As soon as the space magic pattern was extinguished, it was naturally discovered by the god inside.

However, even if these gods discovered it, it was useless, they still couldn't get out.

As soon as the magic patterns were extinguished, the shackles of the void in these cells disappeared one after another.

In the perception of non-space gods, they can also perceive changes, but they cannot get out.

The prison cell made of star gold is still impregnable.

However, such changes gave hope to the gods who were already in despair when they were locked in the cell.

Nothing ever changed after they were put in a cell.

Now, finally, there's a change.

Moreover, this change is also a change in the cell itself.


time flies.

Qi Feibai was still absorbing it. His absorption speed was so fast that he turned into a super water pump.

The current Demon Prison is in chaos. In the center of the Demon Prison, two main gods are fighting, making it impossible to stay here.

A large number of demon dragons were affected, and each of those demon dragons just ran for their lives.

Outside the Demon Prison, the Lava Demon Lord is fighting against the Void Demon Snake.

The Void Demonic Snake is indeed powerful. In addition, the Lava Demon Lord has been trapped for too long and has lost some strength. In a short period of time, the Lava Demon Lord has no good way to deal with this Void Demonic Snake.

These two battles caused chaos in the entire Demon Prison, and no one noticed Qi Feibai at all.

Space energy quickly entered Qi Feibai's time and space talent tree.

His Heart of Time and Space played an important role at this time.

It's like turning on a turbo, or equivalent to a super powerful water pump.

Let the time and space talent tree absorb faster.

Qi Feibai does not need to use his time and space heart to absorb this space energy, he only needs to absorb it into the time and space talent tree.

The time and space talent tree will generate a steady stream of time and space power for Qi Feibai.

The power of time and space is the power Qi Feibai has mastered.

Compared with using the time and space talent tree, time and space energy is consumed to drive the talent ability.

The Heart of Time and Space consumes the power of time and space to perform the engraved skills, which are many times more powerful!

Moreover, it is becoming more and more powerful.


In this case, and the fact that the space energy itself is just energy, Qi Feibai absorbed it too fast.

Qi Feibai turned into a black hole, and the space energy passed through the chain and poured into Qi Feibai from all directions from all the cells in the Demon Prison.

Moreover, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Outside the Demon Prison, such movement was naturally noticed by the Void Demonic Dragon, but now it had no time to take care of it.

"It's too fast. This space energy is really low-level."

Qi Fei thought in vain.

Energy is energy.

Strictly speaking, the space-time energy in the artifact fragments is probably the divine power of the ancient giant, and its level is naturally high.

Although low-level, the advantage lies in their numbers. Qi Feibai's time and space talent trees are slowly becoming stronger.

Only ten minutes.

The space energy here was almost absorbed by Qi Feibai.

"It's almost time, let her people out first!"

Qi Feibai wasted no time and rushed to the cell area in one go.

On the time and space talent tree, an ability was fully driven by Qi Feibai.

He constructed space passages one after another directly on these star-gold cells.

Star Gold is strong, but its weakness is also fatal.

Of course, ordinary space magicians and the like can't do anything with it, but basically, as long as they are space gods, they can face Star Gold very easily.

This speed is much faster than the stealth Qi Feibai had imagined before.

Such a space passage is not difficult, it only requires passing through the wall of the cell.

"What's this?"

In a cell, the huge demon pig noticed the space passage. This guy's reaction was also quick. Without saying a word, the divine body suddenly shrank and rushed into it.

As soon as he came out, the demon pig saw Qi Feibai and the mark of Zeura on Qi Feibai.

"The Demon Lord's mark!"

Immediately afterwards, it saw the battle in the center of the Demon Prison.

"It's the Demon Lord~!"

The demon pig was overjoyed.

Following the spatial passages Qi Feibai built in these cells, a large number of other demon gods also rushed out.

Qi Feibai had already made a mark in his previous search and exploration.

All the demons were overjoyed.

Although they are demon gods, they see that it is the space channel built by Qi Feibai. Qi Feibai still has the mark of Zeura on his body, so it is naturally impossible for these demon gods to attack Qi Feibai.

Not long after, hundreds of demon gods were released by Qi Feibai.

These are all under Zeura's command.

At this time, in the center of the Demon Prison, the battle had become one-sided.

In battles between gods, it is often difficult to determine the winner.

But the fight had only lasted a little over half an hour, and the Demon Lord guarding the Demon Prison had already been beaten to the point where he was roaring and unable to withstand it at all.

Seeing that hundreds of demon gods were released by Qi Feibai, the demon lord finally found the key.

"Ho, it's you, how dare you release the Lord of the Demonic Abyss!"

This demon lord's eyes breathed fire.

Qi Feibai glanced at him indifferently, and disappeared in a flash, making the invisible attack he sent through his eyes in vain.


But its distraction soon came at a price, as Zeura's attack suddenly fell on it, knocking the guy away.

"Kill all these dragons!"

Hundreds of demon gods took action one after another and got into a battle with the demon dragons that rushed over.

Although the strength of these demon gods has been greatly damaged, each of them is still as tough as a horse. Many of the demon dragons in the demon prison themselves were killed by Zeura in the previous battle.

The rest are no match for them at all.


When the Demon Lord guarding the Demon Prison saw that something was wrong, he rushed out of the Demon Prison without stopping.

If the fight continues here, I'm afraid it will have to be confessed here.

Zeura gave chase.

"Quick, let's follow!"

The hundreds of demon gods followed them one after another.

Under the control of the guarding demon lord, a huge crack appeared in the Demon Prison.

The Demon Lord who was guarding here rushed out. As soon as he rushed out, he saw the Lava Demon Lord who was fighting with the Void Demon Snake!

No wonder, the Void Demonic Snake has not provided any support to him.


Seeing the mess, the guarding Demon Lord was furious.

Behind him, Zeura had already fought his way out, followed closely by hundreds of demon gods, rushing out of the demon abyss together.

As soon as she came out of the Demon Prison, the aura on Zeura's body was even more frightening. It was obvious that her divine body was a thousand times smaller than that of the Demon Lord who was guarding her, but her aura was infinitely stronger than that of the Demon Lord who was guarding her.

With her as the center, the area visible to the naked eye was covered with a layer of extreme cold.

The dark energy permeating the abyss was continuously absorbed by her.

At this moment, she looked like a dragon entering the sea.


"is her!"

Although Zeura had not been seen in the distance, the terrifying aura and the throbbing from the level of law had already made the goddess of wisdom guess the identity of the other party.

A series of changes have made the goddess of wisdom frown.

First, the Lava Demon Lord broke out of the Demon Prison and fought against the Void Demon Snake.

Immediately afterwards, Zeura came out chasing the guarding demon lord, and came out with hundreds of powerful demon gods!

This made the goddess of wisdom completely confused as to what was happening.

With her wisdom, she vaguely guessed that this might have something to do with Qi Feibai, but she was not sure.

Not even she could have imagined such a crazy plan.

After all, she didn't fully understand Qi Feibai's abilities. At the same time, she knew the horror of the Demon Prison.

How could one know that Qi Feibai could release two demon lords and a large group of demon gods so quickly!

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