Chen Haonan was a child after all. He roared with his tender little voice, his body trembled, and tears welled up in his eyes. He was very contagious.

Soon, people on the street were talking about it and telling each other.

"Did you hear the broadcast? A child was shouting there, saying that a soldier was injured, and asked everyone to make way."

"Yes, the child said that the soldier was stabbed and injured. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Really, I just came from there. There was indeed a soldier injured, covered in blood, his life was in danger, and he was rushed to the hospital."

"No way, I admire soldiers the most. They are always in front of danger. Go and help, think of a way to clear the road."

"Brothers, stop playing mahjong, go quickly, the soldiers are waiting for our help..."

"Old ghost, didn't you hear what Xiao Huang and the others said next door? Go and see if you can provide help. A child's ideological awareness is so high, and you are still eating, eating, eating, eating, eating, you won't die..."

"Go faster, you are still dawdling, are you looking for a fight..."

With a snap.

Suddenly, someone's bowl was knocked over, and the person was dragged away, rushing towards Chen Haonan and others.


On the street, there were chaotic footsteps one after another, and people kept rushing out and shouting loudly.

"Sister, where do you think the injured soldiers are? I'll go take a look too."

"Yes, do you see them over there? People are all going over there, probably to help."

"Oh my God, there are so many people over there, I want to check out the situation, maybe I can do my best."

"Okay, then let's suspend business for the time being, close the gate first, and then go over."

"Hurry up, hurry up..."

People kept putting out signs of closure in the small shops on both sides of the street, closing the gates, and then rushing in the same direction.

"Oh my god, I saw that child. He refused to go to school and helped the soldiers here. How can there be such a warm-hearted child?"

"Fuck, are all the children so conscious? I admire you. My kid is in high school. He is not only rebellious, but also not independent. He relies on me and his mother for everything. It's so annoying. I have to take a picture of this scene and let him see it."

"Madam, you don't want your child to learn bad things in the future. Hurry up and set an example."

"You are right. How can other people's children be so outstanding? What do they eat to grow up? If my son sees the bleeding soldiers, he will probably be so scared that he can't speak."

"Is this the children of other people's families? Our children are just naughty children. I envy them. I really want to know what kind of parents can raise such children?"

"Or, you can find out his identity later, add WeChat or anything."

"Go, stop talking nonsense, find a way to clear the road first..."

There are more women running out of the square than men.

These women looked at the cute Chen Haonan and shouted at the top of their lungs. The veins on their necks were bulging. They were all moved. Some of them even had red eyes and looked at Chen Haonan with tears in their eyes.

"Good, good, good! This is our child now. You still say that education is poisonous and brainwashed by unscrupulous principals. Look, how high is the awareness. Hurry up and respond to the call of the child"

"Yes, this is the child of our country. It's so touching. Look, so many people are willing to help. It's all thanks to this child. Come on, everyone come to help."

The same scene was constantly staged in the surrounding streets. People kept coming out and talking about it.

"It's really a child. Why does he feel so mature? So excellent."

"If the youth is strong, the country will be strong. If the youth is stronger than the earth, the country will be stronger than the earth. Go ahead, set a good example for the children..."

With the help of everyone, the owners of the vehicles on the road in front of the parking lot began to find ways to move to both sides and try to make room for a road.

However, everyone saw that the road was still not wide enough for a car to pass.

"This won't work. The car can't pass. Let's go clear the vehicles in the parking lot."

"Okay, everyone hurry up. I'm worried that the soldier can't hold on."

"Okay, everyone, get moving. Several people are responsible for one road. This way it's faster..."

"Ding ding."

After a few words, everyone rushed into the parking lot and looked for the car owners inside, asking them to drive out first.

Soon, some vehicles were persuaded to drive away, but there was still a big problem.

"What should I do? The owners of these cars are not here, and there are not enough parking spaces."

"Yes, there are not enough. By the way, isn't there a car moving software? We have played it separately.Go, inform them."

"OK, hurry up, time waits for no one, don't let the child down and make the soldiers feel cold. "

At this moment, An Ran looked at Chen Haonan, who was standing on a high ball, shouting desperately with a loudspeaker, and did not rest even when his voice was hoarse.

At first, she thought the scene was a bit funny. He seemed to be shouting to sell things, and his appearance was very funny.

However, when she saw a group of people rushing out, shouting that they would respond to the children's call and set an example for the younger generation.

It was like a domino effect. A large group of people, especially those of various ages of wealth and prosperity, kept rushing out and shouting for help.

To be honest, An Ran never thought that Chen Haonan's approach would work so well.

There is strength in numbers!

The road was originally very congested, and the cars could not move. Now there are fewer cars and the road is no longer so crowded.

According to this trend, their car will soon be able to drive into the parking lot.

Looking at the enthusiastic people who ran to help, An Ran was moved. Staring at the little figure, she said to herself: "This was started by Chen Haonan. The people's revolution still has to be him. "

After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Gong Jian, "Coach Gong, you are saved."

Suddenly, An Ran frowned and raised her voice abruptly, "Why are you closing your eyes? Open them for me, quickly, you can continue to read poems to me, but don't fall asleep."

Just now Chen Haonan emphasized that Gong Jian must not be allowed to fall asleep, otherwise, the situation will be very serious.

As an agent, An Ran has seen many such situations and is well aware of the reason.


As soon as the voice fell, An Ran was hit by a big funny guy.

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