As soon as"People Like Me" and"Dignity" were released, they took the first and second places on the new song charts of three music platforms.

As for the third place, it was a less famous and unpopular singer.

Because of Gu Yi's brilliant past performance.

No one came to compete with Gu Yi for the list this month.

They chose to"let" Gu Yi have the first place very sincerely.

Just when Gu Yi's two songs ranked first and second.

Gu Yi's studio announced another news.

This sudden news directly made people in the circle and netizens explode.

Deliberate Studio:

New Song Preview #On March 5th, this studio will release four new songs.

The four songs will be sung by four artists from this studio.

Stay tuned!

The comment area immediately became 99+ and Gu Yi's fans couldn't sit still.

"Four songs? Four songs!!"

"Gu Yi just released a song, and he’s going to release another one in a few days?"

"Hiss~ So terrifying!"

"It's not April Fools' Day yet!"

"Fans are ecstatic, there is another good song to listen to"


As soon as this news appeared, it was spread by fans everywhere.

And it successfully aroused the interest of passers-by and netizens.

Weibo began to discuss this matter enthusiastically.

The news about this matter also became a hot search.

【After"People Like Me" and"Dignity", will the studio release another song? 】Hot#

【The king of music!#

【A mudslide in songwriting.#


"I originally thought that all the guys from boy bands were weaklings, but after watching Gu Yi, I realized that’s not the case! Gu Yi is a tough guy!"

"This is outrageous. I'm a fan now."

"I envy Gu Yi fans so much, there are so many new songs to listen to every month, unlike those people I like, who don't release a song for several months."

This person is afraid of comparison.

When netizens see Gu Yi release a song every few days, they can't help but think of their favorite singers.

Gu Yi releases a few songs every few days.

But their own singers don't release a song for several months or even a year.

The more netizens think about it, the angrier they get.

Thinking about it, they can't help but run to the comment section of their favorite singers and start urging them to...

"Look at other people, they release a song every few days, and then look at you, you are like dead, you don’t even post a song on Weibo for ten days or half a month"

"Speed, get up, sing!"

"Please release a song soon, if you don't, I will go to FanGuYi"

"If you don't send me a song, I will send you some local specialties, or come to your house to have a good chat with you."

"Roll it up, roll it up!"

The whole music industry was swept by this trend.

Even Qin Fang, Gu Yi's former mentor, was not spared by netizens.

"Brother Qin, can you learn a few songs a month from Gu Yi? You used to be someone else's mentor."

"You haven’t released any songs in a few months!"

"We know you are getting married, but I don't think that's a reason for you to be lazy."

Qin Fang stayed at home.

Looking at these comments, he sighed helplessly.

As everyone knows, he, Qin Fang, is a"depressing" singer.

When he was still a single dog, he had a lot of inspiration every night.

But now his love is about to come to fruition, and he can't get into the same creative state as before.

So it's not that he doesn't want to release songs.

It's really that he has no inspiration.

He has also tried to write sweet love songs, but after all, he is not good at it, and he always feels that something is missing when he writes them.

Qin Fang racked his brains but couldn't figure it out.

Obviously, Gu Yi and Xu Mengning's relationship seems so good, but Gu Yi can still write such a sad love song

"It seems that I should ask Gu Yi if he has any skills."

The wise are the teachers."

Qin Fang did not think that he, who had been Gu Yi's mentor, had any questions for Gu Yi.

By the way, Gu Yi will come to my wedding in a few days.

There are plenty of opportunities.


At the same time, people in the industry were already driven crazy by the pressure to release new songs, and the entire group was filled with wailing.

Without exception, they were all urged by their fans to release new songs.

"Which great god can make Gu Yi stop his supernatural powers? Six songs in a month, is he still a human being? Please,"

"Damn, I haven't released any songs for a year and I was so happy. I thought my fans had forgotten me, but after Gu Yi did this, they all remembered me. The comments section and private messages are all rotten."

"I'm really impressed, this old man"

"Yi Shen is really powerful, what do you know, Yi Shen is encouraging us, you really don’t know how to appreciate a good person!"

"Wang Yi, get out of here!"

"I'd better release the song, otherwise I'm afraid that my fans will come to my doorstep to block me."

It turns out that the netizens'"friendly threats" are effective.

That night, several singers announced that they would release songs in a few months.

"Holy shit! That’s awesome!"

"Therefore, it is easy to yyds!"

"It’s so funny that King of Songs Zhou, who hasn’t released a song in a few years, has announced that he is going to release a song!"

"It's starting to roll up!"

Netizens originally wanted to have fun.

Who knew it would really work?

This makes them look forward to the coming months even more.

If only every songwriter and singer could work as hard as Gu Yi.


Gu Yi, the instigator, was in the recording studio at this time, directing Chen Chen to record the song.

After Chen Chen finished singing once, Gu Yi shook his head very seriously.

"No, no emotion! Come again."

In order not to ruin the classics of the previous life.

So Yi is extremely picky in this aspect.

"Still coming?" Chen Chen slumped down on the stool."I've been singing for two hours. I'm exhausted."

"Yeah!" Gu Yi nodded seriously, but suddenly joked,"Haven't you, Chen Chen, been fooling girls since elementary school? How come you can't sing?"

Chen Chen rolled his eyes immediately:"That's just to help you take the blame. You know I've been single for 21 years."

"Move aside, I'll show you how to do it." Gu Yi smiled and pushed Chen Chen away, then stood in front of the microphone.

"Watch carefully and learn well!"

Gu Yi nodded, and Du Hui and Wang Ping immediately turned on the background music. Hearing the background music, Gu Yi entered the state in a second, and his mind was full of thoughts.

This song was sung by Zhang Jie in Gu Yi's previous life.

The inspiration for the lyrics came from a real emotional experience of one of the lyricists, Dai Yuedong.

As soon as Gu Yi opened his mouth, Chen Chen felt the difference between Gu Yi's singing and his own.

Gu Yi's singing was full of emotion.

His singing was a little dry.

"He leaves you with his back"

"Not saying a word about love, making you cry until your eyes turn red"

"He told the lie so beautifully."

Two people who were studying abroad fell in love, but broke up after returning to China due to geographical distance and various pressures of reality.

At that time, the young and frivolous boy did not realize how deeply he hurt the girl in this relationship.

"He has cheated on you more than once. It's not worth your sadness for him again."

"He doesn't understand your heart pretending to be calm, he doesn't understand love treat it as a game"

"He doesn't know how to express his love, and all he can do is sigh and say sorry."

"He doesn't understand why your heart is crying, suffocating to the point of almost being unable to breathe, oh oh ~"

It was not until many years later, after going through many things, that he finally realized how much he didn't understand his girlfriend's heart, and how he deeply hurt her, but everything has become the past, and it's too late for him to regret.

He can only express his inner guilt through lyrics, regretting his ignorance at the time, and sighing at his helplessness now.

The song"He Doesn't Understand" truly sings out the sadness and helplessness in the girl's heart. It also sings out the guilt and reflection of the boy after he matures.

""Wow, Brother Du, I think I'm in love for the first time." Wang Ping said sadly while holding Du Hui's hand

"Cry, cry, it will be better after crying." Du Hui patted Wang Ping's back gently.

He could not understand the emotion in the song.

Because his wife was his first love.

Looking at Wang Ping's appearance, Du Hui comforted him while taking out his mobile phone to take an ugly photo of Wang Ping...

To be on the safe side, he also uploaded the photo to Baidu Cloud Disk.

Even if the phone breaks in the future,

Wang Ping's ugly photo will always exist...

Chen Chen listened to Gu Yi's singing and carefully tried to figure out the emotions in it.

He accidentally caught a glimpse of Wang Ping and Du Hui in the control room out of the corner of his eye.

He rolled his eyes instantly.

These two are too emotional...

Gu Yi finished singing the song and said with a smile:"Do you understand?"

Chen Chen nodded and shook his head. He learned it but not completely.

After all, he only sang high-pitched songs that could blow up the audience before.

It was still difficult to learn a song with delicate emotions like"He Doesn't Understand".

Gu Yi thought about it and told Chen Chen the background story of the song.

Chen Chen listened to the story, combined with Gu Yi's singing, and finally got some of the clues.

But he still had a question:"Gu Yi, where do you get so many emotional stories?"

"No! This is your emotional story!" Gu Yi denied it flatly.

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