Qi Feibai asked a lot of questions and got a comprehensive understanding of Aaliyah's situation.

She is now much weaker than when she was in her prime.

When she was captured, she looked like she was in the late third level, but now she is a hundred times weaker.

Moreover, the further back, the faster it weakens.

Because the weaker she is, the less able she is to maintain her strength.


After understanding everything in detail, Qi Feibai pondered for a moment and said: "You wait first, I want to discuss the solution with your sister."

We really need to discuss and communicate. Even if we only take her out alone, we must discuss it first before taking any action.

What's more, there's a girl in a white dress.

Although she was unwilling to go out, (bfeb), after seeing the girl in a black dress who looked exactly like her in the core of the Demon Prison, Qi Feibai felt that they should be related.

Another surprise.

As a man, subconsciously, he will pay more attention to the woman he has a relationship with.

This is common for any man.

The other party is not the kind of woman who takes things lightly.


After thinking about it, Qi Feibai chose to go out instead of going to the girl in the white dress.

He wanted to go and see the Goddess of Wisdom first, ask the Goddess of Wisdom, and see if she knew the origin of the girl in black skirt in the core of the Demon Prison.

A person is imprisoned in the core of the devil's prison. Think about it, the other person is not simple either.

Maybe the goddess of wisdom knows.

After you figure it out, let's see what the next step is.

This time, he had been searching in the Demon Prison for nearly three days.

If we go out now, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Qi Feibai said another word to Aaliya, and then activated his natural ability.

The next second, he completely disappeared from the cell and reappeared where the goddess of wisdom was hiding.

Here, Qi Feibai has created a multi-layered space. Even if Qi Feibai is not here, unless a witch like Youwitch who is good at void perception happens to pass by here, she will not notice it at all.


Seeing Qi Feibai's return, joy appeared on the face of the goddess of wisdom.

For the past three days, she has been waiting here, cautiously, without making any move.

She was also worried that something was broken.

After all, Qi Feibai entered the dangerous prison alone.

Now, seeing Qi Feibai come back safely, the goddess of wisdom is naturally very happy.

"Found your sister, goddess!"

After Qi Feibai came back, he arrived as soon as he opened his mouth.

"did you find it?"

The goddess of wisdom was even happier now.

"You're not in any danger, are you?"

Then, she became concerned about Qi Feibai again.

After looking at Qi Feibai's body, she felt relieved.

Qi Feibai was not injured and seemed to be in good mental condition.

"Fortunately, there's no big danger."

Qi Feibai said.

"That's good. Not long after you entered, I sensed that her location had changed, and I couldn't notify you. I was worried that you couldn't find her."

The goddess of wisdom said.

As expected.

A small probability event was encountered by Qi Feibai.

As a result, Qi Fei spent so long searching in vain.

"Bai, is there any way to bring her out?"

asked the goddess of wisdom.

Qi Feibai pondered for a moment and looked at her: "It can definitely be brought out, but it is 100% likely to alarm the Void Demonic Snake. Goddess, do you know much about the Demonic Prison?"

He didn't directly talk about the girl in the white dress.

after all.

If something like that happened unexpectedly, it would be hard to tell the goddess of wisdom.

The goddess of wisdom said: "I have some understanding. This is a prison jointly created by some demon lords in the abyss. The material used is very scary star gold. Gods themselves will be suppressed in strength in the demon prison. If there is no main artifact in hand, , not even the Demon Lord can break the cell inside."

Qi Feibai asked again: "Goddess, why are there demon gods imprisoned in the demon prison?"

The Goddess of Wisdom said: "Demon gods? There may be some disobedient demon gods. Are there many of them?"

Qi Feibai nodded: "There are many, and they are not weak in strength. There is also one who claims to be the Demon Lord. I feel that he should be a half-step Demon Lord!"

Half-step Demon Lord!

"Is even the Half-Step Demon Lord locked inside?"

The goddess of wisdom was a little surprised.

At this time, she thought of something.

"Could it be that one..."

Halfway through, she took out a book and started searching inside.


Qi Feibai asked.

"Found it. We don't know much about the Abyss. However, more than 10,000 years ago, there was a turmoil in the Abyss. It was caused by an extremely powerful demon lord. This demon lord is a bit special because she is a woman. , was also a witch."

The goddess of wisdom quickly took a page from the book and closed it. She was worried that the book would attract some movement.

There are a lot of records on that page.

"She is said to be a witch, but she once went to the God Realm and disguised herself as a goddess. She tried to integrate the power of the God Realm. Although she failed, she became extremely powerful. She has a large number of powerful demon gods under her command. , there is even a demon lord.”

The goddess of wisdom said.

Good guy, a witch who has been to the God Realm and disguised herself as the Goddess of the God Realm!

"After being discovered later, she escaped from the God Realm. It is said that the turmoil in the abyss was caused by her. I don't know the specific things. Maybe some gods know more."

The goddess of wisdom said.

The goddess of wisdom can be said to be the god who knows the most secrets in the entire god world, but she cannot know too much about the things in the abyss.

"According to what you said, that demon lord and those demon gods may be her subordinates. After the turmoil, they may have been united and locked up by other demon lords. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the demon lords in the abyss , and will not imprison the devil on a large scale."

The goddess of wisdom said.

"These are all secrets. Very few people in the God Realm know about them."

The goddess of wisdom said again.

She put away the page and told Qi Feibai all the records in it.

Qi Feibai looked at the Demon Prison, and the words of the goddess of wisdom made him vaguely guess.

"Goddess, tell me, if she is caught, will she also be locked up?"

Qi Feibai asked.

The goddess of wisdom nodded: "Definitely, the entire abyss is just such a demon prison. They don't have that much star gold to build a second one. If it is to be locked up, it must be locked up in the core area."

core zone!

Qi Feibai thought of the girl in black dress in the small cell in the core of the Demon Prison.

An astonishing possibility came to mind.

This girl in the black dress...couldn't she be the god-level witch?

Could it be possible that the guy who claimed to be the Demon Lord was really the Demon Lord and was once her subordinate!

If we continue to speculate like this, that demon pig, as well as other powerful demon gods Qi Feibai has seen... I am afraid they are all under her command!

If these speculations are true.

The girl in the white dress... who could it be?


ps: Please give me a monthly ticket.

088 The goddess’s plan, meeting again and testing

"What's wrong, Shiro?"

The goddess of wisdom noticed that Qi Feibai was in a daze and asked.

Qi Feibai pondered for a moment and said: "I saw a girl at the core of the Demon Prison..."

He described the situation inside the core of the Demon Prison.

"That should be her. Those ices may be used by her to seal herself. This should be able to slow down the speed at which the Demon Prison absorbs her power. It may also be from the Demon Prison itself."

After hearing this, the goddess of wisdom said.

The goddess of wisdom also speculated like this.

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