Witch for All 1994

Chapter 125 Help

"Are you full?" Jiang Han saw the girl put down her spoon and looked at her gently.

The girl nodded slightly, very well-behaved.

Jiang Han saw the hand where she placed the spoon. There were no calluses or scars on the palm of her hand, and the back of her hand was smooth. If you ignored the girl's downcast appearance, you could see that she had a fair complexion and a naturally extraordinary temperament.

Are you lost? Or do you mean homeless? Jiang Han put down his notebook, took a sip of coffee, and asked with a smile:

"What kind of help do you need? If you accidentally lost your ID card, I can take you to the Witch's police station to handle the loss. If you have lost your residence, I can take you to the Ordinary Welfare Home. Although the accommodation environment is not good That’s great, but there are double rooms and you get to meet girls your own age.”

As she spoke, she used a kind smile to resolve the other person's insecurities and said:

"I can understand you. Without magic power, it is easy to get lost on the empty island. There is often a bit of psychedelic mist here. It is difficult for ordinary humans to survive here."

The girl raised her head, bit her lip lightly, took a slight breath through her nose, her eye circles were red, and her gray-black eyes were slightly watery:


She took another breath and plucked up the courage to say:

"I'm not an ordinary person, I'm a... witch."

"...Witch?" Jiang Han frowned. She didn't quite believe this. After all, judging from the desolate appearance of the other party, it didn't look like it.

The biggest feature of the witch world is that people with magical powers, whether they are witches, witches, or rangers, will not be too poor. They may be poor, but they will not be so poor that they can't even afford clothes.

If you are a witch, you can always find a job as an assistant in the witch's studio... The office also needs clerical witches... There is also the basic magic processing industry that witches are not willing to do. Although witches do look down on witches, However, a certain degree of concessions are still maintained in the country. The Witch of the East will not be allowed to enter the street business on a large scale like the Witch of the West... She put her hands on the table, intertwined her fingers, and asked softly:

"If you are a witch, do you need me to help you contact the Witches Association? Or the Witches Adventure Association? They are very happy to provide help, provide relief, and arrange jobs for a witch, as long as you have an A1 certification. Work."

The girl looked worried, tears were about to fall, and her voice was very soft and she said shamefully:

"I, I don't have the A1 qualification certificate."

……ah? Jiang Han was surprised for a few seconds and was silent for a few seconds. Then he smiled slightly and asked:

"So, do you have a name?"

The girl hesitated for a while and whispered:

"Cuoyu, my name is Liang Cuoyu."

"A very good name." Jiang Han nodded, with a smile on his face again: "Then do you have an ID card? I can contact the Witch Mutual Aid Association for you. They will help you apply for A1, help you review the A1 test points, and will Invest you a 3,000 yuan bursary, and provide three months of free witch dormitory with four rooms - and it also comes with its own bathroom, so you don't have to go to the public bathroom."

"I, I..." Miss Liang Cuoyu, who claimed to be a witch, looked shy, lowered her head, and said in a weak voice, "I, my ID card can't be used."

"...Huh?" Jiang Han didn't expect this to happen. If an ordinary person transforms into a witch, he will receive a brand new witch ID card. It seems that this girl did not receive it?

Or smuggled immigrants? Or is it an illegal witch transformation? The former requires a fine of 5,000 yuan and deportation. The latter will be seriously detained in a detention center for 3 to 6 months, and after the detention period is over, they will be sent to the local court for sentencing. They may be sentenced for [illegal transformation of witches] [hazardous magic power] [infringement of the Basic Law on Witches] 3 to 5 years in prison.

...Furthermore, witches who assist illegal witches will also be sentenced to 1 to 4 months in prison for [conspiracy] and [violation of basic witch safety regulations].

Jiang Han's expression became a little more serious. She had good intentions but she didn't want to cause trouble.

Seemingly realizing that this was inappropriate, Liang Cuoyu raised her head, bit her lip and said:

"I was accidentally transformed into a witch. That day, I was pushed into the witch's workshop. I accidentally fell into the transformation pool and passed out... Wait for me. When I woke up, I lost everything... Whether it’s status or wealth.”

Her eye circles were very red and tears had already flowed out:

"In one day, I became a witch. I didn't have a witch certificate, I didn't have the A1 exam you mentioned, and I didn't even go to a witch school."

As far as I know, what she said may be true. The transformation of a witch is indeed pushed into the transformation pool. If you are very unlucky, such a transformation accident may indeed happen... But this is troublesome enough... Jiang Han looked at the other party's pleading eyes like a kitten and sighed softly. A sound.

This reminded her of herself. She also entered the world of the witch with confusion, and she was very lucky. However, the feeling of being completely separated from the past was actually uncomfortable, especially every day at night, the witch's body was getting more and more... The strong energy makes the pain more and more painful at night.

Please help within a limited scope.

Jiang Han nodded, smiled again, and asked:

"Do you have any family down here? Although the possibility of becoming a witch is a little hard to accept, but if you explain it to the city hall properly and have recognition from your immediate family, you can regain your identity and become, um, a reserve witch? "

She sped up and said:

"After all, you are actually very lucky. You have not undergone training, you have not gradually taken drugs to improve your body, and you do not have a clear understanding of magic. The success rate of such a person transforming into a witch is only 10%, and the mortality rate is extremely high. Successful transformation People tend to be left with a lot of magical injuries, so you are extremely lucky to be transformed without trauma."

If an ordinary person undergoes a lot of training and transformation, the final success rate will be 100%.

Liang Cuoyu wiped her eyes with a tissue and whispered:

"I am an only child in a single-parent family. The father who took care of me passed away 14 months ago...and my mother, I have never seen my mother."

This is troublesome. The status of the immediate family members is unknown... Jiang Han pointed his finger at the table and said thoughtfully:

"I understand, your situation is very complicated and troublesome, but I think I can provide you with some help."

The kitten-like girl's eyes widened, and the corners of her mouth, which were bent down by the suffering, raised a little with hope, and said in surprise:

"Really? I, are you really willing to help me?"

"Really." Jiang Han looked at the other party's smile and felt that it was worth it. His mood subtly improved a lot, and his brain, which had been squeezed by alchemy in recent days, became much calmer.

"I, I..." Liang Cuoyu put her hands on the table, looking like she was about to jump over, "I really don't know what to say, thank you, thank you... I, thank you so much!"

Jiang Han chuckled and did not refuse the other party's thanks, because this was indeed a troublesome matter.

A helpless witch with no identity is already considered a black registered witch. To re-apply for identity, it is necessary to prove that she was born in the country and have a residence certificate for more than 15 years. The household registration system has been popularized in China since 1994. In the country of the witch world, the household registration system has become popular even faster. Everything that exists must have Certificate, unless you stay in the mountains and forests for a lifetime.

However, if Jiang Han knows a few friends, he can skip a few steps to go through these procedures. After all, he is just a witch, and the investigation is not as strict as that of the witch without a household registration. In other words, from the witch's point of view, even if there are suddenly 10 million more illegal households in the country, Witch, the country can accommodate so many people, just re-register one by one.

"I'll take you to take a bath and change clothes later, and then help you find a place to settle down... Of course, if you want, you can live with my family first." Jiang Han knew that the witch invited the girl Living in your own home can give others a feeling of fear, so I first told you that I lived with my family to avoid misunderstandings.

Liang Cuoyu blinked, nodded quickly, and repeated:


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