
Lao Kong raised his right leg and placed a half-prosthetic limb on the table, saying coldly: "My leg is not real, everyone can see it, why am I missing this leg?"

As he spoke, his sharp eyes swept across the audience, and finally fell on the faces of Fang Tang and Tang Xinyi, and said in a deep voice: "It is because I was beaten by the enemy in the front line, and I had to amputate it, but this is not my pride, but my shame. Every time I see this leg, I think of my lack of strength and my inability to beat the enemy, so I lost this leg."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole audience was dead silent, including Fang Tang and Tang Xinyi, no one spoke, and looking at Lao Kong, they only had admiration in their eyes, no ridicule, this is an old soldier, without such a soldier guarding the border, the enemy would have attacked long ago.

For old soldiers like Lao Kong, there is nothing to say except respect.

Lao Kong's voice was sonorous and powerful, and he continued: "I have been on the front line for so long, and have carried out 39 missions. I have killed 8 enemies in total, but I just heard about 8 enemies today. Chen Haonan, this amazing child, killed 9 Scorpion people by himself this time, and injured Scorpion, scaring the enemy to run for his life."

"My God, is this an ordinary child? I can say loudly that he is better and greater than many soldiers. He has done many things that soldiers want to do but cannot do."

"And now, this little boy with such a high level of ideological awareness "This child is being judged and disciplined. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"When this child risked his life to kill the enemy, where were you? What right do you have to judge such a great child? Do you still have humanity?"

Old Kong questioned Fang Tang and Tang Xinyi loudly, making them lower their heads in silence, and he was still questioning: "Ah, tell me, why can you judge such a child? Even if it is a trial, it is not your turn!"

After speaking, he walked directly in front of Fang Tang and Tang Xinyi and said seriously: "I know this is a temporary court and you can't walk around, but even so, If I leave, I will speak my mind in front of you. "

"Before I came, I had a soldier named Chen Rong, who died at the age of 19. He also wrote a letter called "Clear Heart, Only for the Motherland". He was killed by Scorpion's men, but I couldn't avenge him. Why?"

Lao Kong paused, took a deep breath, his eyes were slightly red, and he said in a deep voice: "It's because I'm not capable enough, but this time, Chen Haonan killed those people and avenged Chen Rong."

"He was a child who dared to kill the enemy, and he was fearless to save people, and he was even more fearless when he saw the enemy. He kept rushing forward until he could no longer work and his blood was about to run dry, and then he stopped. This was also the reason why Scorpion had a chance to escape, but he also persisted until the special forces arrived. "

"Chen Haonan, he is such a great child, even greater than many soldiers, but you still say he is fooling around, where is he fooling around?"

This... Facing Lao Kong's sharp and majestic gaze, Fang Tang looked away and did not dare to answer. As an office staff, he still did not have the courage to look at the soldiers fighting on the front line, especially, what the other party said seemed to be irrefutable.

If this is true, the child is a hero, who dares to question the hero?

Lao Kong shifted his gaze to Tang Xinyi and said coldly: "Comrade, why do I feel that you are abusing the resources of the inspection? Are you judging a little hero just because of your own grievances?"

Tang Xinyi's cheeks flushed slightly when she was asked, and she was speechless for a while.

Lao Kong continued, "Anyway, I support this kid. He is a hero in my mind. If anyone wants to judge him, why not first judge me for not being able to kill the enemy."

This sentence seemed to open the door for everyone. Some people below kept standing up and speaking, "Yes, Chen Haonan is a hero. He did nothing wrong. Exercises should rely on wisdom to determine the outcome. Everything he did was for the exercise. If you would do the same, he is not wrong."

"Chen Haonan is right. He has been in the Iron Fist Group for a while. He unites his comrades and smiles at everyone. Why is he targeting you? It's not all for victory. Exercises are wars. As long as there is no threat to personal life, everything is normal."

"Yes, we all support the little hero. Everything he did is reasonable. You can't judge him, even if he is still a child. However, he already has the ability to kill the enemy. He is someone we respect. In the past, there were 8-year-old Eighth Route Army soldiers. He is a child with strength. Why can't he contribute to the country and the people..."

When everyone was vindicating Chen Haonan, Kang Tuan nodded with satisfaction. This isIt was the scene he wanted. The next second, he walked directly to Lao Kong, supported him, gently put down his pants to cover his prosthesis, and said softly: "Lao Kong, put your feet up first. People who are reasonable will naturally be reasonable. If you are unreasonable, you will still be unreasonable even if you take off your pants and run naked. Am I right?"

Lao Kong looked excited and roared: "If it doesn't work, I will pull the cannon over."

"Haha..." Kang Tuan grinned and reached out to hold the rough hand of his old comrade. Both of them were veterans who had fought in border defense. Generally speaking, they were very graceful, unless they were really angry. He could see that Lao Kong was really angry.

The angrier Lao Kong was, the more beneficial it was to Chen Haonan. Damn, when Chen Haonan was fearless and killed the enemy, these screaming guys didn't know where to enjoy themselves. Now they actually came to judge Chen Haonan. Anyone who saw it would be angry.

Although Kang Tuan was smiling on the surface, he was furious inside. If necessary, he would explode. However, with Lao Kong stirring up the situation, the atmosphere on the scene was almost calm, because at this time, many comrades from the patrol team had already started to discuss.

"Good fellow, these people usually dare not say anything when facing the punishment results, for fear of being targeted, but now they are rebelling, which is a bit weird."

Someone else said: "No, I think it makes some sense. Comrade Lao Kong is a tough veteran, and Kang Tuan is a bit of an old hand, but he also came from the border defense. They are both respectable old comrades. Now they actually stand up to speak for a child. What does it mean?"

"Yes, it sounds quite reasonable, especially the child, who is really awesome. At my age, I was still drinking Wahaha, but he went straight to the enemy's kidneys. It's not simple."

"If it were an adult, such a thing would be considered a heroic deed, but why is it abnormal when it happens to a child? Is it because our vision is also blocked by something..."

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