Under the organization of the Tingxian Entertainment staff, the reporters' questions began in an orderly manner.

The beautiful reporter from Xuanwu.com asked with a smile:"It is rumored that you have given up on the hit song God. What do you think about this?" Netizens just like to make blind guesses.

Gu Yi spread his hands helplessly and said:"How else can I see it? Just sit and watch! I didn't even know that I had given up."

The beautiful woman from Xuanwu.com asked again:"As everyone knows, there is no title song in your new album"Ancient Rhyme". Why is that?"

Gu Yi's fans all looked at Gu Yi with expectation. They were also very curious about this question.

Gu Yi smiled without hesitation:"Because I think each of the songs has different characteristics. It would be unfair to the other songs to choose a title song."

"Fairness?" The beautiful reporter from Xuanwu.com was a little confused and murmured,"Is there fairness in songs?"

Gu Yi smiled and said,"Of course, because every song carries the hard work and soul of the creator."

"Wow!"The beautiful reporter from Xuanwu.com was full of stars after hearing this.

To be honest, she is also a fan of Gu Yi!

Is this how top creators think about their own songs?

Reporters are not allowed to show personal emotions during interviews, but she just can't help but admire Gu Yi!

What to do? Wait online! Very urgent!

But other fans at the scene don't have such scruples

"No wonder Gu Yi's songs are so good! They have soul!"

"The idol I’m a fan of is so awesome!"

"This is the right attitude towards music! I love it so much!"


Looking at the starry eyes of the beautiful reporter from Xuanwu.com, the staff of Tingxian Entertainment patted their foreheads helplessly.

How could there be another crazy reporter? Is her professional ability good enough?

Seeing her like this, there is no way to continue the interview, so let's go to the next one!

"There are many hits and hits this month. Do you feel any pressure?"

Gu Yi thought for a moment and said,"Of course there is pressure, but I think it's more of excitement!"

"Do you mean you're excited to play against them?"


"I have one last question, which is why did you think of releasing such a Chinese style album?"

"Why would you release such a Chinese style album?"Gu Yi smiled and thought of what a senior in his previous life had said.

"Because... Chinese culture is the coolest!"

After hearing this, the reporters at the scene immediately became excited!

They couldn't wait to point their cameras in the direction of Gu Yi.

Here comes the topic!

This was not something they deliberately led, but something Gu Yi said himself!

Gu Yi's fans were completely excited.

"Chinese style is the coolest! No wonder Gu Yi is so obsessed with Chinese style!"

"Yes, Gu Yi is right!"

"That’s right! Don’t let the Korean wave become more and more arrogant! Our Chinese wave is the coolest!"

"Gu Yi is always the best!"

A reporter took the opportunity to ask:"Gu Yi, do you mean that singers from other schools are not good enough?"

The staff of Tingxian Entertainment immediately looked at the reporter with vigilance.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that the reporter's question was full of wit. If Gu Yi gave a bad answer, it might be taken out of context.

After all, these reporters in the entertainment industry are best at taking things out of context.

They were ready to kick the reporter out.

Gu Yi laughed and said very seriously:"I don't mean to look down on singers from other schools, but compared to their culture, I think the long history and culture of China for five thousand years is more worthy of our study and learning."

After that, Gu Yi clasped his hands together and supported his chin, stared at the reporter and asked calmly:"Isn't it?"

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