Holy Spirit Loretta has arrived.

Qi Feibai agreed.

Therefore, Loretta cast a cleaning spell on Qi Feibai, which was equivalent to helping Qi Feibai finish washing.

In the kingdom of the Moon Goddess, Tissini used to do this.

Qi Feibai took a bite of the holy fruit for breakfast, and then went to see the goddess of wisdom.

Finish the work in Silver Star Kingdom as soon as possible so that Qi Feibai can return to his wife's place.

What he wanted has been obtained.

Naturally, Qi Feibai has not forgotten about the Silver Star Kingdom.


The goddess of wisdom nodded slightly when she saw Qi Feibai.

After this trip to the Sea of ​​Chaotic Stars, this goddess, who was extremely cold and arrogant when walking in the God Realm, did not show any airs in front of Qi Feibai.

Qi Feibai also nodded and said hello.

"Goddess, has Princess Kelly returned?"

Qi Feibai asked.

The goddess of wisdom said: "She has already gone back. I asked her to hurry back."

After saying that, she looked at Qi Feibai: "Bai, how do you want to get down?"

Qi Feibai said: "Just let me sense the specific location."


The goddess of wisdom didn't waste any time and summoned the projection of the godhead.

"Bai, put your hand up."

she said.

Qi Feibai put his hand up, and soon he felt it.

The next second, Qi Feibai activated his time and space talent and instantly disappeared into the Kingdom of God.

058 Silver Star Kingdom

Silver Star Kingdom.

This is a kingdom located northeast of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

Compared to the Plantagenet Kingdom, the Silver Star Kingdom has colder winters and cooler summers.

When it comes to the governance of the country, the goddess of wisdom is slightly more powerful than the goddess of the moon. Therefore, although the natural environment of the Silver Star Kingdom is not as good as that of the Plantagenet Kingdom, its population is not much worse than that of the Plantagenet Kingdom.

However, the aristocratic system of Silver Star Kingdom is also more deeply rooted.

On this day, a huge army marched out from the capital of Silver Star Kingdom and rushed to the east.

This army was quite large in number, with more than 100,000 troops, consisting of 100,000 royal troops and tens of thousands of newly recruited troops.

On both sides of the army, a large number of civilians lined the road to say goodbye.

Because there are a large number of civilians in the newly summoned army.

"Goddess, the barbarians have not invaded. Why did Lord Feibai send this newly raised army to the east?"

In the divine kingdom of the Goddess of Wisdom, all the holy spirits are watching.

Now, Qi Feibai has been in Silver Star Kingdom for more than ten days.

In the past ten days, Qi Feibai did not ask the king of the Silver Star Kingdom to issue a favor order, but instead issued a "reclamation order."

This "reclamation order" is aimed at Yinxing County, where the royal capital is located.

In Silver Star County, the royal family's land accounts for the vast majority.

The reclamation order targeted not the royal family's land, but a large amount of wasteland and forest land.

The reason for the order was also very simple. On the grounds that the barbarians were about to make a big move, the army was summoned. All civilians, as long as they were willing to join the army, could cultivate two acres of land.

Although it is wasteland, it is better to cultivate it after reclaiming it than renting land for farming. Naturally, civilians enthusiastically signed up.

It was this reclamation order that allowed the Silver Star Kingdom to recruit more than 50,000 strong civilians from the Silver Star County.

Then, Qi Feibai asked the king to arm these 50,000 strong civilians, and together with 100,000 royal troops, they sent them to the east in a mighty manner.

During this process, Qi Feibai also made some changes to the administrative system of the Silver Star Kingdom and added some new departments.

Here, the department responsible for communication and publicity is the top priority and recruits a large number of people.


Now, seeing that Qi Feibai did not ask the king to issue the order of favor, but instead sent 150,000 troops out, the Holy Spirits in the Kingdom of God were naturally curious.

Everyone started discussing in a low voice.

Time passes day by day.

Qi Feibai has been staying in the palace and is extremely busy every day.

Princess Kelly became Qi Feibai's little assistant.

As for the Silver Star King, he was naturally extremely cooperative.

Not only because Qi Feibai is the "god envoy", but also because weakening the nobility can strengthen the royal power, so the king is naturally happy.

Although the order of favor has not yet been issued, the royal herald has already arrived in various counties of the kingdom with the king's decree, just waiting for the order.

"It should be almost done."

A few days later, Qi Feibai whispered.

Immediately afterwards, in a public court meeting, King Silver Star finally extended his favor to the world in the name of the goddess of wisdom and issued an order to extend favor!

As soon as the order of favor was promulgated, the court was shocked, and the expressions of some officials who were originally nobles changed drastically.

As nobles, as soon as the order of favor was issued, they saw the harm of the order of favor to the nobles.

"Your Majesty, you must not!"

A nobleman immediately ran out to stop him.

"Marquis Harold, this is the goddess extending grace to the world to increase the welfare of all noble children in the world. This is also your majesty's grace. You don't even accept the grace. Could it be that you want to rebel?"

However, before the noble had time to say the next words, a minister stood up, took the lead, and directly labeled him as "rebellion".

"Yes, the goddess cares about the world. This order is for the sake of your children. Marquis Harold, do you even want to object to this?"

Another minister also stood up and said sternly.

As soon as these two ministers spoke, other officials also spoke one after another. Suddenly, Marquis Harold, who was the first to run out, suddenly became the target of public criticism.

Seeing so many officials labeling him, Marquis Harold's expression changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, I do not intend to rebel..."

Marquis Harold quickly defended himself.

"It's not rebellion, so why refuse grace? Your Majesty's right-hand man, the Marquis, doesn't even accept grace from the goddess and His Majesty, what else can you say!"

The voice of the minister who spoke first became increasingly stern.

Marquis Harold's face turned blue and white.

Seeing that Marquis Harold was under siege, the other noble officials became intimidated and did not come forward to support him at all.

After all, rebellion is too big a label.

In the previous Plantagenet Kingdom, it was Princess Jasmine who took advantage of the old king's critical illness and, with the help of the divine envoy, connected all the nobles.

Without the old king being critically ill and even dying later, and without the connection of Princess Jasmine, who is also the king's child, those nobles would not dare to rebel alone.

If you really want to rebel, you must have a plan in advance.

Qi Feibai had been brewing for so long and caught these nobles off guard.


"Old minister, I would like to obey this order. I would like to thank the goddess for her grace and your majesty for your kindness."

Under siege by officials and alone without help, Marquis Harold could no longer stand it, so he had to express his position in public with bitterness.

Otherwise, other officials would not let go. If he did not commit treason, they would still accuse him of treason.

"Okay, Marquis Harold understands justice well. For these days, please put your affairs aside and go home to deal with things first. Your five sons should be waiting for you."

As soon as Marquis Harold opened his mouth, the king followed suit.

Marquis Harold is now even more miserable. The king has taken advantage of the situation and deprived him of his official position. Although he is only allowed to let him go for a while, he will be let go for who knows how long.

Only then did he realize that the king... was probably going to take action against the nobles whose power was growing more and more.


The method is so clever.

If the king takes strong measures to reduce the power of the nobles, it will inevitably cause a strong backlash from the nobles.

At that time, the nobles may really dare to unite to rebel.

But as soon as this grace order came out...the nobles had no reason to rebel at all.

There is no way to rebel.

Four of his five sons probably jumped with joy after hearing this grace order.

As for the sons and grandsons of those five sons, all of them who are not the eldest son will probably be overjoyed.

There's going to be a fuss in his family!

"Whose handiwork is this!"

Marquis Harold couldn't help but feel a little desperate. Such a clever method was definitely not something that King Silver Star could come up with!

The Silver Star Kingdom...is about to change! .

059 It’s easy to get things done!

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