Wild Princess: Marrying an Ugly Prince

Chapter 172 There Are No Shortcuts to Love

The conversation between the two of them was just in the middle of the conversation, and the carved wooden door of Bai Aoxue's room was pushed open vigorously before they even had a few mouthfuls of dinner.

Bai Aoxue and Jun Yeyan couldn't help turning their heads, looking outside the door.

I saw Nalan Youhong walking in staggeringly, Junyi's face was a little flushed, and his eyes were a little dazed.

A strong smell of alcohol flooded into Bai Aoxue's room following Nalan Youhong's entry.

Bai Aoxue couldn't help frowning, she looked at Nalan Youhong.

And Jun Yeyan didn't expect that, but after not seeing him for a while, he made himself like this.

What's going on? The voice couldn't help being a little colder, Jun Yeyan looked at Nalan Youhong indifferently, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes.

He and Nalan Youhong have supported each other for many years, and they have long been like brothers. Everyone said that the An Emperor was cold and heartless, but only Nalan Youhong understood all his sufferings.

And Nalan Youhong resolutely chose to follow him when he had nothing, and bet on everything.

That's why over the years, no matter how much mess Nalan Youhong made, he would clean it up for him, because there was no need to talk between them, because they were brothers.

I found it... so it's here... Nalan Youhong looked at Jun Yeyan and Bai Aoxue with drunk eyes and said.

After saying that, he took a few steps forward and sat down on the reclining chair beside him.

Nalan Youhong, what's the matter with you? Bai Aoxue looked at Nalan Youhong and asked calmly, she didn't know what happened between Nalan Youhong and Mu Mian when they came.

Nalan Youhong looked at Bai Aoxue and grinned, Bai Aoxue! Fifth Princess! I've taken a fancy to your kapok!

Bai Aoxue watched Nalan Youhong come out, her forehead twitched and said, I know.

Hi...but...but this dead girl Mu Mian actually likes Zhao! I like that zombie face! Tell me...what should I do?! Nalan Youhong hiccupped Bai Aoxue and suddenly said loudly.

Bai Aoxue, who was originally walking back quickly, was stopped by Lei when she heard Nalan Youhong's astonishing words, and looked at Nalan Youhong in surprise.

And Jun Yeyan also stretched out his slender hand in time, covering Bai Aoxue's cheek, covering up Nalan Youhong's poisonous gas for Bai Aoxue.

Haha... Kapok likes Zhao?! After a long time, Bai Aoxue came back to his senses and pulled Jun Yeyan's hand, and said with a big smile, his eyes were full of disbelief.

And Jun Yeyan sighed helplessly when he heard Nalan Youhong's words, this guy has always been a muscle, no matter who he is, he has a headache.

When Nalan Youhong heard Bai Aoxue's laughter, he said angrily, What!? Are you surprised? Are you even going to laugh at me?!

Bai Aoxue looked at Nalan Youhong's appearance, stroked her forehead and said, Why do you think Kapok likes Zhao?

Do you still have to think? She likes Zhao! Nalan Youhong retorted loudly.

Well, let me ask you, have you ever personally asked Mu Mian about his thoughts and ideas? Or did you not dare to ask, so you guessed it yourself!? Seeing Nalan Youhong's crowd in the room, Bai Aoxue couldn't help but sigh. asked aloud.

When Nalan Youhong heard Bai Aoxue's words, he paused for a moment, and then said loudly: Why should I ask her about her mind! Could it be that I can't see it myself?

Nalan Youhong, if you really like Kapok, you should understand her intentions instead of complaining about yourself and misunderstood her. Why do you let Kapok like you? Or let me feel relieved to hand Kapok over to you. For you? Bai Aoxue said coldly.

There was a hint of contempt in the words. This is contempt for a coward who dare not face up to his own heart, but puts all his emotions on others, and blames others.

After Bai Aoxue finished speaking, the room was silent.

Jun Yeyan looked at Nalan Youhong, and saw Nalan Youhong staring blankly at the ground, wondering what he was thinking.

If you really like kapok, you shouldn't be here at this moment. Do you understand? Nalan Youhong, you should know that some people leave you when you don't know how to cherish them. There is no waiting in life No if, if you really want to lose Kapok, or hand her over to someone else, then you can go on like this. Jun Yeyan and I can't help you, because there is no shortcut to love. Bai Aoxue stared blankly Nalan Youhong spoke again.

How could she not understand what that girl Mu Mian was thinking, if she hadn't had feelings for Nalan Youhong, how could she have quarreled with Nalan Youhong every time she saw him.

All this is just proof that she likes Nalan Youhong.

It's just that Nalan Youhong, a single-celled creature, doesn't understand.

These two people, if they both continue like this, they might really miss each other, and in this case, she will help them, rather than letting Mu Mian act first, she would rather see Nalan Youhong admit defeat first.

Hong, Axue said every time. There is no shortcut to love. If you want to get something, you have to lose something. Kapok or your pride, who do you choose? Who is more important? Jun Yeyan looked at Na Na lightly. Lan Youhong said, there are only so many who can help Nalan Youhong.

If he has not made up his mind by now, then they have no intention of saying more.

When Nalan Youhong heard Jun Yeyan's words, he lowered his head and thought, but Bai Aoxue didn't want to say any more, and just waited for Nalan Youhong to figure it out for himself. All of a sudden, there was only Bai Aoxue's bowl and chopsticks left in the room. The sound of collision.

I know what to do! Thank you all for today! Nalan Youhong suddenly stood up from the recliner, swept away the dejection just now, and instead looked at Bai Aoxue and Jun Yeyan energetically.

Seeing Nalan Youhong's appearance, Bai Aoxue felt relieved a lot, it would be the best if Nalan Youhong could figure it out.

Now that you know what to do, let's go. With a smile in his eyes, Jun Yeyan glanced at Nalan Youhong lightly and said.

Nalan Youhong didn't stay any longer and quickly left the room.

Bai Aoxue and Jun Yeyan looked at each other and smiled, one hoped that Nalan Youhong would succeed, while the other hoped that Mu Mian could hang Nalan Youhong and make him embarrass himself a few more times.

Eat it while it's hot. We have to hurry tomorrow morning before we can enter Yangzhou. Rest early. Jun Yeyan added some dishes to Bai Aoxue, and said softly.

Bai Aoxue nodded and said no more.

After the two had dinner, the number of people who came to collect the dinner changed from three to two. Looking at Wenxi and the curious Hongxiu, Bai Aoxue asked softly, Where did kapok go?

Apparently knowing what to ask.

Hong Xiu looked at Bai Aoxue with blinking bright eyes, and said cautiously: Miss, Kapok was called out by Mr. Nalan!

Wenxi looked at the mysterious Hongxiu, and couldn't help shaking her head slightly, seeing that the young lady understood everything, only Hongxiu couldn't see it because of her rough nerves.

Oh... Bai Aoxue elongated her tone, and looked at Hong Xiu in disbelief.

When Siphon saw Bai Aoxue's disbelieving eyes, he couldn't help becoming anxious, and leaned up to Bai Aoxue and said, Miss, let me tell you that this is absolutely true. Mr. Nalan came to call for Kapok in person. Kapok is so happy. It's rare for the two of you to have a good relationship. They left talking and laughing. It seems that Mr. Nalan is going to take kapok somewhere to see the scenery.

Jun Yeyan's mouth twitched when he heard Hongxiu's words. What kind of scenery is there to see in this dusty and uninhabited place? It's really thanks to Nalan Youhong who figured it out.

It's so late, why are you still going to see the scenery? Bai Aoxue took a sip of the tea and said.

Miss, Kapok and Mr. Nalan, it's a love affair between a young girl and it's normal. Maybe Kapok will get married soon! Hongxiu looked at Bai Aoxue with contempt.

Bai Aoxue received Hong Xiu's eyes and listened to Hong Xiu's words, she couldn't help being speechless.

Cooperating with Hongxiu, do you really think you don't know anything? So come to despise yourself? !

Nodding the tip of her nose, Bai Aoxue's eyes flashed and she said: How about Hongxiu, let's make a bet. Just bet on whether Kapok will marry soon.

When Hong Xiu heard this, she immediately looked at Bai Aoxue vigilantly, seeing that Bai Aoxue was not joking, Hong Xiu cautiously said: What if Miss, you don't allow Kapok to marry!?

Do you think I'm a person like this? If any of you tell me that you want to get married someday, even if your family loses everything, I will prepare the most generous dowry for you, so that you can marry in a beautiful way! Bai Aoxue gently Said, but there was no hint of a joke in his eyes.

Wenxi and I don't know how to get married! We will always stay by Miss's side. If Mu Mian wants to marry, we can marry! Anyway, she and Mr. Nalan are like that! We are happy for her. Hongxiu said anxiously when she heard Bai Aoxue's words.

It never occurred to her to marry or anything.

Bai Aoxue smiled lightly, and didn't say any more, but she really thought in her heart, if Hongxiu Mumian and the others got married in the future, would she have less worries?

Okay, do you want to gamble? I'll bet on your two months' money. If I lose, I'll give you two months' money. If you lose, the next month's money will be mine. Bai Aoxue laughed.

When Hong Xiu heard this, although she was still a little worried about whether Bai Aoxue would cheat, but when she thought that if she won, she would get two months' monthly money, Hong Xiu agreed without even thinking about it.

I promise! I bet Kapok Kapok will marry Mr. Nalan soon!

Looking at Hongxiu's appearance, Wenxi couldn't help mourning for Hongxiu in her heart, but also lamented that the child Hongxiu was hopeless.

Bai Aoxue looked at Hongxiu's swearing, full of confidence, and couldn't help snickering: Then I'll bet that Mu Mian won't marry Nalan Youhong within this year.

We can't let Kapok know about our bet! Hongxiu immediately said, what if Kapok finds out and asks her for a share of the money.

Bai Aoxue nodded, looked at the sky and said, It's getting late, you guys go to pack up and get some rest. You have to get up early tomorrow and hurry.

Wenxi and Hongxiu were a little tired from the day's journey, so they nodded, packed their things and left.

Seeing Bai Aoxue rubbing her eyes sleepily, Jun Yeyan stretched out his hand to hold her little hand and said, Go and rest quickly, I will ask them to find Hong and Mumian back later, don't rub your eyes all the time, this way not good.

Feeling the warm temperature in her hands, Bai Aoxue smiled lightly and nodded.

She never thought about the distance between the rivers and lakes, but she is grateful that he is the person beside her.

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