"Bai, then I told her."

Moon Goddess said.


Qi Feibai said.

The Moon Goddess is connected to the Thunder Goddess through the Godhead.

After a while, the Moon Goddess said: "Bai, go to her kingdom to talk to her. I have negotiated terms with her. You can approach her three times in the future, and she will give you a Thunder Fruit. "

Has the Moon Goddess negotiated terms?

Moreover, this condition... was negotiated for Qi Fei in vain.

As expected, his wife still considers everything for him.

Seeing that his wife had negotiated terms, Qi Feibai was ready to leave.

This is fine, Qi Feibai originally planned to bring some gods on board in order to strengthen Yuewang's momentum and improve Yuewang's ecology.

Although this in itself is a win-win situation, letting others get on the bus for nothing... seems to be a bit of a loss.

"Bai, the Storm Goddess is looking for me too~"

Qi Feibai was about to leave when another goddess came.


PS: Please vote for me! .

076 Mysterious man, ring, goddesses getting in the car one after another

Storm goddess!

Another goddess came to my door. They are all goddesses who have a better relationship with the Moon Goddess.

They probably got interested after seeing the goddess of wisdom settling in the Moon Network.

This is good, at least it shows that they did not immediately think of imitating Yueyue.com.

After seeking Qi Feibai's opinion, the Moon Goddess remained the same and negotiated terms with the Storm Goddess.

When the conditions are still necessary, Qi Feibai can ask the Storm Goddess to take action.

And a storm fruit.

Qi Feibai may not need these fruits, nor may the Moon Goddess, but they may not be useless.

These fruits are very precious. If Qi Feibai finds what he needs in the God Realm in the future, he might be able to exchange them for these fruits.

"Shiro, news about Amiya~"

At this time, the Moon Goddess received a message from the Goddess of Wisdom.

Qi Feibai took out the moon ring and took a look. In a chat group, the goddess of wisdom told her that the goddess of thunder and the goddess of storm had come to her one after another.

Although the chat group is not yet open to magicians, the function is already out.

In this group, there are only three people: Qi Feibai, the Moon Goddess, and the Wisdom Goddess.

However, there is a larger group, and a large amount of the Holy Spirit is also present.

"They seem to want to join Yuewang. I didn't say much. If they join, Smart Classroom can set up some professional sections for them. That's fine, I can focus on making courses on magic practice and basic magic. After the production is completed, I will add some interesting magic knowledge."

The goddess of wisdom said in the group.

The goddess of wisdom has also had a big head recently.

Although she is the goddess of wisdom, she is not proficient in every type of magic.

It's just that she is standing at a higher perspective. If she studies, she can learn it in minutes.

But she had too many images to make.

Therefore, her plan is to focus on making some magic training courses.

Magic practice mainly involves meditation and the improvement of mental power, as well as the accumulation and application of magic power, the know-how of casting spells, the improvement of magic level, etc.

What is more professional is the specific use of each series of magic, such as the specific use and performance of a certain magic in fire magic, etc.

Of course, what she said also showed her wisdom and magnanimity as the goddess of wisdom. She was afraid that the goddess of the moon would be in trouble with Qi Feibai.

Therefore, offer to give up some of the benefits.

"Goddess, don't worry, I have my own arrangements."

Qi Feibai replied in the chat.

"Okay, it's up to you~"

The goddess of wisdom also became more easy-going when chatting in the group.


"Honey, I'm going to see the Goddess of Thunder first."

Qi Feibai said.

"Okay, Bai~"

Moon Goddess said.

The Goddess of Thunder has given the coordinates of the Kingdom of God and opened her own Kingdom. She is also located on a divine star.

The divine star is filled with thunderous energy.

Seeing this, Qi Feibai activated his time and space talent.

Soon, he appeared in the divine kingdom of the Goddess of Thunder.

This is a divine kingdom full of thunder energy, and all the plants have a feeling of lightning flashing.

"Welcome, Your Excellency Feibai."

A Holy Spirit came to greet him.

The Moon Goddess should have briefly introduced Qi Feibai.

Under the leadership of this Holy Spirit, Qi Feibai walked towards the central area of ​​the Kingdom of God, where he met the Goddess of Thunder.

The Goddess of Thunder looks unusually cold, and her temperament is sharper than the Goddess of the Moon and the Goddess of Wisdom.

This may be related to the fact that the power she controls is thunder.

When she saw Qi Feibai, the Goddess of Thunder looked slightly surprised.

Because Qi Feibai is male.

Not only that.

The feeling Qi Feibai gave her... was not the Holy Spirit, but a physical body!

Although Qi Feibai's current body is no longer the same as before, it is already much stronger.

But with the eyes of the Thunder Goddess, it can also be seen that Qi Feibai is not a magician, let alone a god.

This naturally filled her with doubts.

In this regard, only the goddess of life behaved calmly.

The goddess of life had already met Qi Feibai at Qiangwei's enthronement ceremony, and she had also met Qi Feibai later when he went to the Elf Kingdom.

After Qi Feibai arrived in her divine kingdom, although she discovered Qi Feibai's situation, she was not too surprised.

The power she controls makes her mentality more peaceful than other goddesses, and she is also more calm about changes.


Although she was a little surprised, the Thunder Goddess did not show too much.

"Your Excellency Feibai, please sit down~"

The Holy Spirit greeted Qi Feibai.

Qi Feibai had already taken out the moon ring and opened it.

After finishing his work with the Goddess of Thunder, he still had to go to the Goddess of Storms, so Qi Feibai didn't waste any time and went straight to the point.

"Goddess, please look, this is the Moon Net."

Qi Feibai sat directly next to the Thunder Goddess and demonstrated the moon net for her.

The Goddess of Thunder's eyes were immediately attracted.

In the past few days, news about the Moon Network has spread widely in many divine cities in the divine world.

The Thunder Goddess also knew.

Naturally, she had long been curious about Yuewang.

After learning that the goddess of wisdom had settled in the Moon Network, she went to ask the goddess of wisdom and then came to seek the opinion of the moon goddess.

She didn't have high hopes at first, but she never thought that the Moon Goddess would readily agree.


The conditions put forward by the Moon Goddess... were made for Qi Feibai!

This made the Thunder Goddess and Qi Feibai even more curious.

At this time, she naturally put aside her curiosity and learned about Yuewang.

With this understanding, the Thunder Goddess discovered that...this moon net is much more powerful than she imagined!

With the popularization of magic knowledge, this trick can capture the hearts of all magicians.

Not to mention, there is a moon forum where many magicians can communicate with each other.

Smart Classroom is a miracle, which is equivalent to giving all magicians a teacher.


This teacher’s experience is 100% correct.

Teachers are very important.

Some magician teachers have taken the wrong path themselves, resulting in their ability not improving for a long time, and their students... often make the same mistakes.

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