"Mitsuki, don't run around..."

Fei Yu looked at his son who was running away in the distance, shook his head helplessly, and continued to play chess with Hashirama and Orochimaru.

The name was the same as Xiao Hei expected, but Mitsuki was not the one in the photo that Xiao Hei showed him at the beginning.

Black semi-long hair, with purple eyeshadow similar to Orochimaru at the corners of the eyes, but except for the eyes, everything else was like himself.

Orochimaru is pregnant again now, and the second child is a daughter.

But Orochimaru is not prepared to continue the experience this time, and the child did not have any impact on her during the pregnancy period.

But for now, the pregnant woman in the family is not only Orochimaru, but also Hashirama who was finally tricked by Madara.

In the original plan, Hashirama did not plan to get pregnant and have children, after all, they can completely control such things.

But Madara went to Orochimaru to ask for some medicine, saying that he would use it himself, but turned around and tricked Hashirama into taking it.

When he found out, the child was already there.

Although it was just a small embryo, Hashirama and Feiyu were reluctant to hurt it.

So now it has become like this, their lives have also moved from the lower world, and they have basically settled on the moon.

"The new generation of the head of the Hyuga family has come of age, what gift are you going to give?"

Hashirama looked at Mitsuki who ran to catch the Nine-Tails to play, shook his head helplessly, and after shifting his attention back, he mentioned the recent things that Feiyu needed to participate in.

Hinata has been managing the Hyuga family even after getting married. Now that Hanabi has taken over the position of head of the family after coming of age, Hinata is almost ready to shift the focus.

"Wait for me to ask Hinata to see what the little girl likes. I heard that she liked the artifacts in Tenten's hands some time ago. If she really likes them, just make her a self-defense gift as a gift."

Feiyu is not familiar with Hanabi. Although Hinata always brought Hanabi to his home before, he almost didn't communicate because he didn't want to be led astray by some kind of attribute.

Now they have moved to the moon. It is not easy for others to come here except for the people in the family.

Recently, I heard that Naruto's parents are tired of the "enthusiastic" villagers in Konoha. It seems that they can only create another planet so that the parents-in-law can live there.

But Naruto's parents don't live in Konoha anymore. Will Sasuke's parents want to stay there?

And Tobirama and Izuna...

With this calculation, it seems that there are really many people who need to be transferred...

"Feiyu, Gaara..."

Naruto suddenly appeared in front of Feiyu and said Gaara's name with nervous eyes.

"Maybe, it is more suitable for the birth of new life recently..."

Hashirama lay directly on the ground, and smiled wickedly at Feiyu who left immediately after hearing the name.

This world is growing and evolving, the world is getting stronger, and the power of these people is also increasing faster, so...

The world needs vitality, and more newborns are also a good thing!

I just don't know if Feiyu can accept it. There will be a lot of children making trouble at home...

Thinking of this, she seems to have a headache.

I hope the baby in her belly will be obedient, otherwise Sasuke will cry.

Before, Madara was very unhappy that she took the initiative to admit defeat at that time, but when he saw Sasuke getting angry because she had to make decisions for everything, he finally understood her true intention of admitting defeat.

Under the premise that Feiyu tries her best to do the best for everyone, it will be very difficult to manage this family, so how can she take on such a thing?

Only Madara, that idiot, would think she was stupid, so stupid!

"When the world is stable and the children grow up, I plan to go out with Feiyu to see, are you interested?"

Orochimaru suddenly tilted his head and looked at Hashirama.

She doesn't have much to study about this world now, so if she wants to study new things, she can only choose other strange worlds.

But if she just lets Feiyu take her to play, it will definitely not work.

So in this case, you need to be with people who are familiar with each other and whose thoughts are not too far apart.

Although he thinks those girls are great, Orochimaru knows very well that they can't keep up with her.

Only Hashirama, Madara, Sasuke and Naruto are suitable for the future time travel.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, to arrange some things at home first, such as children...

"Of course, I really want to go out and see. Madara has been looking for Sasuke to challenge because he can't fight with me recently. If this continues for decades, she will probably be bored."

Hashirama's eyes widened instantly. She must go, and she must drag Madara with her.

"SasukeNow I am busy every day and I am in a bad mood. It is good to go out and relax. I heard from Xiao Hei that the power system of each world is not exactly the same. We can go out and play, and learn the training methods of other worlds and convert them. Maybe people here can also learn..."

Naruto and Hashirama have similar ideas. They are a little bored, but they don't think it is too troublesome.

But there is a guy who makes them worry all the time and his temper is getting worse and worse...

"Go out and play? This is a good idea. It's good to have a target. I feel uncomfortable without fighting during this period..."

Madara and Sasuke just went to a place without life to fight. After they came back, they heard about going out to play.

Now they can't fight casually in this world, but they are all belligerent types. They are completely uncomfortable staying at home every day.

"I want to go out for at least 20 years. Those people want to have a child after they finish their work. At that time, they must let the child grow up before leaving, otherwise, Feiyu will definitely be worried..."

Sasuke thought about it and decided that this matter really needs to be prepared.

Sakura and Ino told her before that they would withdraw from Konoha after finding a successor. Now it should be about the time.

In this case, make arrangements early, have a child early, raise it early, and then...

You can go out for a trip.

"I will stay in the Sand Village for the next few days. I will take her home when Gaara hands over the position of Kazekage. "

Fei Yu came back and said hello to his family. He will take care of Gaara for the next few days.

For this matter, the few people looked at each other and smiled, and decided to speed up the plan of having a baby.

In order for them to go out and play earlier in the future, let more new lives appear in this vibrant time.

As for whether Fei Yu can take care of it...

Sasuke, Naruto, and Madara all said that the three of them will take good care of Mitsuki and various arrangements at home recently.

So, Fei Yu should work hard!

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