Yang Lixuan and Xu Yue became acquainted with Gu Yi's"Why Not".

Gu Yi has a special meaning to them.

As one of the first people to become a fan of Gu Yi.

They created a fan support group for Gu Yi, which has thousands of members, all of whom are Gu Yi's fans.

Because Gu Yi himself is so strong, he can always rely on his own strength to rush to the hot search list.

Therefore, he does not need fans to help with scoring and data.

This also leads to Gu Yi's fans being more Buddhist and not fighting or competing.

But now someone has bullied Gu Yi, and they can't bear it anymore. They organized themselves spontaneously.

Xu Yue and Yang Lixuan are among the leaders.

There are many people like them.

In the group, Xu Yue enthusiastically @all

"@All members, get ready,"Produce Journey" is about to start!"

"Got it, Miss Xu"


"You vote, I vote, and Gu Yi will make his debut tomorrow!"

"They like to play dirty tricks, so let us show them the power of the masses!"

"Our slogan is: We are easy!"


This situation is happening in all the fan groups of Gu Yi


At nine o'clock in the morning, the last performance of"Creation Journey" started on time.

Netizens who were watching the screen immediately rushed into the live broadcast room.

However, the barrage of comments was full of curses.

"A shady show!"

"The inside story!"

"Good show, ten stars, given in installments!"

"If Gu Yi doesn't make his debut, your show's rating will drop to one point!"

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also in the live broadcast room, there were audiences shouting about the inside story.

The host couldn't suppress it even if he wanted to. He could only move on to the next link with difficulty.

He enthusiastically introduced the special guest of this event, Academician Cheng Xingsheng.

Hearing this name, the audience's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees and they cheered.

Cheng Xingsheng is an honorary academician who has made great contributions to the country.

They should give the old academician due respect.

Old Academician Cheng walked out from the backstage with his hands behind his back.

He is over fifty years old and his hair is white.

Although he looks old, he is in good health.

Now he is still walking briskly and energetic, and his eyes are even more piercing, angry without being intimidating.

"Academician Cheng is still in good health!"

"This is my idol!!"

""It was the first time I saw Academician Cheng offline. I was moved to tears!"

The audience was very excited.

When they saw Cheng Xingsheng coming out, the five tutors sitting in the tutor seats also stood up.

They dared not be arrogant in front of him.

If you don't respect the national academician, you will be criticized.

After Cheng Xingsheng smiled and greeted the enthusiastic audience, he sat in his special seat.

After he sat down, the tutors dared to sit down.


Then the last performance of"Creation Journey" officially began.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning, and the audience was not noisy.

But as long as you observe their expressions carefully, you will find that they may be preparing a big move.

It was the turn of Liu Jiaxing, who ranked ninth, to appear on the stage.

The audience began to shout"Black curtain!" indignantly.

After shouting for a round, the audience seemed to be organized and stopped again, and let the contestants finish their performances quietly.

After the end, they shouted"Black curtain" again.

And so on and so forth.

The audience's shouting of"Black curtain" reached the top when Xiao Yanrui appeared on the stage.

Because Xiao Yanrui is now the number one!

The audience believes that Gu Yi is the real number one!

Xiao Yanrui doesn't deserve it!

So their main firepower was attacked on Xiao Yanrui.

"Go down!"

"You are still the first?"

"Get off the stage!"


Xiao Yanrui's psychological endurance is quite strong.

He started his performance without blushing or beating his heart. It was a traditional Chinese style song.

Looking at the title of Xiao Yanrui's song and listening to Xiao Yanrui's singing,

Cheng Xingsheng's face turned from red to purple, and then from purple to black.

There is something wrong with this song!

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt something was wrong when listening to this song.

"I would like to ask what this"Liver and Intestine Cunwei Duan" is?"

"If I am heartbroken, then I am heartbroken. What does it mean that I am not heartbroken?"

"Look at how Academician Cheng's face has turned black."

Just as the audience was discussing the title of the song, they heard a line of lyrics that was even more outrageous than the title.

Xiao Yanrui sang affectionately:"The Overlord gave me the sword, and I bid farewell to my concubine and walked away."

At this moment, the barrage of comments instantly exploded.

"Damn, can I have some culture?……"

"Is this a song written by an illiterate person?"

"Anyone who has not finished junior high school can not write this line of lyrics!"

"What cerebral palsy lyrics!"

"I want to ask, who is Bie Ji?"

"Is this the level of the first one? I am dying of laughter!"


The faces of the five mentors in the mentor seat were also very grim.

It stands to reason that no matter how illiterate one is, he cannot write such lyrics.

Looking at Cheng Xingsheng's expression, it was frighteningly gloomy.

After Xiao Yanrui finished singing, he bowed to express his gratitude, but only heard boos from the audience.

Cheng Xingsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Xiao Yanrui and said,"Did you write this song?"

Xiao Yanrui's face lit up. Did Cheng Xingsheng think that this song was well written?

He quickly responded,"Yes, yes!"

Then Cheng Xingsheng's next sentence made him dumbfounded.

"This is bullshit!" Cheng Xingsheng slapped the table in frustration, obviously extremely angry.

He said again:"Explain to me who Bie Ji is!"

Xiao Yanrui was a little confused, and blurted out:"Bie Ji is Bie Ji!"

Cheng Xingsheng suddenly felt exhausted.

He actually had a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.


The audience in the live broadcast room and the audience at the scene were all stunned.

Is it true that there are people who don't even know this allusion?

"Yu Ji: Then who am I?"

"Yu Ji: I was cheated on?"

"It turns out that Farewell My Concubine is the story of the King and his concubine. I have learned a lot."

"I mean, how did this person get the first place? If there is no shady deal, I will eat shit live, a ton!"

"Look at the old man is angry"

"Let him go, don’t let the old man get angry, these are national treasures!"

Fan Liutian, who was watching the live broadcast, almost laughed out loud.

Cheng Xingsheng waved his hand and said helplessly:"You go down!"

He really didn't want to see Xiao Yanrui again.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but curse.

Cheng Xingsheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart:"Has my Chinese culture fallen to such a state?"

Xiao Yanrui went down the stage in disgrace, and until the end he didn't know why Cheng Xingsheng was so angry.

He has been a trainee since he was a child, and he really doesn't know the story of Farewell My Concubine.

Seeing the disappointed expression of the old man on the screen, the netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't bear it and said

"Don't worry, old man, Gu Yi should be able to make you shine."

"Yes, it’s Gu Yi’s turn to appear next. After all, Gu Yi is a college student, he can’t be so illiterate!"

"How can a person who can write"A toast to freedom and a toast to death" produce bad works?"

"Therefore, it is easy to fulfill the hope of the whole village!"

"Don't be disappointed, Mr. Cheng, that one is a fake first place, the one below is the real first place!"

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