There was a soundproof glass between the recording room and the control room.

Gu Yi was ready, and he looked at the control room with an inquiring look. When

Xu Mengning saw Gu Yi looking at her, she immediately nodded, turned on the recording equipment, and signaled Gu Yi to start.

The whole recording room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Gu Yi took a deep breath, moved his fingers slightly, and began to play.

《The prelude of"Why Not" sounded.

At this moment, Gu Yi's guitar skills in both his previous lives merged into one, and he played with ease.

In the control room, Xu Mengning was immersed in it.

She held the headphones with her left hand, and tapped the rhythm lightly on the table with her right index finger.

Gu Yi's gentle voice sounded.

"The sky seems to be raining, I really want to live next door to you"

"I stand stupidly downstairs of your house, raise my head and count the dark clouds"

"If there is a piano in the scene, I will sing to you, even if there are basins of water pouring down"


Listening to the song, Xu Mengning thought a lot.

Although she had only been in contact with Gu Yi for two days, she liked the feeling of getting along with Gu Yi.

Maybe it was because they had the same hobbies.

Maybe it was because of Gu Yi's talent that she could learn a lot from communicating with him.

Or maybe it was because Gu Yi spoke to her in a different way from others.

When other boys spoke to her, their eyes were more or less filled with admiration and other thoughts.

Only when Gu Yi spoke to her, his eyes were clear and without any impurities.

The music continued in the headphones.……

"Singing this song for you, there is no style"

"It just means, I want you to be happy"

"I toss and turn for you, why not give up the world for you"

"A little warmth in the coolness of late summer and autumn"

"There is the color of the changing season~"

Gu Yi in the recording studio finished singing the last lyrics, and the music came to an end.

At this time, Xu Mengning also came back to her senses from her thoughts.

She quickly turned off the recording equipment and saved the song.

After a while, Gu Yi also came to the control room

"How about it, Miss Xu, do you have any questions?"

Xu Mengning did not answer Gu Yi, but played"Why Not" again.

After listening, Xu Mengning said solemnly:"No problem at all, there is no need to tune it, it's best to just play it directly!"

The reason why Xu Mengning said that tuning is not necessary is because many singers who are not good enough will ask the tuner to modify the song before releasing it, and only release it after they are satisfied.

Some singers that Gu Yi had seen in his previous life also had such a situation, especially some Internet celebrity tailor singers.

Don't think that they sing okay in the video. Once they get to the scene and lose the million-dollar tuner, it is common to sing out of tune and break the voice.

It's simply a car accident scene.

Gu Yi didn't have these concerns. His singing skills have always been top-notch.

It was in the previous life! It is also in this life!

Naturally, there is no need for a million-dollar tuner.

Seeing that there was still early time, Gu Yi directly used the computer in the control room of the recording studio to upload the song to the three top music platforms in the country.

They are Penguin Music, Net Cloud Music and Mango Music.

After uploading, Gu Yi and Xu Mengning gathered around the computer, staring at the computer screen.

One minute... two minutes... five minutes... twenty minutes... uh... there was not a single click on the three platforms combined...

Xu Mengning frowned and said reluctantly:"Gu Yi, um, don't worry, good songs will definitely be discovered."

She turned to look at Gu Yi, only to find that Gu Yi was actually calm and composed, as if nothing had happened.

Gu Yi looked at Xu Mengning, shook his head and said with a smile:"It's okay. After all, we just released it directly without any publicity. Who can see it?"

It has been proven that releasing a song directly without a company to promote it behind the scenes is too slow to produce results.

Gu Yi was just testing the waters.

He wanted to see if his song could become a big hit and attract the attention of various entertainment companies. Then he would go to whichever company gave him autonomy.

Unfortunately, this approach didn't work. However, this did not affect Gu Yi's desire for autonomy. The worst-case scenario was that he would take the initiative to demonstrate his master-level piano skills.

A piano master deserves a contract of Grade A or above from every entertainment company.

The two waited for another ten minutes, and seeing that no one clicked, they left the recording studio.

Gu Yi's recording studio time was almost up, and it was someone else's turn.

In order to thank Xu Mengning, Gu Yi invited Xu Mengning to lunch at noon.

There were many people in the cafeteria at noon, and I don't know how many people remembered it.

Someone even posted a photo of the two eating together on the confession wall.

The title was like this

《Shocked! School beauty Xu is eating in the cafeteria with a man, and the man is actually! 》

An old headline.

Clicking on it, it is a photo of Gu Yi and Xu Mengning eating in the cafeteria.

Although the photo is blurry, you can vaguely see the smiles on the corners of their mouths.

For a moment, countless boys and girls were heartbroken.

"I don't agree to this marriage!"

"Is this true? It can’t be photoshopped!"

"Upstairs, this is true. I saw Gu Yi and Xu Xiaohua hanging out in the garden yesterday. I also saw them eating together in the cafeteria this morning. Who knew they would be together at noon too! Woohoo!"

"Isn't this a rock solid?"

"I'm torn! I like Gu Yi! But Xu Xiaohua is too beautiful, I don't even have the heart to fight for her! I'm heartbroken, sob~"

"Let's form a team, my name is Fu Long"

"Do you believe in fishing?"


However, Gu Yi and Xu Mengning, the parties involved, did not know about these things, nor did they care.

In their view, it was just a courtesy between friends.

Xu Mengning helped Gu Yi.

Gu Yi invited Xu Mengning to dinner.

It was so simple.


After a day,"Why Not" recorded by Gu Yi's fans and uploaded to Douyin is still fermenting.

And the number of likes has exceeded 1.8 million, and the number of comments has exceeded 200,000.

When many people find their favorite songs on Douyin, they like to search on music platforms and play them on repeat.

Yang Lixuan, a civil engineering student who just graduated from high school and entered college this year, is such a person.

After he went to college, his only regret was that he did not confess to the girl he liked.

Now the two are separated, it is difficult to meet, let alone confess.

Since he saw Gu Yi's"Why Not" on Douyin, he has deeply liked the song.

Seeing that the comment area said that the song has not been released, and no one knows what the song is called.

He made a bet with himself in his heart.

As long as he can find this song on the music platform, or know the name of the song, he will muster up the courage to confess to the person he likes.

At this time, Yang Lixuan has been looking for a day. In a day, he searched all the music platforms, even the eighteen-line music platforms, but still couldn't find it.

Just when he was desperate and wanted to give up, he opened the online cloud music, wanting to listen to a sad song before going to sleep.

A song title popped up in a small corner of the software homepage with the latest songs written on it, but it was fleeting!

Yang Lixuan keenly noticed that the song was called"Why Not"!

He immediately remembered a line of lyrics from the song on Douyin

"Why not give up the world for you!"

Thinking of this, Yang Lixuan immediately opened the search and found"Why not".

He immediately clicked it, and the prelude sounded so familiar.

Then he looked at the lyrics, yes!

This is the song!

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