Will of chaos

829 Cap 827: Final part of the plan

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Pov of a cultist:

After 3 days waiting in the secret room just me and the Lord of Shadows next to that tornado of macabre Blood of his ritual to break the seal of the Cursed Dungeon, we had nothing to do and he decided that we would wait where we were.

The only time I went out was when the Lord of Shadows ordered me to get food for him, so I went to the poor area to get some people to bring to him.

One thing I've discovered being so close to the Lord of Shadows for so long is he never misses a thing, he's always mindful of every thing I do and say, I just can't tell if he distrusts me for some specific reason I don't know or for me not being one of the religious fanatics like most of the cult.

Unlike most of them, I just follow the Dragon philosophy of seeking strength, for me the strength of the Lord of Shadows is in his wisdom, confidence, ruthlessness, and power.

No matter how strong I get, I am unable to imagine being able to defeat him or even escape him, for me to follow him has always been in pursuit of the power he can bestow upon me and if the moment comes, to die in combat like a true warrior.

"It's been 3 days, I'm afraid that if it takes longer the ritual might be noticed by people in town." (I)

"That's not going to happen, the ritual has several containment spells around it, besides, there's little time left to complete, no one can stop it now." (Lord of Shadows)

The Lord of Shadows looks at the tornado of blood and smiles.

"You know, the purpose of this Cursed Dungeon wasn't that, I'm recycling a plan I abandoned a long time ago." (Lord of Shadows)

"Was it you who created this Dungeon?" (I)

"Unlike other Dungeons, a Cursed Dungeon is very easy to create, all it takes is someone full of malice, lots of miasma, and nature does the rest in an attempt to stop the miasma's contamination." (Lord of Shadows)

"In the past, I've created over 20 Cursed Dungeons, all it took was to fill someone's heart with sadness or hatred beyond the limit, it may take a while and need some preparation, but it works 16% of the time." (Lord of Shadows)

"This Dungeon was one of the easiest, I was lucky to find someone with a good heart, I took his wife's body and made him watch while the children were slaughtered, it was the most of them... hahahahahaha..." (Lord from the shadows)

The cruelty in his eyes as he tells his story and his laugh make me think he did the same back then.



After another 5 hours of waiting, a sound of something breaking was heard while the tornado of blood disappeared, it was then that I saw the entrance to the Cursed Dungeon, a stone sword with an arch where there should be a portal to enter the Dungeon, but instead Beyond that was a crack in the space through which a large amount of miasma filled the room.

"Let's go! We have little time before the monsters start to come out." (Lord of Shadows)

I follow the Lord of Shadows as we carry the large crates containing the Evil Seeds into the crack the amount of miasma coming out of this Dungeon would be enough to affect even me if I wasn't being protected by the Lord of Shadows.

We go through the entrance of the Cursed Dungeon straight to a safe room from where we go to the 60⁰ floor which was the last floor the Lord of Shadows was on before the Dungeon was sealed.

We drop the boxes and leave, all the boxes have an explosion spell that has already been activated, the magic circles of this spell were placed in the boxes to explode after 1 hour of its activation.

After dropping the boxes we left the Cursed Dungeon and left the city, it was mid-afternoon and we followed the sewers to a certain point before going up to the surface.

We leave the city through the teleportation gate that will stop working in 20 minutes due to interference from the miasma that has already started to spread.

"Too bad I won't be able to see it in person." (Lord of Shadows)

"< Shadow Sight >" (Shadow Lord)

After going to a far and safe city, we go to an inn where the Lord of Shadows uses a spell to see the situation of the Cursed Dungeon through his Familiars of Shadows that are scattered throughout the city.


Pov an Adventurer:

I was drinking in a bar when the miasma appeared, I thought this was happening inside the bar and went outside where I found out it was happening all over the city, an incredible amount of miasma was spreading better and better, I start evacuating the common people just like many other Adventurers like me are doing all over the city I'm sure.

But before I get distracted with my task of saving the innocent people from the miasma, something happens, the amount of miasma that was slowly spreading before seems to spread like a bomb now, making evacuation out of the city impossible, so the Adventurers and Soldiers have begun moving people into shelters only used during Monster Waves, the wards there should keep the miasma at bay.



Soon cracking sounds are heard throughout the city but I couldn't see anything that was happening that could make these sounds, then suddenly a magic circle appears from the ground going to the sky while breaking, then a big crack formed in the space above city as a great stone sword grows out from under the city's floor.

Before anyone could understand what was going on, a large number of monsters started pouring out of the crack that was right above the mysterious giant stone sword.

They were not normal ores, they were of the Demon type, among them there was an especially frightening one, a giant being that was trying to get out through the crack in space by force, he was not visible, but he seemed to wear silver armor due to the gauntlets on his hands.

"We're all going to die..." (I)

That was my last thought before being cut in half before realizing by a creature that I only saw the bulk, the last thing I saw was something colossal flying across the sky.

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