Special magician.

Even if there are a small number of people who are particularly obedient, what about the others?

And if they don’t have relevant clergy, are they going to make wedding clothes for others?

The issue of priesthood is very critical, and there is also the issue of giving and receiving.

The Magic Goddess is faced with this problem. Without the Moon Net, the Magic Goddess cannot do this because it requires too much effort and the harvest will be too low.

Moreover, each god is good at something different.

Like the Moon Goddess, if it were not for the magic treasure house of the Goddess of Wisdom, the Moon Magic Encyclopedia would be far from its current effect.


"Bai, this necklace is for you. It contains an offensive magic and a storm shield. After using it, I can replenish it for you!"

"The Moon Network is so precious, I feel a little sorry~"

Therefore, after Qi Feibai finished explaining to the Storm Goddess, like the Thunder Goddess, the Storm Goddess also gave Qi Feibai something extra.

A storm necklace.


PS: I changed the cover, don’t lose it~ Please vote for me! .

077 Invitation to the Goddess of Life

After spending some time in the divine kingdom of the Storm Goddess, Qi Feibai soon discovered that the Storm Goddess's girlish heart was simply full.

It will take at least a thousand years to become a great goddess.

It is very good that the Storm Goddess has been able to maintain such a girlish heart for such a long time.

In fact, God’s state of mind matters.

The reason why some gods cannot grow and have great willingness lies in their state of mind.

The growth of a god does not just mean that you accumulate enough divine power. Divine power, divine personality, and divine body are all key.


If you concentrate on accumulating strength and don't pay attention to your state of mind, you will face problems if you want to break through to a big level.

The small realm between each level is mainly the accumulation of strength.

But if you want to break through at each level, it requires more than just the pure accumulation of strength.

Otherwise, theoretically speaking, as long as a god can survive, wouldn't he be able to become the main god?

The higher you go, the more important God’s state of mind and mentality become.

Just like on earth, Westerners once felt that eternal life is a kind of torture. If you have such a mentality... you can't become a god at all.

At the demigod level, people are often brushed off directly.

It’s not that God doesn’t have feelings, but that God can handle his own feelings correctly.

And if you don't pay attention to controlling your mood and mentality after becoming a god, your growth will be greatly limited.

Of course, this is only one aspect of the impact.

The growth of a god has many influences, such as talent and luck, which are also critical.

There is no explanation for some gods being unable to compare to other gods no matter how hard they try.


"Is this a chat group?"

Qi Feibai pulled her into the chat group and added her as a friend.

In this way, there are four goddesses in this small group, as well as Qi Feibai.

Chatting with the Storm Goddess was quite relaxing, even though we had just met her.

However, Qi Feibai did not stay in her divine kingdom for too long. After carefully telling the Storm Goddess what he needed to prepare, Qi Feibai returned to the Moon Goddess's kingdom.

By this time, it was already night.

Before I knew it, I stayed in the kingdom of two goddesses for a whole day.

Qi Feibai is going to rest.

With the help of the soul beads, his soul is still growing, and his body is getting stronger, but after all, he still needs to rest and sleep.

Even gods, no matter how powerful they are, would choose to take a nap every once in a while.

Of course, if God gets busy, He can stay up for a long time without sleeping.

The Moon Goddess is still busy. She has not rested for a long time.

Qi Feibai wanted to let her rest, but the Moon Goddess was building a new section for the Thunder Goddess and the Storm Goddess.

So Qi Feibai entered the moon by himself and fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was already the next morning.

There was a lot of news in the moon ring. Qi Feibai took a look and saw that it was the Goddess of Thunder and the Goddess of Storm chatting inside, discussing some specific details and operations of the moon network.

The goddess of wisdom also replies from time to time.

His wife also replied and then disappeared, probably still busy.

She was going to make new sections for the Goddess of Thunder and the Goddess of Storms.

Now the moon goddess is responsible for the Internet structure architect, programmer, backend management, and occasionally works part-time as a content manager.

After Qi Feibai watched for a while, he also answered a few questions from the Thunder Goddess and the Storm Goddess.

They are still preparing the content.

After reading it, Qi Feibai looked at the Moon Forum again. Since it was daytime, no one could log in to the Moon Forum except a few goddesses in heaven.

The signal is too weak.

With the increase in users, the Moon Forum has become more and more lively.

A large number of magicians flocked to it every evening, and these magicians also began to arrange their time reasonably.

For example, in the evening, around 6 o'clock, they can go online.

They will spend some time communicating, communicating, and learning magical knowledge.

At around 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening, I will enter meditation, so that I will have enough energy for the next day.

During the day, you can test and consolidate the learning results in the evening.


After watching like this for a while, Qi Feibai put down the moon ring and walked out of the moon.

Seeing Qi Feibai come out, Tisini came again and cast a cleaning spell on Qi Feibai.

Qi Feibai came to the Moon Goddess and said, "Honey, I'm going to bring the Life Goddess in too~."

The two goddesses yesterday came to the Moon Goddess on their own initiative.

In the past few days, the news about Yuewang has not only spread throughout the God Realm, but there are already a lot of gods who know about it.

This again has something to do with the Moon Goddess.

The goddess of life must have known about it, but she did not take the initiative to come to the goddess of the moon.

On the one hand, it may be related to the personality of the goddess of life being more Buddhist.

On the other hand, the goddess of life had just asked the moon goddess for help, so she should be a little embarrassed.

Therefore, Qi Feibai was ready to take the initiative to invite.

Qi Feibai felt pretty good about the goddess of life. She was generous, easy-going, and had a good relationship with his wife, so she was naturally a good candidate.

The goddess of life can host the life section.

There are still many life magicians.

Taking the initiative to invite, naturally I feel embarrassed to make conditions with the Thunder Goddess and others like the Moon Goddess did yesterday.

However, based on the impression given to Qi Feibai by the goddess of life, it doesn't matter if Qi Feibai doesn't want any other conditions.

Say it again.

She has given a 1,000-year-old fruit of life.

That life fruit can extend Qi Feibai's life to more than a thousand years.

Although he has a space-time talent tree, when he grows up, he may be able to increase his lifespan.

But this fruit of life is also extremely precious.

The fruit of life not only prolongs life, but also preserves the appearance forever, so that Qi Feibai's appearance will not age anymore.


"Bai, of course you can, just make the decision~"

The busy Moon Goddess smiled slightly and said.

Thus, the Moon Goddess contacted the Goddess of Life through the Godhead.


Qi Feibai once again came to the kingdom of the goddess of life.

"Bai, please sit down~"

On the tree of life, the goddess of life invited.

Judging from her expression, she probably still doesn't know the reason why Qi Feibai came to look for her this time.

The Moon Goddess didn't seem to be too specific.

Qi Feibai sat down.

A holy spirit came up and poured Qi Feibai a cup of tea made from leaves.

Qi Feibai drank this tea last time and it was very delicious.

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