As the "9-year-old cute kid makes a scene" became popular online, more and more people online were infected and came to the scene. Some people came to watch the fun, and some people were inspired by the video and really wanted to help.

A reporter with gold-rimmed glasses on his face pushed through the crowd and ran to Chen Haonan. He took the camera and a big microphone and started the interview. "Hello, kid, I'm Lao Hu, a big V. I'm very moved by your behavior. I want to ask, what do you think at this moment?"

Fuck... the reporters are here?

Chen Haonan's face darkened, and he didn't say anything. He waved his little palm and dodged.


Chen Haonan threw it directly to the two big funny guys on the other side. Without controlling his strength, he beat Lao Hu to the ground.

"Ah, why are you hitting people, kid? I just want to interview you and give you a positive publicity. You are a good person and good deeds. Why are you so unreasonable?"

Old Hu fell to the ground, his face was red from being hit by the big funny guy, and the filming equipment fell to the side, and several parts fell out.

He never dreamed that he would be beaten by the other party just because he asked a question. Such a child does not match the popular image on the Internet at all. If he knew it was like this, he would never interview easily.

Chen Haonan looked cold and serious, watching Old Hu waving his little palm, "It's time to interview, the soldiers who were stabbed half to death are the ones who need help the most. You should go and provide help. Why are you interviewing me here? I look down on you. If you make trouble again, I will beat you. Go away."

"Okay, well said."

The people around were also shocked when they saw Chen Haonan suddenly hit someone. They were about to argue with Old Hu, but when they heard this, they suddenly understood and applauded.

"This kid has a big vision and said it well. Saving lives is more important than becoming famous. Although this kid has a small brain, he has a high level of ideological awareness. He is more far-sighted than some adults and no reporter can compare to him."

"Yes, a child knows to save people first. As a reporter, why don't you save people? Why come here to interview? Are you trying to attract traffic?"

"The one who just interviewed, come and help quickly. Why are you still interviewing? The key point is to send the soldier to the hospital first."

Old Hu was criticized by thousands of people and his face turned red, but he was not angry because the kid made sense. At the critical moment, saving lives is more important than anything else.

To be honest, if this was an adult, such as He Chenguang beating him like this, he would definitely expose the other party's atrocities, but this is just an eight or nine-year-old child. What are you exposing?

Children speak without restraint and are true to their nature!

If he exposed it, he would definitely be drowned in saliva. Before he even went online, everyone at the scene started to scold him. If he posted it online, it would be a direct destruction of his future.

"Okay, I'll go help first." Old Hu looked at Chen Haonan's panicked eyes, and said quickly, then he lay on the ground to collect all the scattered things, and then ran to join the team to open a passage for the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, several other reporters from platforms such as Huya, Little Cat, and Black Material Society who were waiting in line to interview were so scared that they dared not come over, and turned back.

This kid is so cruel and strong. Old Hu, who was 181 just now, was beaten and rolled three or four meters away. How dare they go over?

Smart reporters will naturally not wade into this muddy water, and then turn around and run to help open the road. They filmed Gong Jian covered in blood while broadcasting live.

"This is the live broadcast site. Our injured soldiers are in danger of death. Please retreat immediately and make way for the people occupying the passage..."

Under the influence of these eloquent reporters, the progress of opening the passage has been accelerated, and the popularity of the live broadcast has increased. Some live broadcasts have attracted thousands of viewers, and the number has increased several times. More and more people are stimulated and join the chain of communication.

An invisible network was spread on the Internet, and the pictures of the scene were spread very wildly. The only bad thing was that the soldier who was stabbed like a pig kidney was covered in blood and looked miserable. Fortunately, a 9-year-old cute kid skipped school to help him open the passage, which suppressed the bad impression.

A childish voice kept ringing in the crowd.

"Mom, I want to support that little brother and shout slogans with him."

"Let's go, let's all help the little brother, there is strength in numbers."

"Grandpa, that little brother is so brave, I want to be like him, to help the soldiers, okay?"

"Dad, let me go, I'm older than that little brother, he can help the soldiers, so can I..."

Hurrah, several children broke free from their mothers, fathers or grandfathers' hands, and the little ones's bodies passed through the crowd and rushed to Chen Haonan.

"Little brother, I'll help you."

"Brother, I'll help you too. I'll do whatever you say."

"Okay, it'll be better if you join us." Chen Haonan saw those guys coming and gave a direct command, "Each of you stand on a big stone ball and follow me to command them to open a passage for the soldiers."


The young voices were full of determination, and they followed the little guys to climb to a high place, then charged with various gestures and commanded the adults.

"The fruit vendor in front, please close your stall, the soldiers are coming through."

"The one on the left, the one on the right, don't be lazy, those with cameras, don't think our children can't see, I'm six years old, not a four or five-year-old child, you are just internet celebrities, you are not really helping people, uncles and aunts, throw them out."

"Anyone who doesn't give way can be beaten, do you have eggs? My mother just bought some, go to her to get them, the one on the left in red is my mother."

"Oh, the soldiers are coming, why are you still filming, everyone drive him out..."

"Oh my, is this okay?"

Several reporters and internet celebrities who were broadcasting live were so scared when they heard this that they immediately put away their black stuff.

There was no other way, being stared at and scolded by children was really embarrassing, and no one had the courage to scold several children in public.

Many hands make light work. After the efforts of many people, the people who occupied the passage in front also came to their senses. Then, the things that needed to be moved away were also moved away, and the passage was slowly created.

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