Under the worried gaze of Goddess Li, Lin Han rode the shark and drove to the shore.

At this time, Li Shuixin stood on the reef and waited, the water here is relatively deep, and the shark will not run aground.

Moreover, the water is so clear that everyone can finally see the shark in its entirety.

It is unbelievable that such a famous shark should be honestly ridden by a human.

"Come up. "

Lin Han smiled at Li Shuixin,

"This shark?"

Li Shuixin was a little afraid to do so, after all, it was a big shark more than three meters long.

What if she joins and angers the sharks?

"Don't worry, it has no temper anymore and won't hurt us. "

Lin Han smiled and said, "Animals are spiritual, I have tamed it just now, from now on, it will not hurt me again, and it will listen to me." "

"Okay. "

Li Shuixin didn't know what to say, but she believed in Lin Han unconditionally.

Lin Han stretched out a hand, she held Lin Han's hand, and carefully sat on the shark's back.

This thresher shark weighs more than 400 catties, and with the buoyancy of the water, it is no problem to bear the weight of two people.

"Hold my waist and I'll take you for a ride!"

Lin Han continued.

Li Shuixin paused, stretched out his hands, hugged Lin Han's waist, and the whole person was tightly attached to his body.

She watched Lin Han and the shark fight from the shore, and her heart went through a fierce struggle.

Worried, moved, tangled,,,

In the end, she made up her mind, this boy who was three or four years younger than herself, really moved his heart.

At this time, she didn't want to care about the family, and she didn't want to care about the in the world.

I just want to be happily with Lin Han and live a leisurely and comfortable desert island life.

Lin Han thought that she would hold herself with only her hands, but she didn't expect the whole person to stick it over.

Feeling a burst of soft ripples coming, his body stiffened slightly.

This is the first time I have been in contact with a girl so intimately.

Moreover, she is also a beautiful fairy.

"Walk, go for a ride in the sea!"

Lin Han patted the thresher shark's back with his hand, and the latter felt the master's command and quickly swung its tail fin, like an arrow rushing out.

Thresher sharks can reach speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour, which is much slower than a speedboat, but it is more than enough for a ride.

As soon as they left the shore, Dahua and Xiu Yuan hurried over.

Seeing this scene,

Xiu Yuan has a black question mark on his face: "Gollum~" (What are you calling me for?)

Big flower: "??? meow~" (??? don't know~)

The two rode sharks and took a turn on the sea, feeling the vastness of the sea to the fullest.

Lin Han was hugged tightly by Li Shuixin, feeling the burst of virgin fragrance coming from her body, and he didn't want the shark to stop at all.

They went around the island,

On the west shore of the island, they saw an ethereal island in the distance, estimated to be more than ten nautical miles away from their island.

"There should be challengers on that island. "

I don't know what happened to the other challengers.

"Probably. "

Lin Han shook his head, they had experienced the cruelty of the great storm, if it weren't for their own system, plus good luck, it would be difficult to survive.

is as strong as Li Shuixin, didn't he almost lose his life.

"Let's go back, the lamb belly is estimated. "

Lin Han commanded the shark back to the south shore.

After going around the circle just now, no other human activities were found, so it was certain that there were only two of them on this island.

"Hmm. "

When the two went back, they let the thresher shark swim more slowly, and when they returned to the south shore, the sun had already begun to set.

The calm sea is like a natural canvas on which the fiery clouds of the sky are imprinted.

The beautiful, romantic scenery attracted the two,

They found a protruding reef in the middle of the sea and sat on it together to watch the sunset.

Thresher sharks just took a break and swam alongside.

"It's beautiful. "

Li Shuixin looked at the picture scroll where the sky and water meet, and his heart was touched.

"It's beautiful to have someone by your side. "

Lin Han said with emotion.

Once, when he was alone, he often came to the beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and I don't know how many times he has seen such a picture.

But I have never felt it so beautiful from the bottom of my heart as it is today.

"Lin Han. "

Li Shuixin called softly,


Lin Han turned around and looked at her puzzled.


"It's going to get dark, let's go back. "

Li Shuixin blushed and jumped into the water.

This scene seems to be what everyone is looking forward to.

There was a burst of "Oh~~~" in the live broadcast room.

"Together, together!"

"Lady Li was shy. "

"I'll take this wave of dog food, as long as you're together!"

"May we be united forever!"

The live broadcast room instantly became lively, some people were coaxing, and some people were sincerely blessed.

With so much going on, they really hope that these two people can come together.

LIN Han,

Stay where you are, for a while.

A hand, gently caressing his face, where he had been kissed just now.

"Don't think about it, just thank you for saving me. "

Li Shuixin showed a head from the water, and the cool sea water made the redness of her cheeks subside.

Is it just thanks?

Lin Han smiled and shook his head.

Then, jump into the water, call the thresher shark over, and ride the shark back to shore.

It takes an hour for the lamb tripe to be cooked, so it's just the right time to prepare other dishes.

However, Lin Han regretted that the sky had already begun to darken, and the bottom of the water was pitch black, and it was no fun to catch a big lobster.

"Shuixin, go and change your clothes, it's a little cold at night, you're wet, don't catch a cold." "

Seeing that Li Shuixin's clothes were soaked, Lin Han handed him his clothes.

He's in good physical condition and doesn't get sick, so it's okay if he doesn't wear clothes.

"Hmm. "

Li Shuixin nodded obediently, she knew Lin Han's character, and knew that it was useless for her to refuse, Lin Han would definitely insist that she wear it. Instead of being pretentious, it is better to accept this kindness calmly.

took his clothes and went to the forest to change, but he reminded himself in his heart that he had to make a set for Lin Han...... No, make a few more outfits.

After a while, Li Shuixin walked out in loose clothes.

The wide clothes cover her slender body, giving her a languid aesthetic.

Although the light at night is severely insufficient, the darkness blocks her beauty!

Lin Han rarely praised her, but this beauty could amaze him in real time.

At this time, they could already smell the aroma of mutton accompanied by the smell of coconut, and after a busy afternoon, the two of them were already hungry. Li Shuixin sat cross-legged by the fire, saliva constantly bubbling out.

She couldn't wait.

In a short time, a serving of shrimp and tomato soup, a grilled fish on a sizzling plate, a stir-fried meat with chili, a slice of ham, and a roast rabbit are ready.

A rich fragrance that fills the entire beach.

Before the meal was announced, a few guys next to him were already hungry. The big flowers and the small flowers kept circling him, and their saliva flowed all over the ground.

When Lin Han turned the lamb belly out from under the fire, the fragrance suddenly became several times stronger.

Big flowers and small flowers, anxious to turn around.

They feel like they haven't eaten something like this in a century.

"Is this lamb belly wrapped meat, I've eaten it once before, but it's made in a pot in a restaurant, and it's completely different from your method.

This lamb belly looks disgusting, but it smells much more fragrant than in a restaurant.

Lin Han, hurry up and open it, I can't wait. "

She was holding a chopstick in one hand, and her eagerness to try it really amused everyone.

Lin Han replied with a smile, "It'll be fine right away." "

He pulls out the lamb's belly chop with a wooden stick and places it on top of the palm leaves.

Subsequently, the exhaust pipe was removed and the lamb's belly was cut open with a saber.


The mutton inside popped open instantly, and the fragrance that had been locked for several hours was instantly released.

Suddenly, Li Shuixin was intoxicated.

"It smells so good!"


It is indeed very fragrant, much more fragrant than the last time, the lamb belly meat made by Lin Han.

Last time, Lin Han's cooking skills had not yet reached the full level.

Now that he has a full-level cooking skill and a cooking bonus, the taste he makes is naturally far worse than last time.

Not to mention Li Shuixin and Dahua Xiaohua, the two foodies, even he himself is hungry.

"I'll try a piece first. "

Li Shuixin couldn't wait to pick up a piece of mutton and send it to his mouth.

"Beware of burning. "

Lin Han hurriedly reminded.

The lamb's belly had just been taken out of the fire, and the temperature was more than 100 degrees. Didn't you see it, the soup inside was still bubbling?

Lin Han's reminder was already very timely, but Li Shuixin still burned his mouth.

Fortunately, it is not serious and does not cause ulcers.

"Well, it's delicious! I thought the fat would be greasy, but here it melts in my mouth, and there is no smell of mutton at all, only a mouthful full of coconut milk and the mixed aroma of mutton.

It's the best food I've ever had. "

Li Shuixin did not hesitate to praise his words at all, and praised Lin Han to the sky.


Lin Han can afford this praise.

If this dish is sold outside, I am afraid that someone will rush to ask for 10,000 yuan a piece.

He blends the essence of lamb and coconut milk together, and the two flavors collide with each other and blend into the meat cubes. The coconut milk makes the lamb more tender, and when you bite into it, the two flavors instantly bloom between your mouth.

Minor changes, such as the shape and size of the lamb cuts, such as the amount of coconut milk and toppings, can enhance the taste and texture of the dish.

And this time, Lin Han wanted to reward Li Shuixin, so he did it very carefully.

It can be said that this dish is his pinnacle, and the taste is not just wonderful, it is simply a delicacy in the world.

"Okay, little glutton, don't worry about eating it yet, help me put the dishes on the table. This dish is not the only one prepared today. "

Seeing her eating so happily, Lin Han smiled with satisfaction.

"Hmm. "

Li Shuixin nodded obediently and hurried over to help.

"Wow, so good, I think, I'm really going to get fat. "

As he spoke, he grabbed a piece of chili fried pork and stuffed it into his mouth, "Bia chirp bia chirp - well, it's delicious." Lin Han, I feel that your craftsmanship has improved again.

Although this chili stir-fry is spicy, this spiciness blends into the meat and becomes a soft and comforting flavor.

I feel that even people who can't eat spicy food can't resist this deliciousness. "

Since then, fall in love with spicy and woody?

After a while, the two of them laid out all the dishes.

The menu is very rich, with the addition of two seasoning artifacts, chili pepper and oyster sauce, this time it is even more hearty.

Lin Han took out six candles and placed them around.

The style was raised all at once.

"Wow, you've got candles too!"

Li Shuixin was pleasantly surprised,

Girls, there is no resistance to this romantic atmosphere at all.

It's almost time to make a wish on a candle.

"I suddenly remembered that today was my birthday, hehe, and I added a few candles temporarily. "

Lin Han always forgets his birthday, but when he was preparing the dishes today, he kept remembering in his head that today seemed to be a special day.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally remembered that today is his birthday.

After today, I will be nineteen years old.

"Your birthday!"

Li Shuixin looked at Lin Han in surprise, "Why didn't you say it earlier, I wasn't prepared at all." "

She felt that on such an important day, she should prepare a little gift for her.

"Well, that's what I just remembered. "

Lin Han waved his hand, "Is it a birthday, there will be one in the future." "

"Then I'll sing you a birthday song. "

Li Shuixin quickly walked to the side, pulled a handful of grass over, and knitted a birthday hat for Lin Han. Then, beating the beat, a birthday song was sung.

In the live broadcast room, netizens learned that today was Lin Han's birthday, and they all sent their blessings.

"It turns out that today is Lin Shen's birthday, I wish you a happy life!"

"Wow, I have the same birthday as Lin Shen!"

"+1 for the same birthday!"

"Same birthday +10086!"

Shark taming has attracted a lot of popularity before, and at present, the two live broadcast rooms together have more than 30 million people.

There are naturally a lot of people who have the same birthday as Lin Han.

"I envy the god of the forest, and I am accompanied by the goddess on my birthday on a desert island. And I have a birthday in the city, and I am still a single dog. "

"It's okay, you can pretend that the goddess is singing birthday songs for you. "

"Hey, when I said that, I was in a much better mood instantly. "

"It's okay, I have my girlfriend with me today. "

"Upstairs, are you sure it's not the fifth sister?"

The goddess sang a simple birthday song, which attracted many netizens.

Some bored netizens posted this video on the Internet, and it quickly had more than 10,000 views.

[Reversing it or being a king] rewarded anchor Lin Han with 50 treasures: "Today is Lin Shen's birthday, I wish you a happy life." "

[Lu Bu in the people] rewarded the anchor Lin Han with 30 treasures: "Hurry up!"

[Life is so boring] rewarded the anchor Lin Han with 30 points of treasure: "Quick!"

[God of Ten Thousand Eagles] rewarded the anchor with 2 treasures: "I wish Lin Shen a happy birthday, happiness with Li Nuxia, and a safe return with Xiaobai." "


After a while, Li Shuixin finished singing the birthday song,

Then he smiled at Lin Han, "Stick your head over." "


Lin Han leaned forward a little.

Li Shuixin gently patted his forehead with the palm of his hand, and then Lao Cheng said, "Well, I've grown up." "

"What does that mean?"

Lin Han was puzzled.

Li Shuixin smiled, "Every year when I celebrate my birthday, my grandmother will do this. She said that it was a blessing that was handed down in ancient times, and it would pass on good luck to the birthday celebrants. "

"Why do I think you're taking advantage of me?"

Seeing that the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little weird, Lin Han looked suspicious.

Li Shuixin hurriedly suppressed a laugh, shook his head solemnly and said, "No, how could it be, it won't." "

"Can you start the meal, Lin Shouxing?"

"Don't worry, do you know how to eat mutton with the best taste?"

Lin Han smiled faintly and asked.

"Dipping cumin?"

Li Shuixin said curiously.

Lin Han shook his head, "The ancients had a poem: Shaqing grass is soft lamb fat, and jade fat and wine are suitable. Mutton and wine are a perfect match!

It's a pity that we don't have the kind of spirits on the grassland, and we can't feel the pride of the ancients.

However, there is a freshly brewed coconut wine, which also has a different flavor. "

Lin Han took out a small bamboo tube and two bamboo cups, and poured a cup for each of them.

"Try it, it's a fruit wine, it's very low, it's not intoxicating, it's also beautiful. "


Li Shuixin was skeptical.

"Poofhaha~ Li Nuxia is worried that Lin Shen has bad intentions. "

"How do I think that Lady Li is worried that Lin Shen has no bad intentions?"

"Woman Li definitely didn't worry about Lin Shen, and she didn't have bad intentions!"

"(Dizzy), are you talking about tongue twisters?"

"What is there to worry about Lady Li, I think I should worry about Lin Shen. "

"Uh, are you worried that Lin Shen has bad intentions? Or are you worried that Lin Shen has no bad intentions?"


The sea breeze is gentle, the candle flame is gradually extinguished,

On this desert island, Lin Han had a meaningful birthday.

After eating, drinking enough,

The two sat on the reef and enjoyed the sea breeze together.

"Lin Han, do you say this island has a name?"

"Probably not, after all, it only came into the spotlight last year. "

Unlike previous lives, the oceans of this world are filled with many unknowns. Almost every once in a while, new islands are discovered.

This island was first discovered by Yin Tiancheng's Yin Group, and it was not announced to the public.

Therefore, even if there is a name, no one else will know it.

"Let's give it a name. "

Li Shuixin said with an expectation.

"I'm a dead name. "

Lin Han directly admitted.

"This is the island where we both live, how about taking one word from each of our names?"

"Chill Island?"

Lin Han shook his head, he didn't think it was a good name.

The netizens in the live broadcast room burst into laughter instantly.

"It's worthy of being a tenth-level name, and it didn't disappoint me!"

"Li Nuxia: This goods, my sister can't take it!"

"One person, one word, there's nothing wrong with the chill...... Puff ha~"

Li Shuixin gave him a fierce look, "Okay, I admit that you are a waste." "

"What's that called?"

"Let's call it Coldwater Island. "

"It's a little better. "


When I went back, it was completely dark, but there were big flowers and small flowers and Xiuyuan to lead the way, so there was no problem.

Even if there is a beast, seeing such a strong lineup, it is scared away.

Back at the bamboo house, the two washed and went back to sleep.


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