Witch for All 1994

Chapter 140 Special Witch

"I will cultivate the Everlasting Eye. The great witch Li Lisi gave me a book, which contains her understanding of the Everlasting Eye."

"Then she must not have mentioned it in her book. She fought with me a total of 37 times and lost 29 times. She lost all 15 times I used the Everlasting Eye."

"Do I have to answer now?"

"You can go back and think about it slowly. I won't let you do anything very dangerous. At best, this is the kind of job you are doing now."

...The above conversation took place at 10:15 in the morning on August 20.

When Jiang Han returned home, while making pancakes with Miss Liang Cuoyu, Kraken's very tempting suggestion was still in his mind.

She smiled and used magic power to wash the flour off her hands and took them off on the chopping board. "Magic power is not an option for us, but an instinct integrated into life. For example, if a pencil accidentally drops When it reaches the ground, the land man will bend down and pick it up, and the witch will use her magic to make it fly back. To blend in, blend into life."

"Well, but I can't feel my magic power." Liang Cuoyu looked slightly embarrassed and said with a slightly red face: "Am I not talented enough? I have read in books that witches and witches are very particular about talent. Those with insufficient talent..."

Jiang Han shook his head.

There is no saying in this world that one cannot become a qualified witch or witch due to lack of talent. Unlike in fantasy worlds, where apprentices of wizards or wizards are divided into 1st, 2nd, 3rd or even 9th level of quality, magic power does not determine a witch's and The standard of whether witches can have 'human rights'.

Of course, the age of apprentices will be stuck for a long time, but it is the same as that of mages and wizards.

However, the reason is not to advance, but because those under the age of 18 cannot obtain the A1 exam qualification. If they cannot pass the exam, they will naturally not be able to become official witches and witches. During the war years, the 12-year-old A1 witch appeared.

"You have a misunderstanding of the witch's system. Fighting is not everything a witch has. The magic power only shows the combat power that the witch may have. You are a land person. You should be able to understand that the magic power of a witch is equivalent to your personal cultivation and individuality. Physical fitness, it will not affect your study and work, unless your job requires you to have magic power."

"But often, the lower limit for jobs that require powerful magic power is to be a great witch, such as the work of rubbing precision instruments."

After Jiang Han finished speaking, she used magic power to organize the tools and put them back. This act was as simple and easy to her as breathing.

However, when she first traveled through time, she was not used to the witch's life fused with magic power, but once she got used to it, everything became more convenient.

You don’t even have to do the housework yourself.

"But, I can't sense magic power." The witch shrank weakly, "Aside from being more resistant to heat and cold, I don't feel any changes after becoming a witch."

Trait witch.

This term flashed through Jiang Han's mind, as well as the book "Tens of Thousands of Witches, All the Same" in which it is located. The author went to great lengths to expand the book by 3 million pages, and there is also a Chinese idiom story. :

Yesterday the book was clearly abandoned.

It is about the witch author of "Millions of Witches". After writing for 43 years and classifying the types of witches, and recording all the hard work in the book, Kraken invented the data flow e-book, which can be produced by just inputting the data. The book, which also caused the author to vomit blood and die, stayed in the underworld of the witch for 15 years before being persuaded by her girlfriend to come back - after returning, she had 10 more daughters.

In the book, the witch writes in the preface:

"In this world, there are two kinds of creatures who are born with magical qualifications. One is a witch and the other is a witch. Because the witch was in the form of a land person before she was born, we do not call her a 'witch', no matter what kind of creature she is. Monsters with powerful magic power have no magic power from 1 to 12 months after birth and cannot develop magic organs."

It can be seen from this that it makes sense for witches to be the only species that is not discriminated against by witches (not counting the West).

In it, the author divides witches into 'weak fluid types', 'idiosyncratic fluid types' and 'mutated fluid types'.

The idiosyncratic type is probably Liang Cuoyu's type, a type that 'has magic power' but 'has never had magic power', which is equivalent to a dog whose tail was cut off. After the tail was finally reattached, it was unable to control it. The feeling of living in the tail.

6% of witches have this problem after transformation, and the solution to the problem was obtained from the Witch of the West.

Please see the following solutions:

"Elsa, the Witch of the West, has a plan: throwing special witches from the sky, they will often master the magic power before landing, ensuring that they only break their legs \u003cAuthor: Elsa did not write what would happen to the witch if she did not master the magic power.\u003e"

"Witch of the West Helia Greens' plan: Special witches can be forced to produce magic power by being fried. \u003cAuthor: To be honest, I hate chatting with those psychopathic witches\u003e"

"Lola the Witch of the West's plan: We tie them to the stake, and as long as they survive the burning, they will become useful. \u003cAuthor: The Great Witch's Egg! These psychopaths! I swear I will never do it again Got a visa to go to Europe! \u003e”


Jiang Han has always had a fear of Western witches. Even in modern times, those witches appear barbaric and terrifying.

But the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, and the Western witch circle also has good birds like the good witch.

After using witches for human experiments, they found a less drastic way to let special witches control magic power, although it didn't sound good. But they did find a gentler solution: extreme training.

Keeping witches in a state of extreme fatigue, their magic power will automatically repair their bodies, provide nutrients, and at the same time absorb magic molecules in the air to replenish their mana. Although it is very trace, a witch absorbs less than 0.1 of it in a year. Magic power, but as long as it circulates and gradually becomes accustomed to the circulation, witches can sense the magic power.

"I can ask my friends to see if there is a way to help you sense the magic." Jiang Han said with some room, because the description in the book "Ten Thousands of Witches, No One Is the Same" is too colloquial, and the author She's not even a great witch, and she's also a traveler.

A traveler, not a great witch, uses spoken language to write an encyclopedia-like book with 3 million pages.

You know how unreliable the combination of these conditions is.

But even though Jiang Han used a cunningly uncertain tone, Liang Cuoyu still had bright eyes and a charming smile.

Liang Cuoyu's smile is different from that of ordinary women. Even her bright smile has a masculine look. Paired with her charming face, it looks particularly charming.

"That's great, Jiang Han, I really appreciate everything you have done for me. And Miss Chen Ligu, you are the most in line with the spirit of modern gentlemen I have ever met...well, witches." Liang Cuoyu said bluntly, As she lived a stable life for a few days, she felt more and more spiritual.

Jiang Han was a little bit doubtful whether the kitten he saw who was eager to be adopted and the energetic girl in front of him were the same person.

"Maybe this is fate. At the first sight, I felt that you and I were somewhat destined, and the second time we met miraculously. At that time, I was thinking that strangers who can look at each other twice in a row would probably Not much, so I asked you if you need help." Jiang Han felt that he retained the kindness common to land people, and it was even more obvious because of his transformation into a witch.

"Well, this is fate." Liang Cuoyu lowered her head and laughed slightly, and then asked curiously: "By the way, the day before yesterday, did you see our principal the day before yesterday? What does she look like?"

Kraken... A picture of the other party's appearance appeared in Jiang Han's mind, and she said hesitantly:

"Well...it's hard to say, but she's pretty. She has long silver hair and a pair of eyes like mine."

Liang Cuoyu looked over, briefly showing an expression of fascination, and then shook her head:

"Your eyes are so beautiful, like, like exploding ice flowers? But more detailed and exquisite... Our principal also has a pair of eyes like this? Are you... related?"

Obviously, Liang Cuoyu made a wild guess. Jiang Han said negatively:

"No, it only means that our witch recessive genes are relatively similar. We both have the blood of the sea monster flowing in our bodies."

Liang Cuoyu nodded thoughtfully, lowered his voice unconsciously, and said to himself:

"Does the witch's gene have recessive inheritance characteristics... and the siren's gene? Could it be that the witch can accept any gene fragment to strengthen the offspring and create more powerful offspring..."

After saying that, Liang Cuoyu was stunned for a moment and said embarrassedly:

"Ah, I'm sorry...I was distracted. Witches are really an incredible race. My father used to...well, there are so many mysteries about witches, including the ability to give birth to a mammal form from an egg."

"Yeah, it's incredible." Jiang Han smiled and nodded.

Things are getting better.

Miss Liang has begun to let go of her guard a little, and is willing to share a little bit about what happened before she became a witch... Jiang Han thinks this is a good phenomenon, and will only happen after letting go of her obsession, but she doesn't Jiang Han asked the other party's information enthusiastically, and Jiang Han was more willing for the other party to tell it himself.

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