Witch for All 1994

Chapter 107 Witch Adventure Association

"I... mined... six times... once again... and won... comrade."

"Hahaha, it's amazing. It's amazing. I believe I can get along well with you, Miss Cui."

——Qin Shunying is really good at dancing. Even if she didn't understand what Cui Yiqi said, she still made Cui Yiqi happy. At least in Jiang Han's view, Miss Cui, who was only a little taller than herself, had a somewhat serious expression and a soft expression. When he came down, he showed an attitude of "wanting to get close but not wanting to be seen", and chatted happily with Qin Shunying.

By the way, the way Miss Cui looked at Jiang Han was full of surprise, joy, and even a bit of happiness like "I met ordinary human beings on the post-apocalyptic earth". She even consciously went there. Jiang Han leaned next to him, turning his head to look at Jiang Han from time to time. His eyes stayed on the top of Jiang Han's head, and then he let out a quick, quick laugh.

How come that laughter only has two words:

【Dwarf smash! 】

Smile laugh! What a joke, dwarf! Jiang Han gave Cui Yiqi a look and wished he could show this dwarf what the wrath of a great witch is! What do you mean by the poor quality and ineffective Mao Xiong Sanlian!

Qin Shunying realized something and walked between the two to separate them, thus preventing a witch beating a witch from happening, which would trigger a sensational news event.

In Miss Cui's hurried and extremely fast speech, Jiang Han roughly understood the conditions given by their adventure association.

Condition 1: The Witch Adventure Association must be a hired party, hired by a witch. If you explore the benefits generated by folding space in the future, you must give them a share in name, but you don’t have to give them in fact.

Condition two, if the folding space triggers news reports or the like, the witch party must admit that it has obtained a large amount of income through the high-quality labor of the Witch Adventure Association - in fact, Qin Shunying only needs to pay one yuan as a symbolic employment fee.

The third condition is also the most important condition for the Witches Adventure Association: Qin Shunying, one of the developers of Greenfield Sandbank, must agree that the Witch Adventure Association can send investigators and adventurers to Greenfield Sandbank in the future, and have the right to exploit and earn income from it. 40% will be given to the Witch Adventure Association, and the rest will belong to Miss Qin Shunying.

...After signing these conditions, Jiang Han's eyes changed when he looked at Miss Cui:

Isn't this Miss Cui Yiqi's position in the Witch Adventure Association very embarrassing? Otherwise, how could he be selected as Cui Zhongtang?

However, she found that Cui Yiqi was actually very happy, and the great adventurers from the Adventure Association who were watching were also very happy. They even high-fived each other, as if they had won some kind of victory.

Of these three conditions, except for the last one, which is somewhat beneficial, the others are all just nominal benefits for them...

Qin Shunying lowered her head, reached out to cover her face with her side, and whispered in Jiang Han's ear:

"...They recently received only 32% of the votes in the witch delegation. If it is announced that they have taken over mining in a folded space, this will become a typical example of 'witches asking witches for help', which will give A shot in the arm for their voters will also attract more self-improved witches to vote for them.”

"Actually, I quite like the Witches Adventure Association. It's much better than the Witches Association. Sometimes the Witches Association really makes us feel like we can't help ourselves..."

But from a political point of view, isn't it that the Witches Association is more in line with the preferences of witches... Jiang Han secretly thought, maybe the Witches Association can still suppress the Witches Adventure Association now, just because the witches say they like the Adventure Association. capable, but actually always supports the Witches Association!

As a witch, Miss Cen Jing has always been a bit pessimistic...

As a witch, it is difficult for Jiang Han to say anything for the witch group. The only thing she can wish for is that now is a peaceful era, and the witch group will not lose confidence and belief because of the occasional contempt of the witches. And even more fortunately, here is At home, a paradise where the military and civilians are united, a land where gays and lesbians love each other, although it is a bit wild now, it is still much better than the Western slave-owning witches that still exist in the world.

After seeing the Witch Adventure Association sign the three most basic articles just now, she watched Qin Shunying pick up the agreement and walk into the study room with the great adventurer Witch, and also called two assistant witches in for detailed discussions, such as Prepare supplies, standards for expenditure and income, and some more dirty and political transactions that may not be in person...such as taking kickbacks and so on.

The witch is really miserable, and she has to accept even worse conditions... Jiang Han can't help but feel a little shy inside, the same shyness as being a member of an imperialist power for the first time.

"Wait here for me. I want to finalize the material preparation with them... By the way, this is Miss Cui Yiqi." Qin Shunying pointed at Cui Yiqi, who was standing in front of the table with her feet on her feet, looking at the contents of the agreement. Said: "She is a very good adventurer witch and a very good mineralogist. She dug six new rare crystal mines."

Jiang Han nodded. The achievements of a mining witch or mining witch are not only the mineral veins they discovered. If they want to really leave a mark, they must also discover new minerals.

Kraken, one of the great witches, became the richest man in the country because of the discovery of liquid crystal stone. She also became the first great witch to truly transfer her nationality to China - this has nothing to do with the fact that she dedicated 85% of her liquid crystal stone patent to the country. , and it has nothing to do with her helping the country defend The Hague Island during the war.

Although the dress is still on... a hymn of loyalty... Jiang Han thought as he walked to Cui Yiqi. She had no conditions to come here before, because this is the territory of witches after all, and it is also a private association - yes, don't The Witches Adventure Association has such a large property, but it is actually a private association, a place that requires introduction by members before it can enter.

"Miss Cui?" She patted the other party's shoulder gently.

She saw the opponent bounce up, quickly turned his head to the left to look at her, and then turned to the right at a speed she couldn't guess, turning his head and body to face her, "...?"

The little cherry mouth opened and closed, and only one word came out, which made Jiang Han stunned for a moment.

She calmed down and asked:

"Miss Cui, do you sell ore here?"

"Ore... 130... a lot!" Cui Yiqi smiled and spoke happily in a faster tone. Jiang Han only understood the last word, and she was almost dumbfounded.

After a while, a witch behind the counter came over and introduced to the stunned Jiang Han as usual:

"We have a lot of ore here. If you want to buy it, you need to pay a membership fee of 130 yuan, and then we will show you the inventory list."

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