Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1075: 1 o'clock warm before going to bed


In the leaving car, Huang Peishan looked out the window and saw blood and corpses all over the dilapidated road.

In the distance, the headquarters building of the Chinese Labor Union can still be seen, billowing thick smoke, and half of the sky is reflected in red.

Huang Peishan let out a long sigh, then sat up straight, and told the driver: "Xiao Mao, turn right at the intersection ahead, don't go with them."

"it is good."

Xiao Mao nodded, and suddenly accelerated the car, turning directly into the street on the right at a crossroad ahead.

At this time, apart from Huang Peishan and his two subordinates, the only ones on the pickup truck were Huang Peishan's only youngest son and Huo Dongsheng's family.

Mrs. Huo and her daughter-in-law hugged their two young children tightly, looking palely at Huang Peishan, who held a gun in his hand.

Huang Peishan leaned closer to Mrs. Huo, who leaned back in fright, almost touching the car door.

Huang Peishan stared at her with cloudy eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "I will open the door in a while, and you will get out of the car."

Mrs. Huo was stunned, not understanding what Huang Peishan meant.

Huang Peishan did not explain, and continued: "Listen to me, after you get out of the car for a while, you take your children and run away to find a building to hide in. Don't come out and wait for the war to end."

With that said, Huang Peishan picked up a pistol and handed it to Mrs. Huo: "Remember, don't come out, and don't trust the officers and soldiers of Shengbao City."

Mrs. Huo stared at the pistol in a daze, but she didn't realize it for a while. It was the daughter-in-law who recovered first and took the pistol over.

After finishing speaking, Huang Peishan patted Xiao Mao on the shoulder: "Stop at the intersection ahead."

Soon, Xiao Mao parked the car at a dark intersection ahead.


Huang Peishan leaned forward and pushed open the car door. Mrs. Huo and the others walked down silently holding the child.

Huang Peishan stretched out his hand and stroked his youngest son's fluffy hair. The child was not very old, and he still didn't understand what was going on. He bit his finger and looked at his father foolishly.

Huang Peishan and Huo Dongsheng are old children, and they cherish this child very much.

"You go with them," Huang Peishan said, "Father is going to do some errands and come back later."

The youngest son had tears in his eyes, and Huo Dongsheng's wife pulled them down.

Before closing the door, Huang Peishan looked at Mrs. Huo, and said: "Old Huo has only this little flesh and blood, keep him. And my child...please too."

Mrs. Huo had already figured it out, looked at Huang Peishan, and nodded slightly with tears in her eyes.

Huang Peishan glanced at his son again, gritted his teeth, and slammed the car door.

Xiao Mao stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove away quickly.

Mrs. Huo looked at the car going away with complicated eyes, finally wiped away her tears, turned around and dragged the whole family, and fled into the alley...

The car drove a certain distance, Xiao Mao suddenly turned his head, and said to Huang Peishan behind him: "Brother, get off in front."

Huang Peishan wiped off the sweat from his forehead, smiled and said, "Hehe, let's go together."

On the side of the dilapidated building, Huo Dongsheng silently counted the time in his heart.

"Ten minutes." Brigadier Yang got impatient and reminded Huo Dongsheng.

"One more minute." Huo Dongsheng said.

"Don't play tricks on me!" Brigadier Yang drew out his pistol and pointed it at Huo Dongsheng's head: "Surrender immediately!"

"Okay, I surrender." Huo Dongsheng stopped resisting, took off all the grenades on his body, threw them aside, then walked two steps forward without saying anything.


All the soldiers raised their automatic rifles and aimed at Huo Dongsheng vigilantly.

Huo Dongsheng groaned, kneeling in front of Brigadier Yang, his hair disheveled, begging bitterly: "Tell Su Tianyu, I beg him! I can't beat you, I give up! Let them go, Let me do anything! I kowtow to you!"

With that said, Huo Dongsheng knelt on the ground and kowtowed twice.

Brigadier Yang looked at Huo Dongsheng, without any pity on his face, walked up and kicked his feet twice, and cursed at the same time: "Damn it, what did you think? What do you have to do? Step on the horse b Yes, so many people died, who let them go?"

Huo Dongsheng lay on the ground in a state of embarrassment, his forehead was blue and gray, and there were two black shoe prints on his face. He still trembled and said, "Let them go...I beg you..."

"Catch it! Get in the car!" Brigadier Yang didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. With a wave of his hand, two soldiers immediately stepped forward, set up Huo Dongsheng, tied his hands and feet, and stuffed him into a car next to him.

Except for Huo Dongsheng, those officers and soldiers who surrendered were also **** and put on the stolen military vehicles.

"Let the people inside come out!" Brigadier Yang pointed at the building again and said, "Don't let anyone go!"


The soldiers rushed into the building with automatic rifles.

At the entrance of a secluded alley, Huang Peishan and the others were about to get off the car.


At this moment, there was a sudden noise above their heads. They looked up and saw more than a dozen drones flying over, with their searchlights on, shining on the vehicle.

"Squeak, squeak!"

Immediately afterwards, five or six military vehicles crossed in front of them, blocking their way.

"Bang bang bang!"

Dozens of soldiers in green uniforms pushed open the car door, lined up in front of them, and set up automatic rifles at the same time.

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car immediately!" An officer stood in the crowd and shouted at them.

"Fucking horse..." Xiao Mao cursed, reached out to pick up the pistol, and pulled the bolt.

At this moment, Huang Peishan stretched out his hand, gently pressed Xiao Mao's shoulder, and said at the same time: "Forget it, you are just horse boys, you can live without resistance, go down and follow them."

Hearing this, Xiao Mao was taken aback.

"Get out of the car!" Huang Peishan's voice became heavier, and he ordered again.

Xiao Mao gritted his teeth and finally put down the pistol.

On the rear side Another subordinate, also under the gunpoint of the soldiers, raised his hands and got out of the car.

"Get down! Get down for me!"

Several soldiers stepped forward and pressed the two of them to the ground.

"Huang Peishan! Get out of the car!"

Seeing Huang Peishan not moving, the officer yelled at him again.

Huang Peishan looked at the soldiers in front of him and said with a smile, "Hehe, I'm going to die anyway, so I won't get out of the car."

With that said, Huang Peishan picked up the pistol, pressed it on his temple, and pulled the trigger without any hesitation.


A shot was fired, blood splashed on the glass, and Huang Peishan fell backwards.

At the entrance of the alley in the distance, Huang Peishan's youngest son turned his head subconsciously, looked at Mrs. Huo next to him, and cried, "My father...where is my father! I want to find my father...!""

Mrs. Huo didn't speak, but just squeezed his little hand tightly, walking like flying.

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