When enough civilians came, a tall cavalryman held the Queen of Rose's flag high and read out the Queen of Rose's new order.

His words immediately caused a great commotion among the crowd.

"Sir, is this true? Can I really be allocated three acres of land?"

An old man asked tremblingly.

"It is absolutely true that the Queen of Rose is in Count Ignatz's castle. Due to the rebellion, Count Ignatz has been deprived of his title by the Queen of Rose and demoted to a commoner. If you rush to the castle before dusk, you will know the truth. Fake!"

After the tall cavalry finished speaking, he posted the decree copied by Princess Rose on a wooden notice board, and then hurriedly left here with the people and headed to the next village.

As soon as the cavalry left, the civilians gathered around them.

There were not many literate villagers, so a literate old man read out the decree. On the decree, there was also the seal of the King of Plantagenet Kingdom.

"This is a decree issued by the king himself!"

The old man recognized the seal and said.

"Did Count Ignatz really rebel?"

"Let's go to the castle and have a look. If we can get three acres of land, that would be great. I can't even dream of it!"


The surrounding civilians were moved, and then they set off towards the castle one after another.

The magic power of the land is so great that these commoners usually either work as hard labor for the nobles, or they can only rent the land from the nobles, but in this case they not only have to hand over more than half of the harvest, but also have to bear taxes.

More often than not, if you want to rent, you can't.

Now, Princess Rose actually wants to give them the land!

Although Princess Rose has been chased to death by the rebels, the information in this world is limited. Before the coup, it was impossible for the nobles to go around saying that they were going to launch a coup.

On the contrary, the nobles have done a very good job of keeping secrets. In addition, it has only been less than a month since the coup happened. People here obviously don't know about the coup.

In their minds, after the death of the old king, Princess Rose became the natural Queen of Rose.


At dusk, thousands of civilians gathered below Count Ignatz's castle.

When Princess Rose appeared, the common people who saw Princess Rose for the first time cheered.

And when Princess Rose announced her decree to these civilians, many civilians couldn't help but jump up, and they were all overjoyed.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I am willing to join your army and help you defeat the rebels~"

"I am willing too~"

"And me~"

Many young and strong civilians, all enthusiastic, signed up to join the Queen of Rose's army.

In a short period of time, more than two thousand young civilians wanted to join Rose's army in Count Ignatz's territory alone.

The civilians here are not all the people nearby, because people from too far away have not arrived yet.


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007 Let the bullets fly for a while

In the castle, seeing so many civilians eager to join the army, Princess Rose saw hope.

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God, what should we do now, take these civilians with us?"

Princess Rose looked at Qi Feibai.

Qi Feibai glanced at the many civilians below and said: "No, bringing them will only slow down our speed. Now open the castle door and distribute the treasures in Count Ignatz's castle to everyone present. .”

"Give it to them?"

Princess Rose was puzzled.

"Yes, give it to them. In the name of the goddess, let them use these treasures to prepare weapons, protective gear and food, waiting for your call."

Qi Feibai said.

"However, once we leave and the noble coalition arrives, these civilians will probably lose all resistance when they see the size of the noble coalition, and the treasures they obtained may also be confiscated."

Princess Rose said.

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini also has the same problem.

Even though these civilians are so enthusiastic now, when the aristocratic coalition arrives, facing the elite aristocratic coalition, these civilians may lose their fighting spirit in an instant.

"Then let the bullets fly for a while."

Qi Feibai said lightly.

Let the bullets fly for a while!

Princess Rose didn't know the specific meaning of the bullet, but as smart as she was, she vaguely understood the meaning of this sentence.

"Open the door!"

Qi Feibai has already issued the order.

Below, several warriors slowly opened the castle door.

"Dear Goddess Oracle, all the treasures in Count Ignatz's castle will be divided equally among everyone present as a reward for your belief and support for the goddess!"

A female officer said loudly.

When they heard that Princess Rose was going to divide the treasures in the Earl's castle equally among everyone, the civilians outside the castle couldn't believe it!

Princess Rose certainly doesn't like the treasure in an earl's castle.

But to civilians, any item is priceless, and any chair will take them an unknown amount of time to earn.

"Is this true, Your Majesty~"

Many people asked in disbelief.

"Of course, this is the oracle of the goddess."

Princess Rose personally responded.


"Long live the goddess!"

So, immediately, the civilians outside the castle poured into the castle and looted all the treasures in the Earl's castle.

The paintings on the walls, the carpets on the floor, even the chandeliers on the ceiling, everything that can be moved.

They were all moved away by civilians.

In the end, even the gate of the castle was dismantled and taken away. As for the other wooden doors in the castle, all of them were naturally dismantled, leaving no one left.

Every civilian's face was filled with joy.

Today, they all feel like they are dreaming.

First it was the land, and then the Moon Goddess actually sent an oracle herself and rewarded them with all the treasures in a count's castle.

At this time, in the eyes of these civilians, the Moon Goddess is simply the best god in the world!

Princess Rose is also the wisest king in history!

At the same time, the more than two thousand civilians who were eager to join the army have also completed registration.

While registering, there were already dedicated personnel telling them about the weapons and equipment they needed to bring, as well as the current grim situation.

When they heard that the rebels were growing stronger, none of these civilians were frightened, but were full of fighting spirit.

"It's almost time, let's go~"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Qi Feibai did not stay here longer, but let Princess Rose's army set off again, taking advantage of the night to attack the hinterland of Yorkshire.

He's going to turn Yorkshire upside down!

The army moved very quickly, and at midnight, another noble castle was captured.

After a few hours of rest, the scene in Earl Ignaz's territory happened again.

"Is he going to overthrow all the nobles?"

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini was a little stunned when she saw Qi Feibai's actions.

Qi Feibai had dealt a deadly blow to the nobles, turning their families upside down and taking away all their lands.

In Tissini's view, it would be fine if Qi Feibai succeeds in the end. If he fails, then the entire Plantagenet Kingdom and the Moon Goddess will be boycotted by all the nobles, and the rate of loss of goddess believers will exceed imagination.

Tisini glanced at the Moon Goddess and found that the Moon Goddess had no expression, so she could only continue to look.


She expected it, because on this day, Qi Feibai and Princess Qiangwei swept through the territories of three nobles, and at the same time sent a large number of cavalry everywhere to promote the New Deal!

In this publicity, the New Deal was taken a step further, directly announcing the abolition of aristocracy in York County and all land being distributed to common people.

All civilians, as long as they participate in the attack on the noble castle, can equally share the wealth in the noble castle and obtain more land.


Tisini was dumbfounded. In her opinion, Qi Feibai's actions would turn the entire Plantagenet Kingdom upside down!


PS: On the first day of the new book, please give me flowers, monthly votes, and evaluation votes. If you think this book is good, please be sure to vote for these free things to the author, so that the author will work hard to update it! .

008 Where did she go?

When Qi Feibai and Princess Qiangwei led the army and captured the territory of three nobles in York County.

A huge army, with a team of more than ten kilometers long during the march, was advancing towards the hinterland of Princess Rose's grandfather's territory.

As a Duke, Princess Rose's grandfather's territory was very large.

The area has exceeded 10,000 square kilometers, which is larger than many counties on the earth.

The march of this army was not very fast.

But it showed an unrivaled momentum!

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