Who’s The Boss?

Vol 2 Chapter 9: Mr. Xiaoyu who is ill

A few days after the first birthday banquet ended, the little golden grandson of the Yu family, who was as strong as a calf, was crushed by a flu. It was at the turn of summer and autumn. The hot and cold changed repeatedly. On a sunny morning, I opened my eyes and sneezed loudly.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, the child's face was flushed, and the whole person was sick because of the fever.

The aunt at home dialed his wife's mobile phone number, but no one answered.

I had no choice but to call the husband in the company.

Yu Tingchuan received the call and asked her aunt to take the child to the hospital first, took the line, put down her work, took her coat and car keys and hurried over.

In the pediatrics department of the hospital, there are many new mothers and women in the waiting room.

Yu Tingchuan appeared in the aisle, attracting a lot of attention, not only because of his formal shirt and trousers, but also because of his manners. At first glance, he is a rich man. It is hard to imagine that the child of this kind of boss is sick. Asking the family doctor, they unexpectedly rushed to queuing up in the waiting room with them, ordinary people.

In the waiting room, children cry from time to time.

Yu Tingchuan was tall, and soon saw Aunt Gong and the others sitting in the corner.

The little friend Yun Bao nestled in Yu's arms, his face was red and hot, and occasionally coughed. When he was picked up by his father, the little guy didn't cry. He put his arms firmly around the man's neck and couldn't help coughing again. That kind of cough with phlegm in the throat.

The child’s breath was hot and sprayed on Yu Tingchuan’s neck, looking sideways at his son’s frail appearance. Yu Tingchuan was unavoidably worried. The child is not like an adult when he is sick. He can slowly heal after taking a few pills and sleeping. The aunt can't take care of a child, she doesn't mention it, but her face is not very good.

Sister Yu, in particular, knew that she had neglected her duty and dared not say one more word.

The child's body temperature rose to 39 degrees. After seeing the doctor, the blood was drawn and it was found to be bacterial inflammation. The doctor suggested that it is best to use antibiotics and water for treatment.

After Song Qingcheng finished the class, he took out his silent cell phone and found several missed calls.

Two of the calls were made by U Tingchuan.

Calling back, she learned that the child had a fever and had water in the hospital, so she picked up the car and rushed to the First Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.

Song Qingcheng arrived at the hospital, parked the car, and went straight to the infusion room in the outpatient building. The children's infusion room is separate from the adult infusion room. After asking the nurse, she did not wait for the elevator and went up the stairs to the third floor where the pediatric department was located.

Children hanging water can be seen everywhere in the children's infusion room.

Song Qingcheng went in and looked around, and found patient Yu Chiyun in the fourth row on the left side of the chair.

Both Aunt Gong and Aunt Yu have gone back, only the father of the child is guarding them.

The little guy lay on his father’s arms, covered in a suit, and had an infusion needle on his fat and tender left foot. Compared with other crying children, the little guy tilted his head back and was pulling his father with his chubby hands. Playing with his shirt collar, Yu Tingchuan has always held his son, and now his son is ill, he is naturally more obedient.

As he approached, Song Qingcheng asked in a low voice, "How's it going?"

There was fine sweat on her forehead and her breathing was a little short.

When Yu Tingchuan saw his wife coming, his brows stretched slightly, and he just said, "After the infusion, let's see if the body temperature does not drop." When the child Yun Bao noticed something, he turned his head suddenly, and his sullen eyes looked over.

Recognizing who the woman visiting him was, the child who was very strong from the beginning of the blood draw suddenly squashed his mouth, and then burst into tears.

The howling sound of piercing the clouds and cracking stones resounded throughout the infusion room.

Mr. Yu had to stand up with the child in his arms. The obedient little guy who used to coax a few sentences, but this time he cried out of breath. In the end, when the mother took the child, he spoke softly to him. The little guy gradually stopped crying, because of grievance, he lay on his mother's shoulder and kept sipping.

Song Qingcheng stroked his son's back with his hand: "Dad told his mother that Yun Bao is brave while on the phone. Why do you cry when your mother comes, where is the good little man?"

Watching the communication between the mother and the child, especially the coquetry that the child relied on, made Mr. Yu who sat back in the chair to laugh and laugh. The little guy was close to him on weekdays, but he did not forget the woman who gave birth to him in his heart.

When his son fell ill, Song Qingcheng took two days off at school.

Lao Zhao will temporarily take over Joice's transportation to and from school.

After the child’s condition was under control, the parents did not take the child to the hospital for infusion. Excessive use of antibiotics is not beneficial to the child’s future health. Therefore, if the child no longer has a high fever, Yu Tingchuan asks Jiang Chi helped to prepare appropriate medicine for the child.

Because the child was still coughing, Song Qingcheng did not dare to slack off in taking care of him, for fear that his carelessness might worsen the child's cough and turn it into pneumonia.

For several nights, the couple did not sleep soundly.

In the middle of the night, the child began to cough non-stop. Sometimes Song Qingcheng fell asleep. When she heard the movement and woke up, she found herself alone in the bed. She sat on her side and found that Yu Tingchuan was holding her son.

Even if it's uncomfortable, the little guy doesn't toss much, and he won't suddenly cry at night to wake the adults up.

Song Qingcheng got out of bed and picked up the baby bottle and prepared warm water for the child.

After drinking cough syrup, the little guy's cough stopped until two o'clock in the morning.

After four or five days, the child’s cough condition improved. Song Qingcheng took two days off and in time for the weekend. During the day, Yu and the others watched the child, but they could make up for the rest. Only the father of the child could not sleep well at night. To be busy with the company's affairs, I did lose some weight.

Joice knows that his brother is sick. Every morning, he must see his brother before going to school. When he comes home from school in the evening, the first thing he does is to accompany him.

On the day when Rainbow Kids recovered, they became vigorous and vigorous again.

After learning to walk, the child is already disturbed in the room.

At noon that day, Song Qingcheng returned home from class. As soon as he stopped the car, he saw the child on the lawn. Sister Yu followed. The black-and-white shepherd dog was running in front. The pants are walking everywhere, and the rampage will fall to the ground at any time.

Song Qingcheng opened the fence gate, and the child happened to fall on the lawn!

Yun Bao, who was picked up by Sister Yu, didn't cry, and pointed her small hand to the side shepherd dog, yelling ‘dog, dog’ indistinctly.

Seeing the mother who came back, the little guy pushed Yu's wife away, and stumbled over. Song Qingcheng squatted down in cooperation and let the child fall into her arms.

The little guy held a sweet-scented osmanthus sprig in his mother’s arms and said “flower”, and then chanted “dog” seriously. Aunt Yu smiled and said, “Yun Bao just played with the pants, I said it was Dog, he listened, and then he chased his pants and said, "Dog", so clever."

Song Qingcheng turned his head and looked at his son with surprise: "Is our little baby so smart?"

Amused by her expression, the little guy buried her face in her neck ‘shy’.

Holding his son, Song Qingcheng couldn't help but laugh.

In the evening, in front of his father, the little guy pointed to his pants and shouted ‘dog’. As you can imagine, he was hugged by his father and praised his cleverness.

After getting down from his father's arms, Yun Bao supported the sofa and walked to his brother, and said, "Tweet, play!"

Song Qingcheng corrected: "It's not tweeted, called elder brother!"

The little guy turned his head to look at her, his eyes confused, then turned his head back, and opened his pinky little arms to Joice, the meaning was obvious, he wanted to hug.

Now Joice's face has faded a lot of childishness.

He spoiled the younger brother very much, got the instruction, and immediately took this ‘small shot’ into his arms.

The little guy knows how to win people's hearts very well, and when he turns his face, his brother feels good.

The next day, Song Qingcheng had no class in the afternoon, so he took the child to the hospital for a health check. The child who was lively at home, saw the doctor in a white coat, and immediately became quiet and well-behaved. He stopped talking about his little mouth and was sure of the child’s body. There was no serious problem, Song Qingcheng thanked the doctor, and then came out of the treatment room with the baby in his arms.

After going through the obstetrics and gynecology department, Song Qingcheng heard that a man and a woman were arguing, and couldn't help but cast his attention away.

The woman rushing out of the corner looked up and saw Song Qingcheng in the corridor, her feet stopped suddenly, except for her embarrassment, an embarrassed expression flashed across her face.

"Yun Xuan!" Mu Shaoan followed out.

He stretched out his hand to hold Lu Yunxuan: "I didn't mean that, you know, my parents like children very much, I just thought, if we have a child, they might know--"

"What will happen?"

Mu Shaoan's low-pitched tone only made Lu Yunxuan even more angry.

She turned around and asked: "It was you who wanted to marry me at the beginning. Now you regret that you want to ask your parents to forgive me. Didn't you hear what the doctor said? I'm unlikely to get pregnant again in the future. Since you want your parents to hug you. Grandson, go find a woman outside and stop bothering me!"

After speaking, Lu Yunxuan shook off Mu Shaoan's hand.

Mu Shaoan wanted to explain something, but found that there was an onlooker beside him. When he recognized Song Qingcheng, his throat seemed to be tightly choked, Lu Yunxuan pushed him away and walked straight down to the elevator.

Mu Shaoan recovered, and immediately went after Lu Yunxuan.

There are some things, even if you have heard them.

Song Qingcheng didn't think about it, holding his son and took the stairs instead.

The little guy was sturdy and heavy. From the third floor to the first floor, Song Qingcheng's arms were sore. He just walked down the steps and wanted the child to walk by himself. As a result, the little guy shrank his feet and hugged her tightly. He refused to come down for a walk.

No way, the mother had no choice but to carry the child all the way to the parking lot.

Lu Xishan was released from prison in the middle and late October.

The person Yu Tingchuan picked up in person.

Song Qingcheng didn’t follow a piece. It happened to be the weekend. She helped her aunt prepare lunch at home. Joice took Rainbow Treasure to play outside the villa. While washing the vegetables, she looked out the window and happened to see the Rainbow Treasure kid squatting down on the lawn. Having learned to solve the problem of urination and defecation by himself, he urinated on the spot, the little guy stood up and continued to chase his elder brother with swaying small steps.

Seeing Lu Xishan again, Song Qingcheng felt strange.

Even if she had just visited prison last month.

Lu Xishan's hair was dyed black, and the wrinkles on his face could not be covered. He didn't suffer much in prison, but compared with the excellent living environment in the past, it was a lot worse after all, and it was inevitable to show his old attitude.

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