You know, he hasn't learned the content of disassembly very well yet. Once he becomes proficient, the effect will probably be even better!

"This knowledge is all true!"

The magician realized this.

He closed the page about dismantling the fireball technique and looked at the table of contents.

At this sight, his breathing became a little rapid.

"Even the forbidden curse?"

He couldn't believe it.

Forbidden curse!

This is something he has no access to at all.

There is actually one on the Moon Forum!

I quickly opened the page.

At this sight, his eyes straightened.

"Meteor Rain", "Fire Burning City", "Fire Dragon Hell", "Fire Realm" "..."

These four-letter words are not exactly those that make people awe when they hear their names...forbidden curses!

The power of the forbidden spell is huge. The power of this thing is second only to some offensive magic.

The scope of divine magic is very wide, it can not only be used to attack, but attack is just an important branch of divine magic.

Like the moon ring, it achieves functions similar to mobile phones by fixing permanent magic.

Although it is not as complicated as the function of a mobile phone, it is even more magical.


"There are even ancient forbidden spells?"

The magician quickly discovered several ancient forbidden spells.

He clicked in curiously and saw a description of an ancient forbidden spell.

"It really is!"

He was a little excited. Through the beginning of this forbidden curse, he could see whether it was true or false.

However, when he was about to continue reading, he received a prompt.

"Your magic level is insufficient. After becoming a Grand Mage, this part of the content will be automatically unlocked."

"Can you still detect my magic level?"

The magician was stunned.

Immediately, he reacted, and when activating the moon ring, he injected spiritual power.

Moon Ring should judge his magic level through his mental power.

This is accurate in the vast majority of cases.

Unable to see the specific content of the forbidden curse, the magician was not disappointed. After all, the forbidden curse was too far away from him.

It's not a good thing if he goes to see it now.

He started to read lower level content.

"Advanced Meditation!"

This sight made him see something that moved his heart even more.

Advanced meditation!

He couldn't wait to open it and read it intently.

At this glance, he discovered that this was indeed a more advanced meditation method!

This is much more advanced than the meditation method he got in the magic academy!

"Oh my god, who created this? He actually has such an advanced meditation method!"

The magician's breathing became rapid.

I was about to take a closer look when suddenly, a prompt appeared.

"You need to pray to the Moon Goddess to stay online."

Pray to the Moon Goddess!

The magician was stunned.

Magicians rarely pray, especially those with good talent.

However, after being stunned for a moment, the magician risked his life in order to see what was behind it. Wasn't it just a prayer?

He began to pray according to the prayer words on the prompt, crossed his hands on his chest, and prayed.

"Great Moon Goddess, thank you for your generosity and glory for giving us..."

After reciting the prayer, sure enough, the Yuewang page became normal.

He began to learn.

Learning meditation requires a lot of time.

This magician learned with gusto and was extremely serious.

But as I continued to learn, another prompt popped up.

"You need to pray to the Moon Goddess to stay online."

here we go again!

The magician quickly began to pray.

After praying, he continued to read.

In this way, after praying three times, he finished learning this meditation method!

"Great, I'll try it tonight."

After getting the advanced meditation method, he was so excited that he quickly tried it.

Magicians can meditate instead of sleeping, but it also depends on the meditation method.

There is no way to completely replace low-level meditation methods. It still requires some time to sleep and rest.

The more advanced the meditation method, the better the effect, and it can completely replace sleep, allowing the magician to make full use of the time at night.

Unknowingly, the magician meditated all night.

Early the next morning, he opened his eyes, with a look of ecstasy in his eyes.

After one night of verification, he knew that the meditation method was real!

It couldn’t be more true, and the effect is extremely good!

The effect of one night of meditation is worth several nights in the past!

If this continues, won't his mental power increase several nights faster than before?

Meditation not only increases mental power, but also accumulates magic power during meditation!

This also means that his strength will grow several times faster!

"Very good!"

The magician was very excited.

"Is this the work of the Moon Goddess? The Moon Goddess is so great!"

Although the magician was forced to pray to the Moon Goddess several times, he didn't feel anything. At this time, in his heart, he was extremely grateful to the Moon Goddess.

Let him pray a few more times and he will!

He was so excited that he injected his spiritual power again.

"The signal is weak, please try again after evening."

This time, though, he got the hint.

The current moon ring cannot be used during the day.

Seeing that he could not use it during the day, the magician was a little depressed, but he accepted the reality. He put the moon ring in his inner pocket and checked it carefully.

Afraid of being stolen.

Then I went to the magic academy to take classes.

As soon as he arrived at the Magic Academy, he saw many students gathered together.

"Everything I said is true. Billy can testify for me that there really is everything on the Moon Forum!"

A magician said excitedly there.

Next to him, another magician was testifying for him.

The other magicians didn't quite believe it, but looking at them, they seemed to be a little moved.

"They also have moon rings?"

thought the magician.

"In the evening, someone is giving away moon rings outside the academy. If you don't believe it, you can go and have a look, but you must at least have an intermediate magician badge before they give it to you."

Among those magicians, there was Magician Dao.

The magician didn't stay too long. He spent the whole day trying new meditation methods.

As soon as night came, the magician hurriedly returned to his residence and logged into the moon network again.

This time, logging in went smoothly.

He directly entered the Moon Magic Encyclopedia and started reading it with fascination.

As I watched, the reminder came that I needed to pray.

Without saying a word, he just started praying.

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