Suddenly, Yan Wang felt a shadow flash before his eyes. Before he could come back to his senses, he felt a pain in his shoulder.

Damn it!

After seeing the scene clearly, Yan Wang couldn't help but swear.

He just broke free from Chen Haonan's control, but in less than ten seconds, he was detained again.

What on earth did this kid eat to grow up? So fierce!

At this moment, Tianlang came over and asked angrily: "Who messed up the scene?"

He glanced at the scene and was a little surprised, "Yan Wang, what are you doing? Is it this child who messed up the scene?"

Yan Wang nodded helplessly.

Tianlang was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully at the child with small arms and short legs in front of him.

Looks a little familiar.

Who is he?

Some pictures flashed through his mind, and Tianlang blurted out: "Oh my god, didn't this child save An Ran's baby last time? And what's going on with you?"

Tianlang was confused and couldn't understand why Yan Wang was being held by Chen Haonan.

Yan Wang sighed. He wanted to break free, but he didn't. He was still being held.

He had no choice but to stop struggling. He said helplessly, "Yes, it's this kid. Damn, he said An Ran was his wife and wanted to take him away. I was careless and was controlled by him. However, he is really strong, so this is the situation..."

After saying that, Yan Wang shrugged.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the mouths of the old fox and others twitched and exploded directly.

"No, you can't beat a kid?"

"Yan Wang, did you shout just now?"

"Haha, I can't laugh anymore, are you serious..."

Yan Wang's face was a little ugly, and he cursed, "What are you laughing at? You can do it, come on."


The old fox and others couldn't help laughing again.

"Okay, stop making trouble."

Tian Lang waved his hand and looked at Chen Haonan, "Little boy, let go of the boss Yan Wang, he has to save face."

Chen Haonan looked at him expressionlessly, without speaking or moving.

Tian Lang frowned, as if he remembered something, and then said: "You are looking for An Ran, right? She is indeed here, but she is playing a game with Lei Zhan to see who wins. The result of the competition has not come out yet. This matter is not something you, a child, can intervene in. You should go back and wait."

Chen Haonan glanced at Tian Lang, and with a snap, he directly pressed the Yan Wang into the soil, and said coldly: "Playing games, right? Come on, I will play games too, to see who wins."

Poor Yan Wang didn't react before his head was buried in the soil, and his hands were tightly pressed.

"Fuck! Why am I always the one who gets hurt?"

Yan Wang was speechless. This time he refused to do it and began to struggle hard.

If he didn't find a way to break free, his mouth would be full of dirt.

However, he used all his strength to suck milk, but it was useless. He felt as if his whole body was stuck by two big pincers, and he had no place to use his strength.

It was really a ghost!

A child had such terrifying strength!

The King of Hell had no choice but to give up, and then said: "Little friend, you have no martial ethics, let go, let go quickly, how do you want to play, let me go first."


Looking at this scene, the old fox and others couldn't help laughing again.

Seeing Chen Haonan unmoved and hearing his companions' laughter, the King of Hell looked even uglier and cursed: "Fuck, help, why are you still laughing? This kid is really strong, I can't stand it."

Tianlang was also helpless and persuaded: "Little friend, that's enough, if you have anything to say, just talk."

Chen Haonan was unmoved, shook his head, and pushed the King of Hell hard, saying coldly: "It doesn't matter who comes, let An Ran out first, otherwise, I will break your arm, and I will do what I say."

The King of Hell was furious, his face sank, and he said angrily: "You dare."

The old foxes didn't know the seriousness of the problem, and they were still standing by to watch the show and tease.

"Okay, little friend, if you can break the King of Hell's arm, we will let An Ran out."

"That's right, we can promise, let's do it..."

In their opinion, the King of Hell didn't break free because he was afraid of accidentally hurting Chen Haonan.

Who knew that as soon as they finished speaking, there was a click.

Yan Wang cried with a trembling voice: "Fuck, it's broken, broken..."

Old Fox and others were stunned.

Yuan Bao was the first to react and said: "What's broken?"

"Fuck... My arm! A bunch of bastards!"

Feeling the piercing pain, Yan Wang was so angry that his face turned green.

If it weren't for these stupid teammates, why would he have to suffer this?

Although it is common to get injured during training or missions, this injury is completely unprovoked.

Yan Wang even wanted to hit someone, it was a bad year,How come we meet an unreasonable kid and a group of pig teammates?

The old fox and others were full of disbelief.

Originally, they didn't believe it, but when they saw the sweat on Yan Wang's forehead and his abnormal face, they knew that he was not lying.

Oh my! This kid actually did it, so cruel?

The old fox and others stared at Chen Haonan without saying a word.

The person involved, Chen Haonan, ignored the eyes of the crowd at all, calmly moved his hands away, clapped his two small hands, looked at Yan Wang, and said lightly: "This is what you asked for, I just meet your request."

As he said, Chen Haonan quickly glanced at everyone and said coldly: "Let An Ran out quickly, and hand over the relics of Shi Guo's squad leader teammate, otherwise, I will break your third leg."

Damn! So arrogant!

Hearing these words, the eyes of the old fox and others changed, looked at each other, and no one spoke.

Suddenly, the scene became quiet.

Ten seconds later, Tianlang came back to his senses and said in a low voice: "This kid is a bit weird. Last time, he did kill more than a dozen militants."

"Brothers, get to work."

After saying that, Tianlang gave a look to Laohuli and others.


Suddenly, Laohuli and others quickly dispersed and surrounded Chen Haonan.

"What are these guys doing?"

Gong Jian in the car had been paying attention to the situation outside. Seeing this scene, he immediately jumped out of the car, walked over, and shouted: "Hey, is it interesting? A group of big guys bullying an eight or nine-year-old child. Believe it or not, I will brag about it on the military forum later. How can you be a human being? Do you still talk about reason? If not, okay, Chen Haonan, let's go."

After saying that, Gong Jian didn't care about anything and directly came to pull Chen Haonan.

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