
Qi Feibai kissed her without saying a word.

This extremely perfect goddess, even the feeling of a kiss is so unique.

Qi Feibai kissed for several minutes before making any further moves.


030 ten times!

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini and the Holy Spirits are still busy.

They were really busy this time.

As for Qi Feibai and the Moon Goddess disappearing into the moon... they did not explore it one by one.

However, they were vaguely aware of it.

In the future Kingdom of God, Qi Feibai's status may have undergone a qualitative change.


This time Qi Feibai's performance has been recognized by the Moon Goddess.

As Holy Spirits, they naturally knew what happened between Qi Feibai and the Moon Goddess after he entered the Kingdom of God.

This matter is quite sensitive, and all the Holy Spirits tacitly never mention it.

The attitude of the Moon Goddess towards Qi Feibai has always been subtle.

As a goddess of ice and jade.

But she had that kind of relationship with a man who was still a mortal!

It would be difficult for any woman to accept it.

Although, that itself was caused by the witch's poison.

The moon goddess's mood at that time was also very complicated.

However, perhaps because Qi Feibai's personal charm was not bad, the Moon Goddess did not blame Qi Feibai afterwards.

Or kill Qi Feibai in anger.

It also allowed Qi Feibai to live in her divine kingdom.

In God's world, the living conditions are extremely harsh for ordinary people.

There is no air at all in many places and there are all kinds of dangers.

Gods do not only know how to take, they also need to protect the entire world from evil beings, such as evil gods like witches.

Or some more evil god destroys.

If the Moon Goddess had driven Qi Feibai out of the Kingdom of God in anger, it would have been very difficult for Qi Feibai to survive in the world of God.

But she didn't.

Although she didn't, her attitude towards Qi Feibai was still very subtle after she woke up for the first time after sleeping for a month.


She saw that Qi Feibai ventured to the Continent of the Gods and came to the Plantagenet Kingdom for her.

In order to help her keep the Plantagenet Kingdom, an extremely important source of faith, Qi Feibai implemented a series of crazy plans.

At the time, these plans seemed like the actions of a madman.

It's like the crazy behavior of a person who is cornered and has no other choice.

Even the Moon Goddess didn't think Qi Feibai could succeed at that time.


Finally, Qi Feibai succeeded.

Not only was it successful, it was also an extremely beautiful success!

Completed an unprecedented feat.

Looking back at this time, Qi Feibai's every step was carefully planned.

It seems crazy, but in fact the path is very stable, one link after another.

Linked together.

And in the end, a shocking comeback was completed.


After completing the great comeback, facing a brand new Plantagenet Kingdom without nobles, Qi Feibai directly came up with a very clever solution.

Although this plan has only now revealed the tip of the iceberg.

And this exposed tip of the iceberg made the Holy Spirits couldn't help but exclaim again and again, feeling that Qi Feibai was just having a whim.

But the Holy Spirits had to admit that they were... unusually looking forward to it!

They wanted to see what kind of effects Qi Feibai's plans would bring and what results they would achieve after they were implemented.

What can the Plantagenet Kingdom become?

It will get better and better.

Still getting worse.

As the kingdom of the Moon Goddess, if the Plantagenet Kingdom gets better and better, then the Moon Goddess will naturally gain more and more from the Plantagenet Kingdom.


Unknowingly, Qi Feibai had become synonymous with "miracle" in the minds of these Holy Spirits.

Even if Qi Feibai's plans were whimsical in their eyes, they did not think they were impossible, but were full of expectations.

Qi Feibai used his actions to gain recognition from all the Holy Spirits.

Also recognized by the Moon Goddess.

The Holy Spirits could not see the scene in the moon, and they did not dare to speculate too much.

Although they all have the souls of pure girls, they also vaguely know... what is happening in the moon at this time.

This means.

The Moon Goddess has probably accepted Qi Feibai!


time flies.

From day, to night, to day the next day.

In the moon.


Qi Feibai stopped exhausted.

The extremely perfect Moon Goddess closed her eyes slightly, not daring to look at her at all.

There was still a blush on her face.

As soon as he saw the extremely delicate face of the Moon Goddess, Qi Feibai felt a little...

"It would be nice if my body was stronger."

Qi Feibai hated himself for not living up to expectations.

After just ten times, my liver stopped moving! .

031 Sleeping again! Problems and plans!

"Tisini, why is the goddess asleep again?"

In the Kingdom of God, Qi Feibai's voice sounded.

After last night, Qi Feibai put on his clothes, and the Moon Goddess had already closed the moon again and fell into deep sleep again.

It seemed that she summoned Qi Feibai just for the madness last night.

After hearing Qi Feibai's words, Tisini hesitated and said, "Your Excellency Feibai, the goddess's injuries are getting more and more serious."

"Getting heavier?"

Qi Feibai frowned.

It stands to reason that after the Plantagenet Kingdom was recaptured, Qi Feibai carried out a major reskin-like transformation, and the Moon Goddess's income from faith became more and more.

Her divine power will also continue to increase.

Her situation will get better and better.

But the current situation is exactly the opposite. Not only is it not getting better.

Instead, it became heavier and heavier.

The moon goddess didn't mention it to Qi Feibai last night.

In front of Qi Feibai, she didn't talk much, and she had never even chatted with Qi Feibai.

For God, asking parents to chat like ordinary people would... is probably not expected in a short period of time.

"Yes, Your Excellency Fei Bai, the goddess's own injuries have not yet recovered, and the goddess does not have enough divine power to expel the witch's mark in one fell swoop. The witch can continuously consume the goddess's power through attacks such as curses. The goddess We don’t have enough divine power now, so sleeping is the best way.”

Tissini spoke carefully.

After chatting with her for a long time, Qi Feibai's frown deepened.

The situation of the Moon Goddess is even more difficult than imagined.

Her injuries were serious, and they were persistent.

The mark of the witch, because she does not have enough divine power, she has no way to expel it for the time being.

This resulted in the witch who didn't know where she was, able to continuously impose curse attacks on her.

This type of attack is what the witch is best at.

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