After the release of the MV of"Tian Qing",

Xing Rongkai also released a status at this time.

Xing Rongkai:

Gu Yi is the most talented young man I have ever seen.

The Tian Qing official also took advantage of the victory and released a behind-the-scenes video before the shooting.

The video starts from the time when the nine"Tian Qing" members just got off the plane and continues until the release of the MV.

Gu Yi practiced singing and dancing with the group members, and the process of Gu Yi and Xing Rongkai discussing dance moves were all recorded.

The original purpose of this video shooting was to edit some interesting videos as a commemoration.

Unexpectedly, it became a weapon to fight back against rumors.

In order to avoid doubt,"Tian Qing" also released a completely unedited recording video.

"Those who spread rumors should come and see for themselves! Gu Yi is really discussing this with Master Xing Rongkai"

"Sorry, Gu Yi really can choreograph!"

"This is called hiding one's prowess!"

"The videos are all edited, who knows if they are real or fake"

"Upstairs, the eyes are donated when they are not used. Didn't you see the long video next to it? Hundreds of hours, why don't you watch it side by side to see if it is true or not?"

"The haters have nothing to say, right?"

When Tianqing released the full video, all doubts became empty talk.

Some netizens just followed the trend.

When they felt that they were at a disadvantage, they immediately changed their camp.

"I already knew that Gu Yi could choreograph! I was infiltrating the enemy!"

"Me too, me too!"

"Politeness: You?"


When the facts are in front of us, all the rumors become a joke

"The comment section of"Waiting for you to come" was immediately flooded with comments.

"Spreading rumors is really dead m"

"Come on, come on, can you show me another one?"

"Orphan, brother!"

"Whose money did you take to be so shady?"

Waiting for you to come here" is Cai Peng.

He is staying in his own villa at this moment.

His job is to smear others on the Internet for his sponsor.

Over the years, he has made a lot of money from this job and reached the peak of his life.

Looking at the indignant comments of netizens on Weibo,

Cai Peng smiled disdainfully.

He has slandered so many artists before.

Even if the situation is reversed in the end, what can it do? Just post an apology and the matter will be over.

This time is the same...

Cai Peng's hands are typing on the keyboard with ease, writing a"sincere" apology copy.

"Ding Ding!

Someone rang the doorbell of Cai Peng's house.

Cai Peng impatiently stopped his hands, stood up and went to open the door.

"Who is it? You came at a really bad time.……"

Seeing the person outside the door, Cai Peng's arrogant voice suddenly fell.

Several policemen and a lawyer in formal attire stood outside the door.

One of the policemen asked seriously,"What's your name?"

"Cai... Cai Peng." Cai Peng's legs kept shaking and he stammered,"Police comrade, what do you want to talk to me about?"

People in his line of work get nervous when they see the police, as if they are guilty.

"That's fine. Cai Peng, you are suspected of defamation, damaging business reputation, defaming personal reputation and other crimes, and the evidence is irrefutable. Come with us!" said a policeman.

"I didn't, comrade policeman, I didn't, I didn't!" Cai Peng's eyes widened and he denied hastily. He already knew why the police came.

Seeing Cai Peng's panic, Yu Ze smiled contemptuously.

He was from the legal department of Tingxian Entertainment. This time he came here to solve those who caused trouble to Gu Yi through legal means in reality.

Yu Ze sneered:"This is not up to you. If you do it, you have to bear the consequences. We are artists of Tingxian Entertainment. You can't slander them just because you want to!"

Yu Ze approached Cai Peng, staring at him with his eyes, and said,"You said so, wait for you to come!"

Hearing this name, Cai Peng's legs softened and he collapsed to the ground.

He pointed at Yu Ze and shouted frantically:"Comrade policeman, he is slandering me! He is slandering me! You must not believe him!"

Several policemen looked at each other and went straight forward to hold Cai Peng up.

Cai Peng's mouth was spitting,"Why did you arrest me, just because of Gu Yi? I want to hire a lawyer, you can talk to my lawyer."


He had slandered other artists in the past, and nothing happened!

This time, he just slandered a little Gu Yi!

He has to suffer such a catastrophic disaster!


Cai Peng was unwilling!

But he was dragged into the police car after all.

Yu Ze looked at Cai Peng's back and shook his head with disdain.

Why? Because you have offended us.


Have you heard of Jianghai Pizza Hut?

It's the legal department of Tingxian Entertainment!

Seeing that the police car had gone far away, Yu Ze was very enthusiastic to help Cai Peng close the door, and then got into his own car elegantly.

Next, he will try to extend Mr. Cai's prison time for a few years.

Let Mr. Cai fall in love with that place


Netizens waited for a long time and found that"Waiting for you to come" had not responded.

Just when they thought that"Waiting for you to come" was going to play dead.

Tingxian Entertainment officially released the news.

Tingxian Entertainment:

Recently, there have been many big V bloggers on the Internet who have slandered Mr. Gu Yi, an artist under our Tingxian Entertainment, and seriously damaged Mr. Gu Yi's right to reputation.

After ten days of evidence collection, we formally sued 26 big V bloggers including"Waiting for you to come".

We believe that they will all be punished by law!

In addition, please put away your crooked thoughts if you have ulterior motives.

The members of our legal department are already hungry and thirsty.

If you want to find some fun for them, I think they will be very happy.

Gu Yi's fans are boiling.

"Awesome! So cool!"

"Damn, when you came over, Jun went in!"

"Tingxian Entertainment is really serious about Gu Yi! He has not spoken for so long, it turns out he is preparing a big move!"

"Those bloggers are all finished. Tingxian Entertainment’s legal department is Jianghai Pizza Hut!"

"Gu Yi is really an invincible talent! He can write lyrics, compose music, choreograph, sing and dance. There is nothing he can't do!"

The next day, the verdict of the more than 20 bloggers came down.

And it was immediately searched.

【Tingxian Entertainment sued 20 big V bloggers and won all of them. The lightest punishment was three years in prison!#

【When you come, you will face ten years in prison.#

【The Internet is not a lawless place! 】Hot#

"It's so funny, he spread rumors and got himself into jail, hahahaha!"

"Suing more than twenty big Vs at one time, is this a big company?"

"Everyone is happy!"

"You deserve it!"


At the same time, Zhou Chang, who was far away in Huawen Entertainment, breathed a sigh of relief.

He had been a little scared these past two days, fearing that the police would come to his door.

After all, he was the real mastermind behind the scenes.

Fortunately, Cai Peng and the others were quite sensible and did not give him up.

At this time, Zhou Chang's cell phone rang.

It was a special phone from the board of directors.

Zhou Chang took a deep breath and answered it.

He thought it would be a storm, but the phone only sent a few words.

"You're fired, Chief."

"The company will check your accounts, and if there is any discrepancy, be prepared to be sued."

"In addition, there are police outside the company looking for you, please put down your company badge and go out by yourself."

Zhou Chang's eyes became dull, his hands drooped weakly, and his cell phone fell to the ground.

"It's over. It's all over.……"

PS: And…

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