Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1077: wait me back


Inside the underground fortress, Gustav was supported by several officers to retreat outwards. A group of soldiers surrounded them to protect their safety.


A communications officer hurried over, pushed away the crowd with a panicked expression, squeezed in front of Gustav, and saluted him: "General, Exit No. 2 has been blown down! Exit No. 3 and No. 4 have also been blocked one after another. Hold on, now only exit one can go out!"

When Gustav heard this, he stared and shouted: "A bunch of trash! Idiots! Quickly! Deploy all the armored vehicles! And all the troops in other areas to the No. 1 gate, push them out quickly, don't give the enemy time to gather!"


The officers responded.

Following Gustav's order, a large number of soldiers and armored vehicles rumbled towards the No. 1 passage...

At the same time, in Passage No. 1, the city defense forces continued to go out, exchanging fire with the coalition forces. The two sides fought extremely fiercely, and the ground was already full of corpses.

Yao Doudou was lying on a building in the distance, pulled the bolt of the gun, and a golden shell was thrown to the side.

Together with Yao Doudou, more than a dozen snipers shot and killed almost sixty or seventy enemies, extremely brutal.

Down below, two armored vehicles were still blocking the opening of the passage, and the machine guns above were firing continuously, putting a lot of pressure on Hou Guoyu, Lao Hei and the others.

At this moment, Hou Guoyu's urgent shout came from the intercom: "Come here, some soldiers! We have to find a way to blow up the two armored vehicles and block the No. 1 entrance! Yao Doudou, your sniper team will gather for me later." One point, shoot those infantry on the outside! I will lead people to find a way to deal with those two armored vehicles! We must block this opening! I just received a report from another opening, and Gustav is basically stuck in it , can only rush out from here!"

"No problem." Yao Doudou replied, while pulling the trigger, he killed a city defense soldier standing next to the armored vehicle again.

"Quick, come quickly!"

Under Hou Guoyu's order, more than 20 fighters quickly approached him with explosive bags on their backs.

At the same time, Lao Hei, who was on the other side of the passage, heard the voice on the walkie-talkie, and immediately turned his head. He glanced at Tang Yao who was lying behind him: "Little Tang! Prepare me a bomb! Give the dose of bombardment! Can you handle it?"

Tang Yao roughly observed the structure of No. 1 passage, then nodded.

"Must be quick!" Lao Hei urged, then turned his head and told the other soldiers: "Go and prepare some pickup trucks for me! There are quite a few parked in the passage outside, get them here!"


The soldiers bowed their backs, and under the cover of firepower from their companions, they ran to the gate of the heavy factory.

Everyone put out all their firepower and started to counter pressure!

The soldiers below were armed with automatic rifles and fired wildly to suppress them, while the snipers carried more than a dozen sniper rifles, shooting one by one, and called and killed the soldiers near the armored vehicles one by one.

"Bang! Bang bang!"

Watching the city defense troops outside being shot and killed by Yao Doudou and the others one after another, Hou Guoyu seized the opportunity and waved: "Give it to me!"

With an order, more than 20 soldiers, wearing body armor and holding explosive bags, quickly approached the armored vehicle through the surrounding bunkers.

"Da da da!"

The machine guns of the armored vehicle chased them and fired continuously. The bullets hit the bunker and exploded into a large cloud of dust.

Two fighters ran a little slower and were hit directly. The body armor was as brittle as a layer of paper in front of the machine gun, and the upper bodies of the two soldiers were directly torn to shreds.

"Quick! Hurry up!" Hou Guoyu yelled, pulling his neck: "Pay attention to the shooting angle of the armored vehicle, don't hesitate if you run away! Go forward!"

A group of soldiers soon came to the shooting blind spot of the armored vehicle, Hou Guoyu immediately yelled: "Go! Post bomb!"

The soldiers rushed forward, snapped a few times, and stuck the c4 in their hands on the heavy armored vehicle.

The rpg and other weapons have long been used up. This kind of heavy **** can only be killed by blasting at a close distance.

Everyone has been paying attention to concealment and moving quickly, but there are still many enemies in the passage, hiding in the blind spot of the sniper's shooting, and throwing fire at Hou Guoyu and others.

"Da da da!"

Machine gun bullets shot over densely, and half of the more than twenty soldiers fell down in an instant.


Hou Guoyu was sticking bombs when a bullet flew over and hit his left hand directly.

Hou Guoyu screamed and fell to the ground!

In the chaotic battlefield, no matter how good your personal quality is, it is impossible to observe everything around you comprehensively.

Blood flowed horizontally, Hou Guoyu's entire left palm was pierced, the flesh was shredded, and the two broken fingers collapsed and flew away!

The two soldiers hurried forward, dragged Hou Guoyu and rushed out.

"Detonate, detonate!"

After the soldiers ran out, they shouted loudly!



The two heavy-duty armored vehicles were instantly blown to pieces, sending countless pieces flying.

Lao Hei hid behind the bunker, saw Hou Guoyu being dragged away, and shouted hysterically: "Where is the car, is the car here?"

"Here we come!" A soldier ran back in a hurry, squatted beside Old Hei and said, "There are seven cars in total, all parked at the corner outside the door, that is the blind spot for shooting!"

"Xiao Tang, is Zhayao ready?" Old Hei asked again.

"It's almost there!" Tang Yao shouted hurriedly while hiding in the distance.

"Go and help Xiao Tang, stick those bombs on the car!" Lao Hei commanded the remaining dozen soldiers: "Come here a few who are not afraid of death, and follow me to ram the car into it!"

"Yes!" The soldiers picked up Lao Hei and ran towards the car.

Tang Yao had already prepared enough bombs, and directed everyone to stick them on the carport of the pickup truck and places that were not easy to be attacked.

Everything was in order, and the fearless soldiers jumped onto the car one after another and set up their automatic rifles.

Old Hei limped into the car, glanced at the direction of the passage, and could vaguely see many armored vehicles driving towards the entrance of the passage from the bunker: "Fucking bastard, it's too late, brothers, do it!"


All the soldiers simultaneously pushed the shift lever into the forward gear, and then stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.


The pickup truck's motor roared loudly, and then a row of smoke and dust was raised, rushing towards the entrance of the passage.

With automatic rifles in their hands, the soldiers fired wildly into the passage, shooting and killing the city defense troops who were rushing out one by one.

"Old Hei! Old Hei! Come back to me!" Hou Guoyu lay behind the bunker, yelling hysterically.

At this moment, Lao Hei only had the No. 1 passage in his eyes, and he couldn't hear the shouts at all.

"Bang bang bang!"

Seven vehicles slammed into the armored vehicles blocking the door one after another, causing the armored vehicles to slide in for a short distance.

"Get out of the car! Retreat immediately!" Lao Hei was beaten to the point of bleeding, shook his head, and immediately shouted at the soldiers.

The car door was pushed open, and the soldiers who were still alive jumped out of the car one after another.

Lao Hei dragged his broken leg and was about to open the car door when he suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Director! My leg is stuck in it!"

As soon as Lao Hei turned his head, he saw a soldier's leg stuck in the deformed car door behind him, and he couldn't pull it out.

"Give me your hand!" Lao Hei hurried over the chair, grabbed the soldier's hand, and pulled him hard.

The two cooperated, and the little soldier's body was pulled out abruptly by Lao Hei.

At this moment, in the hall of the bunker, two petrol eggs were suddenly thrown out and hit the pickup truck.


Flames and fuel rushed into the car in an instant through the broken windows.

Old Hei, who was about to turn around, was half of his body set on fire in the blink of an eye!

"get off!"

Under such circumstances, Lao Hei slapped his body and shouted back, "That kid, get out of the car! Get out, hurry up!"

The soldier froze for a The flesh of Lao Hei's left cheek fell on the chair with flames, the corner of his mouth was split open, and he roared indistinctly: " get off the carriage! "

The soldier gritted his teeth, opened the car door and jumped down.

Lao Hei glanced at the flame on his chest, sat down on the car seat, and started the car again.

"Old Hei! Old Hei! Get back on your horse!"

Outside the passage, Hou Guoyu could still vaguely hear shouting.

"Don't step on the horse and shout!" Lao Hei coaxed the gas pedal with his big foot, and replied to Hou Guoyu: "Wait for me...I'll go back, let's drink."


The pickup truck, which was spewing flames, rushed into the corridor at an angle.


A series of explosions resounded, and the entire heavy factory trembled.

Hou Guoyu lay on the ground, watching helplessly as the tunnel collapsed, and the rubble buried everything...

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