Qi Feibai's expression did not change much. He said: "Where is the strength of the goddess, will she be suppressed?"

The goddess of wisdom said: "Yes, and before reaching the destination, I can't make too much noise, nor can I attack with all my strength. Once I am noticed, a large number of demons will come to hunt me."

Qi Feibai understood.

The goddess of wisdom wanted to ask Qi Feibai to accompany her. It must have been the last time in the sea of ​​chaotic stars that the goddess of wisdom saw Qi Feibai leading her out of the void cage.

This ability should be very useful to the goddess of wisdom.

"Okay, just let me know when the goddess will leave."

Qi Feibai said.

The Goddess of Wisdom did not expect that Qi Feibai would still be so straightforward even after she mentioned all the dangers.

Don't ask her what she wants to do.

Such Qi Feibai couldn't help but touch the heart of the goddess of wisdom.

That's a thousand levels below the abyss!

Since ancient times, even the Lord God and the Great Lord God have not entered this place.

Although she had been preparing for this trip for a long time, she was not very sure, but Qi Feibai was so straightforward.

In the eyes of the goddess of wisdom, it seems... you can already see a trace of emotion!

"Thank you, Bai. You can decide the time."

The goddess of wisdom said softly.


Qi Feibai didn't say much.

Although the abyss is dangerous, Qi Feibai is not afraid of it.

The biggest feature of his time and space talent is that he can come when he wants and leave when he wants.

No one can stop him.


Qi Feibai agreed so simply.

"Goddess, I happen to have something to ask you."

After agreeing, Qi Feibai talked about his purpose.

"Lilith... It's not good to ask Adele to contact her. Let me try and see if I can contact her. If she responds, I will take you to see her!"

The goddess of wisdom said.

That's okay.

The goddess of wisdom drives her own godhead.

After a while, the goddess of wisdom had the answer.

"We have to wait for a while. Lilith went into the core of the sun to forge artifacts. No one can contact her there. This is the reply given to me by her Holy Spirit. It should be true. No wonder Lilith has been silent. I thought She gave up the Eternal Night Empire to Adele."

The goddess of wisdom said.

"However, based on her relationship with Adele, she would probably do the same thing if she were outside. Maybe other empires."

After the goddess of wisdom finished speaking, she added another sentence.

Into the sun?

Qi Feibai said: "Did her Holy Spirit say how long it would take for her to come back?"

The goddess of wisdom said: "According to the wishes of her Holy Spirit, I have been in there for many years and should be out soon."

Qi Feibai said: "Okay, let's go to the abyss first!"

The goddess of wisdom said: "Okay!"

This matter is settled like this.

"Amiya wants you to accompany her to the abyss? My injury is almost healed, so I'll go with you too!"

When Qi Feibai returned to the Kingdom of God and told the news to the Moon Goddess, the Moon Goddess said.

Qi Feibai did not say that the place where the goddess of wisdom wanted to go...was below the thousandth level of the abyss.

So that my wife won't worry.

Seeing that his wife cared so much about him and wanted to accompany him, Qi Feibai subconsciously... touched the Moon Goddess' little head.

This action has become a habit for Tisini, the little Holy Spirit.

Now moved by his wife's concern, Qi Feibai subconsciously resorted to head-touching.

Then he saw it.

The beautiful face of the Moon Goddess turned red all of a sudden, and her expression became a little overwhelmed.


Now every few days, Qi Feibai always pulls her to do it

In her heart, she had already regarded Qi Feibai as her most beloved man.

But being killed by Qi Feibai touching his head like this... was the first time.

The bewildered expression of the Moon Goddess was particularly interesting in Qi Feibai's eyes.

My wife is also very cute when she is cute.

"Honey, don't worry. You can't leave the God Realm now. I just have to go. Don't worry, if I want to leave, no one can stop me."

Qi Feibai said.

Now that the Moon Goddess has left the God Realm, the Moon Network may be disconnected. Qi Feibai is not sure whether it will be disconnected.

But if she enters the abyss, the possibility of being disconnected is 100%.

Moreover, the Goddess of Wisdom has been preparing for a long time at first sight, and she has to quietly dive into the abyss a thousand levels. If the Moon Goddess is gone, she may make a mistake.

"Okay, then take this with you."

Seeing that Qi Feibai had already made a decision, the Moon Goddess had no choice but to say.

She took out an artifact again, another of her artifacts.

It is also her main artifact.

The Moon God Wheel she gave before was a secondary artifact. The term "secondary artifact" does not mean that it is not an artifact. It was equivalent to her secondary weapon, her second weapon.

"No, honey, I have a lot of things in my hands!"

Qi Feibai naturally wouldn't ask for it. He had already given the artifact to him. What would his wife use?

He now has the Thunder Ring, the Storm Necklace and the Chain of Life given by the Goddess of Life. The most important thing is his ability to run away whenever he wants.

Therefore, Qi Feibai has enough confidence.

The Moon Goddess had no choice but to obey Qi Feibai~


After making an agreement with the Moon Goddess, Qi Feibai came to the kingdom of the Goddess of Wisdom again.

"Let's go, goddess~"

Qi Feibai said.

The goddess of wisdom had made all preparations. After she arranged for Loretta to seal the Kingdom of God, she took Qi Feibai and flew to the City of God.

It seems that before entering the abyss, you must first exit the divine realm.


PS: Please give me a monthly ticket.

081 Traveling into the abyss, breaking into the gathering of demons

"This is the abyss. Without becoming a god, it is difficult to see the full picture of the abyss."

Outside the divine realm, the voice of the goddess of wisdom sounded.

Here, located in another direction, seemingly under the world of gods, the goddess of wisdom arrived here through a space gate on the edge of the abyss.

There was only darkness in Qi Feibai's vision.

However, after possessing the Heart of Time and Space, Qi Feibai had already faintly sensed that there was an extremely deep bottomless pit in the darkness.

This hole is so big that it is indescribably large, as if there is a complete universe inside.

"Bai, here you go, put it on, let's go in~"

The goddess of wisdom handed a cloak to Qi Feibai, and she took out a cloak herself, but before putting it on, she put a lot of seals on herself.

She sealed all her power and aura as a great goddess.


On the dark and murderous land, two black shadows passed quickly.

Below, in the dark forest, a giant spider that had just completed a hunt felt the aura emanating from the two black shadows and hid deeply.

Its sense of danger is unusually acute.

Soon, the two black figures rushed to a gray place, where there was a passage.

Two black shadows rushed straight into the passage, and when they reappeared, they had arrived in another gray place.

A lizard larger than a crocodile lurking at the exit of the passage was about to launch a sneak attack, but after sensing the aura of two black figures, it was so frightened that it plunged into the ground.

The two black figures moved forward like this, and finally found a passage and appeared in a wider place.

In the sky here, you can see many demons flying around, and in the distance, you can also see a dark castle.

Two black shadows just flew over.

Some demons flew over, but after seeing the appearance of the two black shadows, they all moved away.

Two black shadows rushed into the castle.

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