"You... you little kid, why are you so mean, always attacking people's lower body, your methods are too vicious, didn't the teacher teach you to be a good student, don't hit people in the face, the upper and lower parts are all men's faces..."


Lei Zhan raised his hand and pointed at Chen Haonan and started to scold him. He wanted to scold him a few more times, but after a few words, he couldn't help but put down his hand and covered his third leg. There was no way, it hurt too much.

Being hit in the lower body by a small iron head, the pain was really uncomfortable.

Lei Zhan was neither standing nor sitting, his legs were crooked and kept stepping back and forth, his face was as ugly as it could be.

At this moment, he finally realized what kind of pain it was for a man to have his life hurt, and finally understood why Yan Wang and Tianlang always walked with limping feet in those days, and said that the little guy was really cruel and mean.

This is more than cruel, it is simply vicious!

It really hurts... The more Lei Zhan endured, the more sensitive the pain nerves became, and his face was a little distorted.

"Hmph, you are so old, but you still drink milk. You are immature. Why should I talk to you about martial ethics? I tell you, if you were the enemy, you just died again. You were still the same as last time. You were not alert. You still dare to say that you are a soldier king. Even a child can't stop you." Chen Haonan looked at Lei Zhan with contempt in his eyes.

"If you feel pain, just spit out milk. Drinking milk and then spitting out milk is a normal behavior of a child. I will give you time. Wait until you finish spitting out before you start."


Looking at Chen Haonan's indifferent eyes, Lei Zhan, who was already in pain, suddenly felt pain and his face became even uglier, but soon, he became serious.

Last time in the Iron Fist Group, he also suffered a loss from this little guy, but that time he was really careless. The opponent attacked directly and injured his third leg, but it was not as serious as this time. As a result, this time it was even more uncomfortable. The key is that this time they are still fighting head-on. After just one encounter, the opponent actually got the upper hand. What does this mean?

Although this guy is just a kid, according to his reaction just now, it can be seen that he is really fast. This guy's attack is like the fast boy in the show, and he is the main character. He couldn't stop him.

Of course, Lei Zhan also has his own fighting style, but he just didn't understand the opponent's situation. This guy is fast, but he is not tall, so it is still easy to deal with.

Lei Zhan immediately figured it out, and followed him to pretend to howl and rushed over.

On the opposite side, Chen Haonan was not in a hurry. He waited for the opponent to come over before raising his foot and kicking a whip kick, and then swept Lei Zhan's lower body.

Come again? Oh... Forget it, I don't feel it anyway... Lei Zhan gritted his teeth, didn't dodge, and rushed over to hug Chen Haonan, and then quickly pressed the opponent to the ground.

In his opinion, the opponent didn't have many tricks, so it's better to take a kick from the opponent, and then he can control the guy. With such a small body, he can handle it in just two punches.

The moment he successfully suppressed Chen Haonan, Lei Zhan raised his big fist, wanting to use Ip Man Fist to knock the kid out in one breath, and then tie him up and let him slaughter him at will.

"Haha, you are just a kid, what can you do to me? I will let you be arrogant again, and I will teach you how to be a good child on behalf of your parents and teachers."

Just when Lei Zhan thought that his iron fist would fall and Chen Haonan would close his eyes immediately, he didn't know that a sudden change happened at this time.

Chen Haonan, who was suppressed by Lei Zhan, saw that the opponent's iron fist was about to fall, but he was fighting faster with his big black fist, so he pulled out his right hand easily, and then grabbed the big arm and twisted it hard.

Then, with the help of the force, he twisted his small body, and at the same time, his small single leg cooperated, just like a Scud missile, fast and fierce, and directly knocked Lei Zhan over.

Lei Zhan was startled and wanted to get away, but at this time, a short leg kicked over. In an emergency, he could only roll to the side like a crocodile's death roll.


Every time Lei Zhan turned over, a small foot fell behind him. The footprints on the ground were clearly visible and extremely harsh. If he was kicked by the opponent, I'm afraid his bones would fall apart.

"What the hell, the speed and strength are still so terrifying!"

Lei Zhan had no way to resist and could only continue to roll away. Suddenly, with a click, Lei Zhan was surprised to feel a sharp pain and his face became ugly.

"Damn, was I kicked and broke my bones?"

Lei Zhan's face turned black, and he gave up escaping directly. He raised one foot and kicked Chen Haonan directly.

Chen Haonan jumped away quickly, but did not leave, and his little body started again and caught up with Lei Zhan directly.

Lei Zhan was caught up by Chen Haonan immediately because he paused for a while. Chen Haonan pressed him down without saying a word and swung his little fists continuously.

Bang bang!The little fist hit Lei Zhan's big face hard, hitting him several times.

Lei Zhan felt that his face was about to be beaten into a pie, but he could only endure it. The next moment, he aimed at Chen Haonan and kicked him out with his big foot.


After taking a breath, Lei Zhan smelled a bloody smell. It turned out that his nose was bleeding and his face was all over.

He felt the bloody nose and was trembling with anger. Damn, I suffered a big loss. This kid's movements were fast and dark, and it was hard to defend against.

I can't play with him like this, just shoot him.

Lei Zhan realized that the situation was a bit serious, and began to touch the gun, intending to be unscrupulous. After all, the opponent was too dark. If he continued like this, he might be injured.

In a flash, he took out the pistol, but when he looked up, he found that the small man Chen Hao had disappeared.

Ran away?

"Fuck... Don't run, I haven't spit out all my milk yet, keep going."

Seeing Chen Haonan's small figure not far ahead, Lei Zhan immediately got up and chased after him. When he saw that guy standing under a tree, he fired without hesitation.

"Hit, this time, you're going to die."

Zhan Lei seemed to see that the bullet hit the other party, and his heart was happy. He raised his foot and rushed over, ready to collect the other party's body, thinking that he would abuse the other party once, and settle the new and old grudges together.

As a result, when he got there, he found that the bullet pierced a small jacket, which was the small jacket that Chen Haonan had just put on, and the guy himself had disappeared.

"Fuck, you're playing tricks on me."

Lei Zhan was furious and pulled off the jacket. He saw from the corner of his eye that there were two words engraved on the trunk behind the jacket, "Idiot!"


That kid also wrote and cursed...

The surprise on Lei Zhan's face instantly turned into anger, and his expression was unprecedentedly wonderful.

Anger and shame filled his heart instantly.

Damn... couldn't even catch a kid? ?

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