It's this kid who's making trouble!

Everyone rushed down in a hurry, and when they saw the kid with the whistle still in his mouth, their heads buzzed, their expressions stiffened, and they were stunned on the spot.

They had an emergency meeting, and they thought of countless possibilities, but they never thought that it was actually blown by a kid.

The autumn was in full swing, and the early morning in the camp was cool and comfortable, which was a good time to sleep.

As a result, there was no casualness at all, and suddenly, everyone's hearts were like being trampled by ten thousand alpacas.

The main reason was that the other party was still a 9-year-old child, and there was no place to vent their anger.

"Fuck! What a mess!"

"TMD! My dream was interrupted at its climax."

"Fortunately, it's five o'clock. If it was three or four o'clock, I would want to jump off the building."

"Fuck! Louder, this kid thinks it's fun and sets the alarm for you at three or four o'clock every day."


Although they can't do anything, they are a group of hot-blooded young men, and they can't control their mouths at all, and they spit out sweet words.

At this time, Chen Haonan took a few steps forward, walked up the steps, turned around and faced everyone with a serious face.

The scene gradually quieted down, everyone was silent, looking at the child with playful eyes.

Everyone had already woken up, and the coolness hit them, and they were all awake. At this moment, they also wanted to see how this child would make a fuss? How would it end?

Gong Jian was also stunned.

This child is different!

When he was 9 years old, let alone speaking in front of hundreds of adults, even in class, he would blush and his ears would turn red when he went on stage.

However, he could not feel a trace of nervousness or timidity in this child.

It's really strange, is he doing this?

"I heard that you are the best company here, but you only need five minutes to assemble. When I was in school, I washed my face and carried my schoolbag in three minutes. Are you turtles?"

After a pause, Chen Haonan raised his little face and spoke coldly. There was no way. Although he was standing on the steps, he was still not as tall as everyone else.

Someone in the team immediately shouted loudly: "That's because we hesitated because we saw that it was you who blew the whistle."

Chen Haonan said directly: "I am your company commander. I tell you, with this efficiency, this is a battlefield. If you go too slow, your comrades will die."



This child really thinks he is the company commander... Everyone at the scene looked at the serious and baby-voiced child and couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Just then, Gong Jian stood up and shouted, "This sentence makes sense, he is right."

The team suddenly became quiet, but everyone's expression was more of dissatisfaction, but they just tried not to laugh.

"From today on, he is your company commander."

After a pause, Gong Jian turned to the child, "Chen Haonan, I support you in leading the troops. Just say whatever you have to say. I will not interfere with you."


Everyone was a little confused, and the smiles on their faces quickly disappeared.

No, what does the instructor mean?

The regiment commander went crazy yesterday, and it's the instructor's turn today?

They didn't know that Gong Jian was also shocked when he knew that Chen Haonan really had a letter of appointment from the regiment commander. However, seeing that the child spoke in an orderly manner, he felt that the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooter should be stimulated.

Chen Hao nodded, and the next moment he directly ordered: "If they want to laugh, let them all laugh for five minutes."

This child doesn't play by the rules... Many "Fuck" floated in everyone's mind.

However, now there is no smile at all, and none of them can laugh.

Besides, a child is holding chicken feathers as a token of authority, and these soldiers who are not very obedient will naturally not be so honest and obedient.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and embarrassment came over them.

Chen Haonan remained calm, "Laugh for me, those who don't laugh, do 500 push-ups on the spot."

Tsk! Seriously... Everyone was stunned, and naturally no one cared, but subconsciously looked at Gong Jian standing aside.

The instructor wouldn't really accompany the child to go crazy, right? Seeing the instructor with a serious face, everyone's heart trembled, and a crazy idea suddenly arose in their hearts.

Gong Jian said, "Are you all deaf? Laugh, if you have the ability, wait until you become the company commander."

Everyone: "..."

After a while, a very strange scene appeared in the early morning of the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooter. Hundreds of people were laughing there, and the sky above the camp was full of laughter without laughter.

Beside him, only Lao Hei was really laughing, holding his stomach, laughing like a sunflower.

Five minutes later, without waiting for Chen Haonan's order, the laughter of hundreds of people stopped abruptly.

Chen Haonan said, "I'll give you a chance to see who has the ability to be the company commander. Today's training task is to shoot targets."

After saying that, he turned around and left. He was so free and easy that Gong Jian nodded secretly.

Shooting targets!

And his words were like a big stone smashing into the calmIn the lake, the 4th company of the Sharpshooter, which had hundreds of people, was in chaos again.

It’s not a bad thing for this kid to be the company commander... Everyone looked at Chen Haonan’s background, and green light appeared.

“I don’t know why the regiment found a weird kid, but he looks pretty stylish.”

“When I was 9 years old, I didn’t dare to sleep alone at night.”

“Fuck, you still have something to say, now you don’t dare to get up to urinate alone.”

Everyone pointed at Chen Haonan’s background and said all kinds of things.

The main thing is that they have never seen such a weird kid since they were young.

“No matter what, a soldier who doesn’t want to be a company commander is not a good soldier.”

In the team, Wang Yanbing was full of fighting spirit, “Revenge, revenge…”

He Chenguang poked his head out from the side, “Has the crotch recovered?”

As he said, his eyes swirled around Lao Wang’s lower body, which was self-evident.

Everyone burst into laughter.

Half an hour later

At the shooting range, Chen Haonan looked at the target in the distance, "You usually train 200 meters, right?"

Gong Jian nodded, as if he had accepted the identity of this young company commander.

Wait, he actually knew this?

Gong Jian was immediately shocked, and was refreshed by the child's ability again.

Chen Haonan nodded, and immediately said to the Sharpshooter Company 4 who were lined up: "You will shoot 400 meters today, let's see if you are not as good as me, a kid."

400 meters?

Gong Jian's mouth twitched, and a row of black lines appeared on his forehead.

Has this kid ever shot a gun? How dare he say that!

Can he still hit the target at 200 meters? Or does he think that everyone will miss the target at 400 meters?

This thought suddenly flashed through Gong Jian's mind, and he was immediately at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

After thinking about it, Gong Jian felt that it was necessary to remind the company commander not to become the company commander with the shortest tenure since the Sharpshooter Company 4.

It will be Kang who will be laughed at.

You should know that all the members of the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters are sharpshooters in the Iron Fist Regiment, and they are also well-known in the regular troops of the military. He does not believe that a child's shooting skills can be better than them.

Gong Jian was about to speak, but Lao Hei suddenly stopped him and said, "Let him try. The commander attaches great importance to it."

This is a naughty boy leading the troops... Gong Jian sighed helplessly.

In the team, everyone's faces were shining with excitement. This was the closest they had ever been to the position of company commander.

Even if he did not take up the position formally, he could brag about it for the rest of his life with a title.

Not long after, the sound of gunfire continued to ring in the shooting range.

"Wang Yanbing, 30 shots, 24 rings."

"He Chenguang, 30 shots, 29 rings."


Gong Jian nodded. A distance of 400 meters was already a very good result. These guys did not embarrass the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters.

After a moment, he held back his laughter and said to Chen Haonan who was standing on the side, "Well... Captain, it's your turn."

But Chen Haonan said, "I'll give some comments first. You don't need to rush me. Just do your job well."

Gong Jian staggered and almost lost his balance.

"Fuck" was about to come out of his mouth, but thinking that the other party was still a child, Gong Jian tried hard not to make a sound, but his expression was exaggerated.


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