Why Not Soar Your Majesty

Chapter 68: Mu Hao got a car accident 1

The third-sex play volume continued to be high, and Tang Xiao’s Weibo fans all rose. Since the third **** was broadcast, I don’t know whether it was intentional manipulation or whether the netizens are excessively yy. Recently, "due to the drama," "Tang Xiao, Mu Xi and Song Liangzhe's love triangle" copied the heat.

Tang Xiao was too busy at the shooting scene, often playing with Song Liangzhe and several new actors. The director inadvertently filmed some tidbits. As a result, these tidbits came to the eyes of netizens, and they automatically blocked other people, leaving only Song Liangzhe and Tang Xiao.

Ning always feared that the world would not be chaotic, and he rushed to take a fire. I hired a lot of water army to copy the topic, now the first search volume is Tang Xiao, the second is Tang Xiao and Song Liangzhe.

Under the microblog of Tang Xiao and Song Liangzhe, all they shouted were seeking together.

- Capitalized!

——Tang’s attack and Mu Zhen’s together are a weak face. Together with Song Liangzhe is a face of attack!

- I have eaten dog food!

Tang Xiao flipped the message while thinking about it or explaining it better. "The third **** is getting hot recently, so the public relations and the director will only operate this topic. It will be fine after a while."

Every year, several best couples are selected online. Tang Xiao has been twice this year. One time was a movie with Mu Yi, hanging a tail. The other is that Song Liangzhe has already rushed into the top five, and there is a tendency to continue going up.

Mu Hao did not react much to this. She glanced at her mobile phone and continued to stare at the computer screen. "I know."

"Just like this?" I thought I would see Mu's jealous look. I didn't expect it to be three words that were not salty or light. "You no longer publish your testimonials? For example, what are you jealous? According to the game, you have come to hit me at this time."

Going over to see Mu's computer screen. The alchemist on the screen, the white wins the snow, the wind is unparalleled. It should be playing PK, the opposite side of the game is not mad and abused.

Mu's fingers and the mouse cooperated, quickly dodge, and then find a group of neutrals. I am not crazy and go straight to the street.

[Current] You are not crazy: lying! Come again! !

[Current] Su curtain cover: no time.

[Current] No madness: lying trough? You have to do it. Start nightlife? This is not yet at night.

[Current] Su curtain cover: teach the girlfriend.

[Current] You are not crazy: - Single dogs are also dogs, please care for them.

Tang Xiao has seen three words of his girlfriend. These three words, probably, maybe, maybe, that is her.

After Mou sent this sentence, he pushed the computer aside. Picking up Tang Xiao’s chin and turning her face to her side. "Next, let's talk about how to teach you."

Tang Xiao was forced to stare into his eyes. Mu's hair was slightly longer and he was softly on his forehead. It looked like a harmless college student. He stared at him and his heart accelerated. Tang Xiao knotted. Babadi explained. "I...is a PR operation...I..."

Mu Zhen smiled, the smile in his eyes was scattered, just like a little bit of stars. Looking at her eyes as cool as water, originally picked her chin, but also changed to comfort and touched her chin. "I said I know, because I know that you will not be like other people. Not jealous is because you believe in you, but your courage in the crew is really getting bigger and bigger. Listen to Mu Xi, you can go to film without eating. I still lived for a few days."

"That's the same one." Tang Xiao weakly explained that there was a sick scene in the drama. Tang Xiao was hungry for two days in order to be realistic. Do not eat for two days, drink a little more water. Two days later, the scene was not too realistic. When Tang Xiaonian’s lines were written, he felt sick and ill. After the filming, she took Muxi directly to eat the buffet, the stomach was not stimulated, and lived for two days.

During that time, Mu Hao went out to work, and Tang Xiaoqian could not tell Ning and Mu Wei.

I don't know how to leak the wind.

"How many more games do you want?"

When Tang Xiao came over and hugged him directly, he also reached out and took her.

"I don't dare to do it next time. I can't do it. I think this can be realistic." Tang Xiao relied on him to spoil. She found it useful to be awkward.

“Why did you want to enter the circle?”

Can answer, in order to sleep to you.

Mu Wei saw that she was in a daze, bowed her head and kissed her lips, and took a bite without a light weight. Susuo came to a "Well?"

"Come on the money..." Tang Xiao answered honestly. Signed in Ning total, her pay will not be drawn, basically how much the crew gives, how much she can get. Therefore, one year after another, it will basically be able to rest for half a year and play games for half a year. This kind of comfortable day is not too good for her.

Mu Hao smiled low and held her chin and licked her hair. "Tang Xiao, if you feel that this kind of life is tired, you can stay as it is. I adjust the pace, you don't have to stand by me, I can go to you."

She has no ambition, she has always dreamed of the kind of life that Ning always said. A relaxed job, a stable relationship, and a natural family. Then I have no worries for a lifetime.

Later I met Mu Wei. All the ideas are different.

She wants to be with him, wants to work hard once, and wants to be motivated once.

"You don't get used to me. Ning always said that I have a hard time getting up, I don't want to suppress it again." Tang Xiao whispered lowly.

Mu Mu held her in her arms and quietly followed her hair.

Suddenly I entered a phone call, and Mu Hao vacated one hand and glanced at the caller ID, and his face suddenly became heavy. Kissed Tang Xiao’s forehead. "I will pick up the phone."


After a few minutes in the bathroom, Mu Hao hurried out.

"It’s raining outside, I’ll come back to bring you food, don’t go out.”

"Well." Tang Xiao nodded.

I don't know how, Tang Xiao's heart suddenly fell, and I always felt that something was going to happen.

Not long after Mo Yu walked, Kobayashi’s phone came, using the landline of Ning’s family.

"Tang Xiao, what to do..." She hadn't spoken yet, and Kobayashi's voice passed with a cry.

Tang Xiao immediately became alert. "What's wrong? Don't cry, say slowly."

Kobayashi sobbed a few times. "I saw red, Ning always can't get through the phone, what should I do..."

Tang Xiao played a lot of dog blood TV dramas, naturally know what it means to see red. "The driver is not there yet?"


Tang Xiao turned over his car key, put on a coat, and thought about it and took the blanket. "You wait, I am coming to you now."

From the elevator directly to the bottom of the garage, during the period of constant call to Mu Hao, from the beginning is still open, and finally turned into an out of service area. With the thunder and rain outside the window, Tang Xiao felt like something was going to happen. There is a bad feeling in my heart, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

There are not many vehicles on the road. Tang Xiao’s throttle is stepping on the road. On the road, he always calls Ning or Mulu. One is not answered, and the other is not in the service area.

When I arrived at Ningjia, Xiaolin was crying in the toilet, and the nanny on the side was helpless.

"Miss Tang, you are coming." The nanny handed over a towel, Tang Xiao couldn't catch it, and ran straight to see Kobayashi.

"How's it going?"

"I checked it online. She said that it is normal to fall red in the first three months of pregnancy, but if the blood is dark red, there may be a threatened abortion."

Tang Xiao lifted her up and said to the babysitter: "Help her take the jacket over. I took Xiaolin to the hospital. If Ning always came back, let her call me."

Hastily wrapped Xiaolin and stuffed it directly into the car.

Before leaving, she called Ning, and when she thought it was connected, she switched to a mechanical and cold voice. "The call you made is now unanswered, please..."

The irritability in my heart is getting bigger and bigger. It is as dull as the weather outside.

嘱咐 nanny optimistic about the home, directly launched the throttle to the hospital.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, the clouds are laminating very low, overcast and not a trace of light. It is obviously at three o'clock in the afternoon and it looks like the same as five or six o'clock. The wind continually dances the branches, and the dead leaves are constantly blowing on the road, spinning in the air.

Kobayashi sat aside and was a little scared.

"You don't scare yourself yourself. Maybe it's normal red." Tang Xiao constantly comforted her.

"Ning Jing, will he have an accident?" Xiaolin suddenly asked such a sentence. I don't know if it is because of the weather or not. Both people feel heavy in their hearts.

Tang Xiao gave a smile to her. "The scourge of the millennium, Ning always like this. You don't know how many wicked things he has done, how can you accidentally happen? You don't think too much, it should be in a meeting, turn the phone into a silent mode."

Xiaolin frowned and didn't answer.

The whole sky was gloomy and the car was driving fast on the road.

Kobayashi’s phone ringing, let both people shake. Tang Xiao’s eyes were sharp and he saw the words of Ning’s total. "Quick and fast, Ning total phone, you pick me up and drive."

Kobayashi’s heart is relaxed. "Hey."

"Xiao Lin, I went home later today, and Mu Hao had a car accident." The phone at the end of Ning always seems to be in the hospital, and there is a call on the side.

When Tang Xiao heard this sentence, he felt that the whole body was soaked in the cold, just like the sudden fall into the ice cave.

What Ning always said is - Mu Hao, was a car accident?

At that moment, the brain was uncontrollable, and the steering wheel was slipping. When the reaction came over, the car had already hit a tree on the side of the road. Tang Xiao stepped on the brakes, and the tires crossed the ground and made a dull sound. The driver's seat greeted him. Tang Xiao that moment, the body is faster than the brain, and directly flew to Kobayashi.

The big movement here, the phone at the end of the Ning always heard, and was shocked. "Lin Wen! What happened to you!!"

"Lin Wen..." 2k novel reading network

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