There are people everywhere!

They were surrounded.

Not only that, these civilians were well prepared. When they appeared, they piled up a large number of trees and piled them in front, forming a line of defense.

With these trees around, the cavalry couldn't charge.

The cavalry that could not charge faced an unknown number of civilians, as well as Princess Rose's more than 10,000 royal elites.

At this moment, even these nobles who still held tens of thousands of cavalry were desperate!

"Why are there so many people!"

A nobleman murmured that he could not figure it out until he died.


There will be so many people!


"It's over, goddess!"

In the Kingdom of God, Tisini murmured.

The encirclement and suppression of the noble cavalry by hundreds of thousands of civilians gathered by Qi Feibai was over.

In this battle, tens of thousands of the nobles' cavalry were wiped out.


PS. Please give me flowers.

018 Flowers bloomed everywhere, and the nobles were shocked (please ask for flowers)


A huge team of ten thousand people rushed to the west.

The difference from before is that next to each person, there is a horse.

Ten thousand people, with 20,000 horses.


Another 10,000 people, also with 20,000 horses, rushed toward the southeast.


The third team, also with 10,000 people and 20,000 horses, rushed south.


After the Battle of Luo Xing Valley, Qi Feibai selected more than 10,000 strong civilians from hundreds of thousands of civilians and issued weapons and armor to them.

After simple training, riding horses is no longer a problem for these civilians.

Then, Qi Feibai divided the team into three groups again and rushed in three directions.

They will start a war in three counties.

Of these three teams, one was led by Princess Rose, and the other was led by two experienced knights. Princess Rose sent her confidant female officers to accompany them.

Their mission is simple, just replicate Yorkshire's actions in other counties!

The cavalry sent by Princess Rose has brought the new decree to other counties, making the people in those counties feel uneasy.

However, if no one takes the lead, the civilians will not have the courage.

Now, while the nobles are not in their own territory, the nobles' troops are defending near the royal capital so that Princess Jasmine can smoothly ascend the throne.

Qi Feibai is going to cause a huge storm in the Plantagenet Kingdom!

As for Qi Feibai himself.

He will integrate all the common people in Yorkshire to deal with the possible arrival of a coalition of nobles.

If the noble coalition does not come, Qi Feibai will lead these civilians and march all the way to the royal capital.


"Your Excellency Fei Bai is so courageous!"

"Yes, if things go so well in other counties, Qiangwei will soon have an army of immeasurable numbers!"


In the Kingdom of God, a group of Holy Spirits watched with relish, chattering while watching.

It's different from before.

The battle in Falling Star Valley made these Holy Spirits extremely excited and excited.

Qi Feibai suddenly became taller in their eyes.

They didn't expect it.

Qi Feibai really led the civilians to achieve such an incredible victory!



There are greater victories waiting!

They began to look forward to it.

Above the crescent moon, the moon goddess still looks so delicate, but the difference is.

Her face seemed to be much more relaxed!


The three teams were very fast, their troops were light and simple, and everyone brought an extra horse, so they marched faster than before.

"Come on!"

The team led by Princess Rose was the fastest and had already rushed into Joseph County in the west. Then, with the local civilians, they captured a noble castle.

Then, as in Yorkshire, the distribution of land and treasures, and all the zeal of the common people, was brought to bear.

The other two teams also quickly took action.

In the other two counties, there was a storm.

In the three counties, the slogan "attack the local tyrants and divide the fields" is heard endlessly!

So the enthusiasm of the civilians was ignited!

And this time is when these counties are most empty. The main army of the nobles is not there, not even the nobles themselves.

If a foreign enemy invades at this time, don't worry.

But the common people, who accounted for the largest population base, led by the king in their hearts, overthrew the nobles. These noble castles did not receive any news in advance!

One after another, they were beaten down.

Suddenly, the entire Kingdom of Plantagenets felt like they were blooming everywhere!

It can be seen that the Holy Spirits in the Kingdom of God are more excited than the other.

"Honey, the nobles are the most useless. They occupy the most resources, but contribute the least faith. They distribute land to the common people and improve their lives. The faith they provide is beyond your imagination."

In York County, Qi Feibai looked at the hundreds of thousands of civilians praying devoutly below and whispered.

In the Kingdom of God, the eyes of the Moon Goddess opened, and there was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Because, within the godhead, a wave of faith is gathering, and the source of this faith is naturally the hundreds of thousands of civilians.


Could the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people actually provide such a huge amount of faith?

This is more faith than hundreds of thousands of people prayed before!

The Moon Goddess began to realize the true intention of Qi Feibai's actions, which was not just to help Princess Rose regain the throne.

Or to completely transform the Plantagenet Kingdom and let her gain more faith!


"What, our cavalry was completely wiped out?"

"How is that possible? That is our most elite cavalry, and it can fight with the royal cavalry!"

"How dare they hang nobles!"

"She is making enemies of all nobles!"


While the three teams were spreading across other counties, the royal city finally received news that the noble cavalry had been wiped out, as well as some general information about the situation in York County.

Suddenly, all the nobles were shocked.


PS: Please give me flowers.

019 messed up

"Marquis Henry, I'm leaving it to you this time. Please be sure to capture Qiangwei!"

Outside the royal city, Princess Jasmine said to a noble.

She was about to ascend the throne, but Princess Rose suddenly destroyed the nobles' extremely elite cavalry.

I don’t know how this news spread in the royal city.

At this moment, the ministers and officials in the royal city who had originally supported Princess Qiangwei had hope again.

more importantly.

The people in the royal city also support Princess Rose very much. After all, when the old king was in power, Princess Rose had already been asked to handle political affairs.

Princess Rose represents orthodoxy, and she is also quite popular.

This time, Princess Jasmine's ascension to the throne was delayed again.

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