One day later, the Tibetan medicine case of Rongsheng Logistics Company was not gradually forgotten, but became more and more serious in the relevant media. Open Weibo, you can still see a large number of broadcasters, and the media is doing everything possible to maintain the popularity of this matter.

In just one night, this matter has already climbed to the top of the hot search list, and even on the entire hot search list, seven or eight items are all related events. The public opinion was almost one-sided, demanding that Longcheng severely punish the relevant personnel of Rongsheng Logistics Company and crack down on the umbrella behind it.

At 10:30 in the morning, three black off-road vehicles stopped in front of Jiang's villa and picked up Jiang Zheng who was waiting here.

"Boss." After getting in the car, Jiang Zheng greeted Tan Mingchao with a very affectionate title.

Both of them are descendants of generals, and they are about the same age. They can be regarded as bare-backed dolls who grew up together. In fact, the children of the veteran generals in the garrison system also followed Tan Mingchao's lead. After all, he was the man on duty appointed by the Tan family.

Tan Mingchao nodded and waved his hand to let the driver drive. He knew in his heart that Su Tianyu's appointment to dinner must be because of the case, so he specifically told Jiang Zheng: "Be prepared, this matter is not so easy to deal with, it's best to have an idea in mind."

"Don't worry, I know." Jiang Zheng nodded, his face also full of sadness.

"You're like this..." Tan Mingchao paused for a moment, and then explained softly in the car.

The car quickly drove to the door of a hotel next to the National Bureau of Statistics. A few guards got out of the car behind, followed them upstairs, and came to the agreed box.

The guards stayed outside the door, while Tan Mingchao and Jiang Zheng pushed the door open.

In the private room at this time, only An Qiqi was there, Su Tianyu hadn't arrived yet.

"Ming Chao, you came so early, sit down quickly." An Qiqi stood up, greeted Tan Mingchao with a smile, then turned her head and extended her hand to Jiang Zheng: "This is Mr. Jiang, hello."


The two sides shook hands and took their seats.

"Xiao Yu has also suffered from a headache these two days." After An Qiqi sat down, although her pretty face was smiling and her posture was very polite, she didn't say a word of nonsense: "Because of this case, mayor Li He criticized."

"Criticize what?" Tan Mingchao intervened and asked.

"Hey, what else can it be? Let's say that the National Statistics Bureau treats that department with respect and softness, and has not played the role of internal supervision. As a result, many units now lose the ability to deal with emergencies correctly." An Qiqi laid the groundwork in advance: "This matter, the pressure of the whole situation is almost out of breath."

Tan Mingchao understood the meaning of this sentence, and he could guess Su Tianyu's attitude towards this matter, so he nodded and didn't say anything more.

After another ten minutes, the door of the box was pushed open.

Su Tianyu walked in quickly, and greeted everyone: "Sorry, I'm a bit late, and the Bureau of National Statistics just finished the meeting."

With that said, Su Tianyu reached out and walked over.

Tan Mingchao got up, shook hands with him, and introduced the people beside him: "Xiaoyu, this is Jiang Zheng, the son of our garrison commander Jiang."

"Hello." Su Tianyu nodded, and stretched out his hand to Jiang Zheng.

"Hello, Bureau Su." Jiang Zheng stood up.

The two sides greeted each other and took their seats. But no one took the initiative to speak, and the atmosphere in the box was silent for a while.

An Qiqi picked up the teapot, refilled the tea for everyone, and said at the same time: "The bombing case in Longcheng and the Tibetan medicine case have caused some chain reactions. Obviously, there are pushers pushing this This matter has caused a lot of public opinion, and the heat has lasted for two days, and everyone is discussing this matter. The police department and the garrison are under a lot of pressure, so we will meet today to see how to solve this matter. "

Tan Mingchao nodded, looked at Su Tianyu and said, "I know, someone must be pushing this matter, and everyone understands the purpose. Brother Su, do you have any plan?"

When Tan Mingchao said this, his attitude was not as cold as before, but much gentler.

Su Tianyu intervened and looked at the other party, and responded softly: "This matter, now that it has become like this, we must give an explanation to the public opinion and the public. Otherwise, it will be very serious to destroy the credibility of our Dragon City administration and the garrison. , is very likely to exceed our expectations. The closer we get to this critical moment, the more we must take this matter seriously."

Tan Mingchao didn't speak, just nodded silently. Jiang Zheng observed his expression, feeling very anxious.

Su Tianyu glanced at them, did not mention the matter of Wang Daolin being beaten last night, but simply added: "Lu Guangwei can't run away, he is online, he has to come back and take responsibility."

Jiang Zheng, who had been silent for a long time, finally interjected: "Su Bureau, can you change someone? He is my cousin."

Su Tianyu shook his head: "It's definitely not good. This company belongs to him, and the horse boy belongs to him. All the spearheads are pointed at him, and he can't pick them clean. Overprotecting him will only make things worse. .”

Jiang Zheng's face was ugly, but he didn't say much.

Su Tianyu touched the teacup and continued: "Besides, the garrison has to explain something."

Hearing this, both Tan Mingchao and Jiang Zheng were taken aback, and the former asked directly, "What explanation?"

Su Tianyu looked at Tan Mingchao, and explained: "This incident not only affected Lu Guangwei, but also the garrison. Now the public opinion has risen, and there is only one Lu Guangwei, which is not enough for the common people to be angry. You have also heard the rumors outside. Now The statement that the police department and the garrison jointly make money through this business has already been believed by the public. It is terrible if this matter is allowed to develop. If the area is in a rhythm and they are willing to spend money, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Jiang Zheng looked at Su Tianyu, feeling even more anxious, "Then what do you mean?"

Su Tianyu said bluntly: "The garrison side should be more ruthless and act more resolutely. Admit that a small number of people are dirty, and be willing to deal with it. This way we can easily accept the attack and control the incident at the current level."

Jiang Zheng frowned, suppressing uneasy emotions in his heart: "Are you kidding? You asked the garrison to hand over people to relieve everyone's pressure? On this line, only the garrison people get money and eat?" Is it unreasonable? Let’s not talk about other things, even if you go through the legal process normally, you have to have evidence to prove that the garrison is involved in this kind of business, right? You can’t just listen to a few rhythmic people yelling and just stick a stick kill them all?"

"Public opinion is like this. It says five points, and you solve five points, which is equivalent to doing nothing. Because people prefer conspiracy theories. Only when it says five points and you deal with eight points, will it feel that you are serious about it. "Su Tianyu intervened, and explained as patiently as possible: "Young Master Jiang, this kind of thing cannot be overcome by You have to understand, I am not targeting the garrison, our police affairs The department is also undergoing a major cleansing. Last night at the meeting, the director was already taken down by me. I want to kill a few corrupt officials to appease public anger! Yes, I admit that there are indeed dark corners that cannot be dealt with in the current Dragon City. As for the overall situation, if there is no accident at ordinary times, I will pretend that I did not see it, but if an accident happens, and those who put money in their pockets, they can only consider themselves unlucky."

After Tan Mingchao finished listening, he frowned slightly: "It's probably not appropriate for the garrison to hand over people."

Su Tianyu said lightly: "My plan is this."

Jiang Zheng stared at Su Tianyu, clenched his fists: "Then what if you don't hand it over?"

After asking this sentence, everyone froze here, and the atmosphere became a little silent again.

Su Tianyu thought for a while and said: "If you don't hand it in, then you can only follow the normal procedure. The leader of the police department is replaced, and whoever commits a crime will be arrested!"

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