need to pay more attention to this kind of privacy. It is okay to bring books to the study room of friends' houses to read.

Books obtained through borrowing can also be shared with friends.

Of course, if the relationship is particularly good, you can also share books together.

Or you have a good relationship with your friends and can borrow books from them.

"Do you have any relevant books on the study of witches?" Jiang Han asked as he looked through the notes he had taken.

Agnes, who was counting her gauze gloves next to her, turned her head and recalled:

"Yes, I wonder if you have heard of Chestnut Pharmaceutical Company?"

Jiang Han thought for a moment and said in a joking tone:

"No, the only stores that sell medicinal ingredients are Northern Pharmaceuticals and Wilhelm Pharmaceuticals. I've never heard of Chestnut Pharmaceuticals. This is the first time I've heard its name."

Agnes lowered her head, took out a pair of blue gauze gloves, put them on, looked at them for a few seconds, then took them off, and said without raising her head:

"A pharmaceutical company from my motherland is also a multinational enterprise. They have conducted very in-depth research and discovery on witches. They have a magazine called "The Mystery of the Burgundy Witches", which has been published for 31 issues, all of which are It is about witches. It has been suspended in recent months because of an accident with the person in charge of the magazine, but its content is really good."

A magazine specifically about witches, written by witches... Jiang Han thought it was a bit funny, so he asked:

"Then where can I get her?"

Agnes closed the glove box, turned her head, a smile between friends appeared on her expressionless face, and pointed to the study:

"You can borrow them here, as long as you promise to return them to me before October."

Coming soon

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