Witch for All 1994

Chapter 132 Repaying Debts

The funds first went to Chen Ligu's office and took a 6% commission.

Then he went to Qin Shunying's account and took an 8% commission.

Finally, another 15% of Class G tax was collected. When it was credited to Jiang Han's account, there was still 71% left. But even so, with the help of two well-connected witches who constantly introduced their work to Jiang Han, Jiang Han was able to repay the loan. The speed was a bit beyond her expectations.

August 17, Saturday, 10:30 in the morning.

In the center of Witch Market and Vientiane Trade Street, a newly built food bar is located in the park on Sky Island.

"You lend me 6,000 yuan, and there is still 100 yuan in interest."

Jiang Han put the envelope containing cash into Miss Li Li's hand.

The earphones on the fox witch's head shook, and she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She licked the ice cream with an expression like a surprised canine, revealing a slightly loyal feeling:

"You actually paid it back, within a month."

What do you mean I actually paid it back? My credit is XX! XX Do you understand? To get an X level one level above A, and then add another X, I can even get a loan of 500,000 yuan. If I can't pay it off, I can even send it to a strip club owned by the bank to work as a dancer... Jiang Han snorted lightly and revealed his face again. Smile:

"I'm very trustworthy!"

Miss Fox nodded and shook her head, quickly licked the ice cream and said:

"When a beautiful girl asks you to borrow money, it's best to be prepared that she won't pay it back for the rest of your life... But you paid it back, so you are a good girl. There is no problem with this logic, right?"

It seemed that there was really no problem... Jiang Han blinked, suddenly realized, and said:

"Then you mean, you thought I was a bad girl?"

The corners of the fox witch's mouth twitched, her lips trembled, she tilted her head and said in confusion:

"No, no, I just said...well, I just said I thought you might return it very late..."

"So, you think I have a credit problem?"

The fox witch's smile completely disappeared, and she fell into a state of 'I don't know what to say to this woman'.

Perfect... I have gained a lot from playing with my sister recently... Jiang Han secretly clenched his fists, entered the unreasonable mode, and couldn't say a word that Li Li tried to express.

"Speaking of which, to celebrate your return of my money, how about I treat you to a big meal?"

Li Li cleverly changed the subject.

Why do you have to celebrate when I pay you back? Jiang Han opened his mouth, but for the sake of the feast, he decided to let the fox go. He snorted softly, smiled, reached out and snatched the half-eaten ice cream from the fox, and quickly finished it:

"Well, vanilla... foxes can't eat vanilla-flavored ice cream. I swear, I've seen this... biological science in a book?"

"Then did you know that fox-like monsters occasionally go into the sea to catch sea monsters to eat?"

"...Hey." Jiang Han tilted his head, pretending to be confused.

While they were bickering, they hailed a Griffon rental car in the city.

Since the price of low-end Griffon cars collapsed, more and more short-distance rentals in the city have appeared. Jiang Han is very pleased that the fares have dropped.

This is also one of the benefits of the gold standard system. Stable prices, only market prices collapse, but there are no sudden increases or super doubling of prices. As convenient things appeared one by one, more and more things that reminded Jiang Han of his previous life came out.

For example, the only thing currently on the Griffin car is a car TV with three fixed sports channels. This thing should correspond to a radio station, but due to the Witch's technology, the triple jump was upgraded to a TV.

"Where are you two going?" the driver lady asked, not sure if she was a witch, because recently many witches and rangers could afford to buy griffin cars and drive taxis to support their families.

"I recently opened a restaurant called Yule. I saw their advertisement in the newspaper, saying that they hired Wan Chai's chef god to provide the most authentic seafood dinners for witches and witches in their spare time, including four lobsters, etc... … Let’s go to this place for lunch today? Read a book while we’re at it, and stay in the afternoon to find an arcade to play?” Li Li suggested.

The arcade culture has finally spread, but it is a high-end pastime, including billiards rooms, reading rooms, movie theaters, and common game arcades-the kind that prohibits the use of magic to cheat.

Jiang Han doesn't hate this arrangement. He has been working recently and has not found a chance to relax. If he has the opportunity to play arcade games and torture two fox witches, it will be a way to relieve stress.

Bad girls find girlfriends to relieve stress, while good girls can only find good sisters to relieve stress. After relieving stress, they must say loudly, ‘Good sisters, are you okay? ’… Jiang Han glanced at the Fox Witch with ill intentions, nodded and said:

"I'm OK."

After confirming the restaurant, they told the driver the location, No. 26, Area C of the Food Bar.

After arriving, Jiang Han put his hand on Li Li's and asked her to take him out of the car. He said to the waiter dressed as a fisherman girl standing at the door:

"You two, do you need to wait for a table?"

"There is a seat." The waiter, who was wearing a fisherman's uniform but with a modern aesthetic, said with a comfortable smile in Mandarin with a slight Wan Chai accent: "Do you two need a booth?"

Jiang Han glanced at Li Li and pursed his lips.

The fox witch asked with a slightly serious expression:

"Minimum consumption?"

"300 yuan." The waiter dressed as a fisherman said: "There are discounted lobsters and crabs, independent fishing games, game magazines from 1994, news newspapers, and domestic magic magazines."

So expensive...Jiang Han complained secretly.

"Then let's have a booth." Li Li made up her mind quickly.

Among the fishing entertainment, there is a classic hall divided by artificial rivers, as well as exquisite booths built on the artificial rivers, which are like small square rooms with curtains. Under the curtains, you can also see fishing rods and other props, and There is no smell of water or seafood, and it is very clean.

"Please come with me." The waiter said, and took the two of them to sit in one of the booths. It was very spacious, about 10 square meters of space, with exquisite two-seater seats, magazine racks, and fish. The fishing rod holder allows you to see the artificial scenery and river scenery outside, which is very comfortable.

And the seafood on the menu is also extremely rich, including rare shrimps.

The shrimp is a food that witches love. It can replenish all the energy that the witch needs, and even has the effect of replenishing magic power. The shrimp powder is actually reserved as a strategic material. It tastes like a large crayfish, with less shell and more meat.

——Of course, there are also unlucky witches who are allergic to seafood...

After ordering your meal, you can sit in a booth and fish in the artificial river.

Jiang Han hung the flour cake bait on the fishhook unskillfully, holding the rod with both hands, flicking his wrist to throw the fishhook out, and threw it into the river.

"What did you borrow the money for?" Li Li also threw out the hook and asked.

"Buying a book, a very precious book appeared at that time. I didn't have enough money, so I had to ask someone to borrow it first." Jiang Han looked at the buoy and said easily.

As the saying goes, you feel relaxed after paying off the loan, which refers to this comfortable state.

The fox witch nodded and said curiously:

"Is it a magic code? Or an alchemy code?"

"Textbook, it's from the alchemy department. It's my old textbook." Before Jiang Han could finish his words, he saw the strong curiosity and doubt in the eyes of the fox witch, so he smiled and lowered his voice and said:

"...But this textbook has been used by six great witches and dozens of alchemy masters. They all left some experiences in it, corrected some places in the book, and left some of their guesses. The experience gained from the experiments or experiments, as well as the development process of several spells... This book can even be said to be the crystallization of the collision of their wisdom."

"Hiss! How much do you owe? Do you owe millions?" Li Li whispered in wonder.

Jiang Han's face twitched, he shook and said:

"Not millions! I only owe, well...hundreds of thousands."

When she went to buy a book that day, it was discounted. It was said that the great witch Kraken had sold it, and she was lucky enough to get it.

Hearing her debt, Li Li patted her chest and said:

"It's okay, it's okay. You can still afford to pay off this kind of debt after you finish your alchemy exam. I don't have to see you in the strip club."

Can we forget about strip clubs...Jiang Han changed the subject:

"What about you? I remember that you also bought a bunch of expensive information, and you were also in debt!"

It is very normal for a witch to be in debt. In other words, it is abnormal for any witch who is in the first rising period and has no debt.

Debt means you still have room for growth. Rather than being in debt, it most likely means that you have no room for decline...

Speaking of information, Li Li became excited:

"I bought a lot of materials from mainland scholars. They...oh, their views on witches, witches, and dragons are very novel. I have to say that sometimes they look at the world from the perspective of ordinary humans. It’s still very useful.”

"Would you like to take a look next time? Anthropologists often auction their heritage documents to the public, and all the funds raised from the auctions are donated to the Witch Research Center. However, there are also many whimsical aspects in those documents, so the prices are not fixed and are available at any time. It could go up or down.”

"Currently, I have documents on dragon invasion, research and experiment notes on witch genetic training, and an encrypted dragon blood experiment report."

Land scholars, they or they cannot perceive magic, so land scholars use a scientific perspective to explain the origin of magic, including the phenomena it causes. The most popular topic they are currently researching is the topic of dragon invasion.

With the discovery of folded space and the gradual introduction of species to the earth, witches occasionally discover unknown dragons appearing in the country. This is called dragon invasion.

For example, in China, the safety factor is actually very high.

In foreign countries, there are often reports that a certain farm was destroyed by a new species of flying dragon that suddenly appeared, but again, the witches abroad are a cruel species that even vampires can't stand...

As a witch with a strong interest in dragons, it is understandable that Miss Li Li purchased a large amount of literature.

At this time, the prepared seafood feast was also served.

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