Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 297: I will help you with artificial respiration later (two more)

"Really don't check?" Yu Tingchuan said, "Then I will take a bath."

Song Qingcheng deliberately ignored him.

About twenty minutes, Yu Tingchuan took a bath and came out.

The man's hair still contained moisture, so he wiped it with a towel.

When he went to bed, Song Qingcheng immediately took out a notebook from under his pillow and shook it in front of Yu Tingchuan's eyes: "Are you familiar with it?"

Yu Tingchuan stunned for a moment, then recognized that it was his high school notebook, and asked with a smile: "How many years ago, where did you dug up things?"

"On the third floor, in the storage room."

Song Qingcheng turned the notebook to a certain page and pointed to a certain place on it: "This is obviously a girl's handwriting." As she said, she pursed the corner of her mouth, her voice in a sour tone: "Why girls have such a good relationship? You still remember the point. A pig's head is drawn on his notebook."

Yu Tingchuan cast his eyes on the notebook: "Where is the pig's head?"

"Here." Song Qingcheng poked with his finger.

Yu Tingchuan reached out and took the notebook. Sure enough, under a certain line, there was a little pig's head outlined with a pen.

"I didn't wrong you."

Song Qingcheng said.

Yu Tingchuan closed the notebook and put it on the bedside table next to it, in a very light tone: "I guess it was someone who did a prank when I lent it to my classmates before."

"Have you often been pranked by girls before?"

Yu Tingchuan smiled: "Why do you ask this?"

"Many times, a girl scribbles and writes in a boy's book, and she must have a good impression of the man." Song Qingcheng's analytical head said: "Girls are shy and it is not easy to say that they like it directly, so they will use this behavior. Express your feelings."

"Knowing so much, have you done this before?"


Song Qingcheng listened, his cheeks were inexplicably hot, and he didn't look at the man's eyes: "I said, I concentrated on studying at that time, and I definitely didn't mess with the relationship between men and women."

"What's the matter with Zhong Yang?" Yu Tingchuan mentioned the old things.

Song Qingcheng remembered that when he was in the courtyard, Yu Tingchuan had read her classmates, and Zhong Yang was her middle school classmate. He didn't expect that Yu Tingchuan still remembered it.

For the first time, Song Qingcheng really realized that Yu Tingchuan also had such a cautious side.

"When he was in junior high school, he sat behind me, and he was naturally better than ordinary boys, but it was just like that."

With that, Song Qingcheng realized that he was weak, and turned to look at Yu Tingchuan: "It's obviously I'm asking you, but you have changed the subject again. Is it a guilty conscience?"

Yu Tingchuan hugged her and kissed her on the neck: "What is my guilty conscience, eh? People are right next to you now. If you find someone at that time, many things will be bad."

When he was seventeen or eighteen, he was still in kindergarten.

In Yu Tingchuan’s youth, she was destined to not be able to participate. Song Qingcheng thought, if he finds someone to fall in love in high school, it is unknown whether he will marry Mu Qingyu later. He may join hands with his first love until he grows old. I guess I didn't even have a chance to pass him by.

However, thinking about this, Song Qingcheng realized another problem.

Is his ex-wife his first love?

While Song Qingcheng was a little tasteful, he also felt fortunate. Fortunately, he divorced his ex-wife for so many years, he didn't find someone else right away, and he didn't meet another suitable marriage.

"Whether it is a girl in elementary school or university, the past is over. Even if you meet this girl with pig head in the future, you can't have other ideas, you know?"

Yu Tingchuan laughed at hearing: "A dozen or so years ago, almost 20 years ago, I am afraid that the children of other people are not young."

"It's hard to guarantee that she won't abandon her husband and son when she sees you."

Song Qingcheng also said: "Anyway, you can't abandon your wife and abandon your children, especially when Xiaojiao's wife is working hard to conceive children for you."

"Just mind the pattern on the notebook?" Yu Tingchuan asked her.

Song Qingcheng argued for himself: "My heart is not so small, I just remind you, to be a good man who cares for the family, don't you know that, now on the Internet, the personality of the'good man' is very popular, and there will be magazine interviews in the future. You, referring to your family, learned that you love your wife and children, and write a eloquent passage for you. By then, you, an entrepreneur, will surely have many fans, and your image with Hengyuan will rise a lot."

Yu Tingchuan said: "Speaking of this, it seems that someone caused the company's stock price to drop sharply last time."

"..." Song Qingcheng 囧.

She pulled out a pillow and threw it at Yu Tingchuan: "I hate it."

Yu Tingchuan raised his hand to catch the pillow: "What do you hate?"

"Hate that you always bully me."

"You are like this, who can bully you."

Yu Tingchuan took advantage of the situation and pushed the pillows behind him, and said, "I think it will be lawless if this continues."

Song Qingcheng retorted with words: "You are lawless."

After speaking, I saw Yu Tingchuan staring at him with a smile that was not a smile.

I feel ashamed.

Song Qingcheng pulled up the quilt to cover his head and covered his face. Yu Tingchuan slightly turned his face and exposed her head. She pulled over the other end of the quilt and put it on the man's face. After several times of perseverance, she finally used the quilt to secure his head Of wrapped up.

Yu Tingchuan's voice sounded in the quilt: "This will make you breathless."

"I don't believe it." Song Qingcheng slowly curled his mouth: "I'll help you with artificial respiration later."

Before the words fell, the man's hand stretched out from under the quilt.

Yu Tingchuan held her by the waist, squeezed the person tightly and turned over. The quilt fell to the side. He pressed Song Qingcheng under his body, and put his other hand under her armpit: "Can you still play?"

Song Qingcheng was afraid of itching, and shook his head holding back a smile, then wrapped his hands around the man's neck: "Why don't you play horseback riding."

"Is my little head thinking about these things every day?"

"I'll just talk about it, you want to bend it."

Listening to her twisting the facts, Yu Tingchuan laughed unconsciously, didn't care about her, pulled the quilt, and took people into his arms: "Don't be fooling around, today is tired enough."

"The company is very busy recently?" Song Qingcheng was concerned.

Yu Tingchuan closed his eyes and said, "I'm going to Japan on a business trip at the end of the month."

"To talk about the car project?"

Seeing that Yu Tingchuan didn't deny it, she asked again: "Will it be long?"

"About a week."

Yu Tingchuan said: "If it's fast, four or five days."

Song Qingcheng knew that he was busy with work, and it was a rare event that he hadn't been on a business trip in the past few months. Of course, he did not rule out that he pushed the business trip to others and stayed with her in Nancheng.

For Song Qingcheng, the next few days had a relatively plain life.

She adapted quickly to her studies in the third middle school.

When the head teacher introduced her, he used the reason of a transfer student. Song Qingcheng acquiesced to this statement and was arranged to sit with another girl.

Because she is tall, she sits in the penultimate row.

Song Qingcheng had no opinion on this.

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