Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1059: Bloody Tunnel Mouth

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St. Paul City, sewers.

Surrounded by rubble, the entire bottom of the passage was buried, and the billowing smoke and dust had not yet dispersed, covering the tunnel.

For a while, coughing, shouting, one after another.

"Wang...Wang Zheng! Wang Zheng!" There seemed to be a faint cry of a big bear in his ears.

Wang Zheng shook his head, and gradually regained consciousness. Fortunately, he was not buried by the rubble, but was splashed by the rubble, and many wounds appeared on his body.

Wang Zheng, who survived, crawled to the outside enduring the pain in his body. And next to him, several soldiers were buried under the stone, their bodies were broken, their heads were deformed, and they were spurting blood.

Wang Zheng stared blankly at their corpses, gritted his teeth, and continued to crawl forward.

"Wang Zheng!" Big Bear was still shouting.

"I...I'm here..." Wang Zheng shouted back.

Big Bear walked through the thick smoke, walked up to Wang Zheng, and dragged him out.

"Arm...the arm hurts a bit." Wang Zheng replied panting.

Big Bear immediately shouted to the back: "Team doctor!"

In the smoke, the team doctor with the red cross on his shoulder hurried over, opened the medical box, and helped Wang Zheng check his injuries.

The team doctor quickly tore off Wang Zheng's sleeve and bandaged him to stop the bleeding.

The disheveled Xiao Jiu also rushed over, seeing that Wang Zheng was only slightly injured, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, while adjusting the team, Lao Hei took the walkie-talkie and ordered in a hasty tone: "The enemy has discovered us! Port A has been bombed! The other three teams, rush up immediately! Our large force is just around the corner! In the back, I guard them all, and we must not let the enemy destroy the remaining pipeline exits!"

This underground pipeline has a total of four exits. Lao Hei and the others are located at the marked exit A, while Hou Guoyu and the other two teams, with fifty people each, are guarding the other three exits.

"Received!" At this time, Hou Guoyu, who was guarding Exit B, put down the walkie-talkie, turned his head and waved behind him: "Drones, get on!"

The members of the special forces stepped forward and released the drone!


Accompanied by the sound of propellers, more than a dozen drones flew to the top along the pipeline, and flew high into the sky through the gaps in the railings.

Judging from the pictures taken by the drone, there were indeed some soldiers from Shengbao City on the street, and they were quickly approaching the pipeline.

"The special forces go first!" Hou Guoyu gave the order.

More than a dozen special forces members immediately grabbed the ladder and climbed up one by one. As they climbed, they took out special ceramic pieces from their backpacks and stuffed them into the hanging pockets of their body armor.

Hou Guoyu also followed, and when everyone was about to climb to the top, he ordered again: "Smoke bombs!"

The special forces soldier lying on top grabbed the railing with one hand, and the other hand held the automatic rifle hanging on his chest, aiming at the top of the pipe together.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a sound of opening a beer bottle, and more than a dozen smoke bombs were fired outside along the mouth of the pipe.

These smoke bombs surrounded the pipe, whirled and sprayed out white smoke, quickly covering the exit.

Taking advantage of the timing of the spread of the smoke bombs, the special forces members knocked open the mouth of the well, jumped onto it one after another, and then set up automatic steps to protect the mouth of the pipe from being attacked.

At the same time, above the pipeline, the soldiers of Shengbao City, who had temporarily received the containment order, had already approached. When they saw the thick white fog, they immediately reacted.

"They're out! Attack!"

As the commander yelled, more than 30 soldiers who surrounded them opened fire on the smoke area regardless of whether they could see it or not. These people were all patrolling defenders in the city, and they also received temporary containment orders, so there were not many of them.

"Da da da!"

The bullets passed through the smoke. Although most of them missed, the dense firepower net still knocked down several special forces members, and there were screams for a while.

At the same time, the special operators also pulled down the thermal imaging and fired at the enemy!

"Da da da!"

A row of bullets was fired, and three or four soldiers from Shengbao City burst into blood mist and fell in a pool of blood.

"Blow them up."

The fastest update of "The Wind Rises Dragon City", which provides you with the false precepts of the great god!

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Following the roar of a commander in Shengbao City, a bundle of Tum T blasting Yao was thrown over. But because of the smoke, the position was a little crooked, and it landed not far from the side.


There was a huge explosion, and the flames flew everywhere covered in rubble!

Four or five special forces members who were relatively close were immediately blown away by the explosion, leaving a large crater on the ground.

One of the team members, whose legs were blown off, fell into a pool of blood and passed out.

Hou Guoyu climbed up from below with a head covered in ashes, pulled his neck and shouted, "Spread out! Don't let the enemy focus their fire on you!"

"Da da da!"

The bullets intersected each other in mid-air, and Hou Guoyu, relying on his excellent marksmanship and strong psychological quality, killed four or five fighters who wanted to approach.

At the same time, most of the team had already left the pipeline, scattered in all directions, and faced enemies in all directions.

The two sides fought fiercely, and some people were constantly hit and fell to the ground, some quickly got up and continued to fight, while some lay on the ground forever, unable to wake up again.

Seeing fewer and fewer comrades in arms, Hou Guoyu's eyes were red. He had already fired four magazines, and the barrel was hot!

"Damn it, contact the big troops! Ask them when they will arrive! How long will it be!" Hou Guoyu roared.

"Keep frying! Go, go!"

At this moment, the commander's roar came from the crowd opposite.

Hou Guoyu immediately turned around, set up his automatic pace, listened to the sound to identify his position, and aimed at the person who had just yelled in the crowd.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three shots were fired, and the commander's head burst into blood, and he fell to the ground.

Even so, his order had already been conveyed, and Hou Guoyu turned his gun, trying to bite and find the person responsible for throwing the bomb.

On a small building in the distance, a soldier lit two Tum Ts, and was about to throw them over.

Hou Guoyu found the target in raised his hand and shot three times.

"Da da da!"

The soldier's head was blown off, one T um T fell to the ground, while the other was thrown out and landed near the exit of the pipe.

Hou Guoyu's scalp was numb, and without any hesitation, he raised his foot, wanting to rush over and kick it away, because once the mouth of the pipe was blown down, the entire army on his side would definitely be wiped out.

At this moment, the former team member whose legs were blown off had woken up. Compared with Hou Guoyu and the others, he was closer to the bombing position.

Looking at Zhai Yao who fell in front of him, and at the comrades lying in a pool of blood all around him, he struggled to crawl forward and shouted: "I...I...I'll come!"


Zang Yao exploded in mid-air, and the flames instantly engulfed him and the four or five surrounding enemy soldiers. After the smoke cleared, the ground was full of corpses...

The fastest update of "The Wind Rises Dragon City", which provides you with the false precepts of the great god!

Free reading of Chapter 1059: Bloody Tunnel Entrance: https://,!


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