Chen Bo looked at his wife standing aside, and he was rich and powerful.

The main thing is that his son is fine!

All the way here, with his wife crying beside him, Chen Bo was also worried.

At this moment, looking at his son who was still alive and kicking despite being wrapped in gauze, his heart fell back into his stomach.

And it was rare for his son to have such compassion and be willing to donate to the soldiers.

Chen Bo planned to spend tens of millions today to set a life example for his son.

Anyway, he was not short of money, and now money was just a number to him.

And all along, he was worried about his son's maternal character and his inability to do business, so before this, he had prepared tens of billions of cash flow.

The purpose was to think about setting up a trust for him in the future, and only giving him 2 million yuan a month...

Now he was happy that his son had such blood.

Running away from home to save people was simply too strong, much more powerful than himself climbing over the wall back then.

"Hurry up!"

Looking at his wife who was still stunned, Chen Bo urged.

Guan Shu finally reacted, opened the briefcase she carried with her, and took out a stack of white and green checks.

It was not that she was reluctant to spend the money, but her mind was on her son, so she didn't react for a while.

Chen Bo took the check and pen handed over by Guan Shu, turned around, leaned the check against the wall, bit off the pen cap with his mouth, and began to write.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone's faces showed complicated expressions.

At first they thought the child was making trouble. How could a child have 1 million in his bank card? Besides, is his father the richest man?

Would he agree to give the other party 5 million?

No, even if he was the richest man, he probably wouldn't agree. After all, he is a businessman and focuses on interests.

Who knew that the child's father actually agreed, and was even more generous than the child. He started with 10 million and started writing the check.

Everyone's eyes were on the child and the child's father. This scene directly overturned their three views.

The only person who was not surprised at the scene was An Ran.

She knew Chen Haonan's family background. His father Chen Bo was the richest man in Donghai. For his son's safety, he would pay not only 10 million, but 10 billion.

The Chen family is a single-line family!

In the eyes of everyone with surprise, envy, and complex, Chen Bo wrote the check.

At this time, Kang Tuan stepped forward with an excited face, "Hello, I am the leader of the Iron Fist Group, Kang Lei."

"Are you...really going to pay 10 million to Shi Guo?"

At this moment, there was a trace of uneasiness in the eyes of this iron-blooded man.

This 10 million is too important to Shi Guo now, because even if the country has compensation, it is impossible to have so much money, at most a few hundred thousand.

Chen Bo glanced at the military rank on the other person's shoulder, stood at attention immediately, pulled in his stomach and chest, raised his hand and saluted, "Excuse me, are you the head of the army? I used to be a soldier, so this is no problem."


Kang Tuan said several good words in a row, rubbing his hands and pacing back and forth, with an excited look on his face.

After Shi Guo's accident, he has been worried about how the other person will live in the future?

Now it's all right. With this 10 million, Shi Guo will have a worry-free life in the second half of his life, and the woman's family should not be too opposed!

Just then, Wen Ju also came over, "Mr. Chen Bo..."


As a result, before he finished speaking, Chen Bo jumped up and blurted out, "Ghost, who are you?"

This is the instinctive voice of a person in a hurry.

The main reason is that Wen Ju's current appearance is really scary, with swollen cheeks on both sides, crooked mouth and cracked eyes, and messy hair. Anyone would be scared.

"Who are you?"

Chen Bo reacted and his voice became more polite.

"I'm your friend Wen Changqing."

Director Wen was speechless, "I'm from the Donghai Public Security Bureau."

Chen Bo looked at the other person in confusion. In his impression, the pig-headed man in front of him didn't match the Director Wen he knew at all.

"We played cards together a few days ago. Don't you recognize me?"

"You... are you really Director Wen?"

Chen Bo asked tentatively.

Director Wen nodded repeatedly, and his red and swollen eyes flashed with excitement that you finally recognized me.

Chen Bo asked with a puzzled look: "How did you get into this mess? You're almost disfigured."

Director Wen pointed at Kang Tuan and said angrily: "This guy beat you."

After a pause, he sighed, "But I was also wrong, so forget it."

Chen Bo nodded, "That's normal. He must have a reason to beat you."

Director Wen staggered and almost lost his balance.

"For your son."

At this time, Chen Bo handed the written check to Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan did not take the check directly, but smiled and said:"My pocket money is only 30,000 a month. You should raise it for me. Otherwise, according to your character, you will definitely deduct it from my pocket money."

Chen Bo: "I will pay for it this time. In addition, I will raise your pocket money to 50,000."

Everyone was stunned.

The money I saved in a year is not as much as a child's pocket money in a month.

At this time, Chen Haonan nodded, snatched the check from his father's hand, turned around and handed it to Xiaolan, "Sister-in-law, you keep it, don't give it to your father, just show it to him."

Xiaolan's lips were slightly open, her eyes were blurred with tears, her expression was frozen, and she was stunned on the spot.

God knows how much grievance she has suffered. She is pregnant, but her boyfriend is disabled, and her parents force her to have an abortion...

But this is 10 million, which is money that ordinary people may not be able to earn in their lifetime, let alone earning so much money.

The other party just gave it to her?

Xiaolan hesitated and didn't dare to accept it, so she looked at Shi Guo.

After all, if she had this money, she could become qualified to negotiate with her parents.

Shi Guo immediately said, "You can't accept it. This is a matter of principle."

Chen Haonan walked up to him and said, "Brother, I'm not giving it to you. Why are you being so generous? This is the gift money I gave to others as a gift, to my sister-in-law. Have you ever seen someone refuse a gift money?"

"Also, you saved An Ran, she is my wife."

"Zi Luolan is your wife?"

Shi Guo was stunned, thinking he had heard it wrong.

Chen Haonan did not explain, but took out an agreement from his pocket and threw it to him, "Look for yourself, she signed it herself."

Shi Guo opened it in astonishment and read it attentively.

It was written in it that Chen Haonan wanted An Ran to be his wife, and the signature at the end was indeed An Ran's handwriting, and it was even stamped with an official seal, the official seal of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and no one knew how it was stamped.


Shi Guo's eyes widened with disbelief, and he was stunned.

On the other side

Since Chen Bo appeared, the middle-aged man's eyes have been on him. He gave him a familiar feeling, as if he had seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man had an idea, stared at Chen Bo and exclaimed: "You are the richest man in Donghai City, Mr. Chen Bo, right?"

Just now, he finally remembered that he had seen the other party's interview video on TV.

Chen Bo nodded and said in a deep voice: "It's me, believe me, he can definitely make your daughter happy, better than some lackeys, who play cards when they have legs."

"With this money, you can live a good life. He must have arranged subsidies. Your daughter will be happy. Do you believe it?"

"I believe it, I believe it!"

The middle-aged man choked and tears flowed down, "I only have one daughter, and I don't want her to suffer. I... I don't mean to look down on soldiers."

He shook his head, "It's just... Hey! You should understand the thoughts of parents. No one wants their children to suffer."

Hearing this, Chen Bo immediately glanced at Chen Haonan, who gave him a headache, "I understand. My 9-year-old child gives me a headache."

The middle-aged man nodded in agreement, feeling that he had found a confidant.

"Pity the love of parents in the world. I asked him to help me spend money. This kid doesn't have this blood, hey..."

After a pause, Chen Bo sighed.

The middle-aged man's mouth twitched, and he suddenly realized that he had no common topic.

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