"Unparalleled in the world?"

Ji Wuxin's tone was somewhat displeased.

"Wuxia, although you may not like to hear what I say. However, as your brother Wang, I still have to say that your master, he is a straggler after all. Maybe his cultivation is not bad, but... .In the imperial capital, it may not be able to be on the table.

It's okay if you talk about it at home. If you go out, you have to brag about it like this. I am afraid that people will laugh at my princess of the Zining Palace, and she has shallow knowledge. "

Ji Wuxia frowned slightly.

A teacher for one day, a father for life.

The dignity of a master is very important on the mainland. Even if the other party is his half-brother, he cannot humiliate him at will.

With her current cultivation level of the third level of the Divine Refinement Realm, it would definitely be no problem to beat Ji Wuxin.

However, in that case, one's own cultivation will be exposed. I'm afraid it will cause a huge shock, and the master will definitely not be happy.

At this time, Ji Wuxia's eyes fell on the master's formation.

The next moment, the corner of her mouth raised slightly, and she thought of a method.

If you use the formation method, you will not reveal the master's cultivation, because the formation mage does not rely on the cultivation base, and the formation mage in the spiritual realm can also create a very powerful formation.

"Since... Brother Wang doesn't like my master's formation, why not... ask Brother Wang to give it a try?"

Ji Wuxin glanced at her again.

"It's actually going to use aggressive tactics."

"It's a trick, but... does Brother Wang dare to take it?"

Ji Wuxin chuckled lightly.

"If it's an ordinary person, I'd be too lazy to take care of it, but since you want to see it, then I'll let you see the gap between me and your master who was trained by the palace."

When the words fell, he slowly stepped into Lu Xiaoran's formation.

Ji Wuxin immediately threw a spirit stone, and in the eye of the formation, communicated with other spirit stones that had already been arranged, and completely activated the formation.

In an instant, a heart-pounding white light suddenly enveloped Ji Wuxin.

Ji Wuxin just wanted to let out a disdainful hum, but in the next second, countless spiritual energy, like a tide, gathered crazily on top of his head. Without giving him a chance to react, he directly pressed his head down with an unrivaled attitude.



Ji Wuxin didn't even react, so she was hit hard, and blood spurted out of her mouth.

"damn it!"

In an instant, all the hairs on his body exploded.

At this time, Ji Wuxin just realized how stupid she was just now.

Dare not to be careless at all, he immediately used the power of his entire body to resist the power of this great formation.

Unfortunately, he thought wrong again.

The power of this formation has surpassed his imagination. The blow just now was actually only a small test of the water. When he used his spiritual energy, the pressure in the formation was also increasing simultaneously.

Therefore, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, in the formation, several rays of light lit up at the same time, followed by one attack after another, all of which bombarded him mercilessly.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, Ji Wuxia's other courtyard was filled with the sound of explosions, accompanied by Ji Wuxin's screams.

"Flawless, quickly withdraw this formation."

Ji Wuxia shook her head.

"Now, do you know how powerful my master is?"

While speaking, she stretched out her hand, preparing to take the spirit stone in the formation.

Of course!

The next second, she found that she was isolated by the formation.

Ji Wuxia's expression changed.

"Complete calf."

She has already thought of something. It is estimated that the master has arranged a series of formations. When the attacking formation is triggered, the defensive formation will continue to be triggered to protect the formation from damage.

Therefore, she cannot destroy this formation at all. Unless it is the spirit stone in the formation, all of them are exhausted.

However, if all the spirit stones were exhausted, Ji Wuxin would be blown up to powder.

The explosion sounded more and more intense, Ji Wuxin roared while forcing the attack of the formation:

"Ji Wuxia, what the **** are you doing? Hurry up and withdraw this formation!"

Ji Wuxia gritted her teeth and said:

"The formation can't be withdrawn. My master arranged a series of formations, one by one. In addition to attacking formations, there are also defensive formations. People outside can't get in at all. How to unlock the formations?"

Ji Wuxin's heart was half cold. Could it be that the prince of his dignified Zining Palace was going to die in the formation of this mountain cultivator?

If this is the case, to what extent does he have to suffer?

A kind of collapse overwhelmed her heart, Ji Wuxin gritted her teeth desperately, and could only forcibly break through the formation.

If he can't break through, he will surely die!

"Blood shunting!"

Knowing that the formation is powerful, he did not dare to delay too much, and directly used a secret blood burning technique.

Although it will make him lose some qi and blood, it is still much better than dying!

Fortunately, Lu Xiaoran only used 20-30% of his formation strength this time, and he deployed an ordinary heaven-level formation, which was not very powerful.

Therefore, Ji Wuxin, who is a mountain and sea realm, used a secret technique and spent the price of being seriously injured, and finally escaped from the formation~www.wuxiaspot.com~Put-!

Ji Wuxin ruthlessly fell to the ground outside the formation, gasping for breath, most of his clothes had been torn to pieces, his body was covered in blood, his face was ashen, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

But after a while, he managed to squeeze out a smile of the rest of his life.

"Finally, I escaped."

As soon as the voice fell, a very majestic figure appeared in his eyes.

This made him stunned for a moment, and immediately got up, knelt toward the other party and said:

"Father, my son and minister are incompetent, please forgive me."

"Trash, you have lost all the face of my Zining Palace."

When the words fell, the other party directly slammed a palm onto Ji Wuxin's body, blasting him away on the spot.

"Father, please forgive me, my son is incompetent and I know I am guilty, but if you continue to fight, my son will really be unable to hold on."


Ji Wuxia in the distance, watching Ji Wuxin, in an open space, punched and kicked at himself, and said "Father King" in his mouth, his face turned black.

Shizun... an illusion array was even arranged.

Ji Wuxin thought that he had escaped from the master's formation. In fact, the entire yard was full of formations. When one formation was activated, all other formations would be activated. There are also countless people waiting for him until he is boiled to death.

At this time, looking at his second brother, he was so weak that he might faint at any time, but he kept punching and kicking himself, and Ji Wuxia didn't dare to waste any more time.

You have to call the father and the king quickly, and let the experts in the house come to the rescue, otherwise, my second brother, I am afraid that he will really kill himself.

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