Who’s The Boss?

Chapter 229: Dad, why do you live with your sister?

Seeing Joice at the entrance of the villa, for Song Qingcheng, after a brief surprise, his eyes fell on the child's cool clothes.

In Nancheng at the end of December, after nightfall, the temperature was hovering at five or six degrees.

When he got home, Song Qingcheng took off his down jacket. He only wore a high-collar cashmere sweater. When the wind came in, he felt chilly.

She didn't know why Joice appeared here. In an instant, countless speculations flashed in her mind, no matter which possibility it was, let the child enter the house first: "Come in."

After finishing speaking, I remembered that Joice couldn't hear him. Song Qingcheng had applied for a crash course in sign language before, and now he still remembers some, so he made a ‘come in’ gesture with the child lamely.

Joice raised his head, his big eyes flickering.

Seeing that it was Song Qingcheng who came to open the door, his little face was puzzled, but he grinned, and there was surprise in his eyes. Obviously he recognized Song Qingcheng who had a relationship with him, and he rushed forward and hugged Song Qingcheng, as if You can only express your happiness at the moment with this action.

"..." Song Qingcheng didn't expect this to happen.

Being held firmly by the waist by the child, he was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Because of the relationship between herself and Yu Tingchuan, facing Joice now, her mood is naturally different from before. No matter what she does, she already has the label of "stepmother" on her body.

Despite this, Song Qingcheng took the child into the villa first.

Then closed the door to isolate the cold wind outside.

Joice stood at the hallway, letting go of Song Qingcheng, with a smile on his small face.

That kind of smile is simple and clean.

Song Qingcheng stared at him intently at the child, unable to put on a polite and alienated attitude, bent down, put his hands on his knees, and asked, "You haven't forgotten me?"

Joice can read lips, Song Qingcheng knows it.

Sure enough, Joice nodded, then took off his schoolbag and hugged it in his arms. The little hand patted the doll on the zipper, and then said with his mouth open: "Sister!"

His voice is hoarse, and his pronunciation is a little laborious, which should be caused by not speaking all the time.

Song Qingcheng was surprised when he heard Joice yelled out the word ‘jiejie’. After all, she had always thought that Joice could not speak yet, and now she is called the sister. She curled her lips and touched Joice’s head.

Joice's eyes were brighter, and she called sister again!

At this time, Aunt Gong came out of the kitchen because she heard the child's voice.

Finding that the child standing with Song Qingcheng was Joice, Aunt Gong was also stunned for a moment, and then looked at Song Qingcheng: "This...what about the child..."

Song Qingcheng answered, "It looks like he just got off the plane."

That's not the case, I won't wear summer clothes.

Australia, it's summer.

Aunt Gong nodded and didn't know what to say. After all, Song Qingcheng is the hostess of this family. She is an employed housekeeper, even if she has worked here for several years, she wouldn't be ignorant of looking at people's faces and relying on the old and selling the old.

Song Qingcheng took Joice to the living room.

Inadvertently, I touched the child's little hand, it was very cold, I am afraid it was frozen.

Her down jacket was still on the sofa. After thinking about it, Song Qingcheng took the jacket over and put it on Joice's body, then looked into his eyes and asked, "Did you bring winter clothes?"

Joice was holding his schoolbag, looking hesitant. After a while, he finally shook his head under Song Qingcheng's questioning gaze.

"Joice used to come here during summer vacation. Only his summer clothes are here." Aunt Gong did not say the second half. That is, at the end of the year, Mr. will go to Australia and spend some time there with the children. But this year, The husband did not go over.

Song Qingcheng didn't want to find out why Joice came here like this, where is the adult accompanying him, and how he entered the community. Yu Tingchuan should ask about this. She touched Joice's head and asked Aunt Gong to look after the child and go upstairs by herself. I went to the room and took a sweater from Yu Tingchuan. When I took my trousers, I hesitated and took the thick black tights I didn't wear.

In the villa, the temperature is around 20 degrees, so a sweater is just right.

Song Qingcheng went downstairs with the clothes, turned around the jogging platform, and saw Joice was sitting on the sofa, her legs were not shaking for a while, she was already wearing her down jacket, and she was eating with a long nose in her hand. , With a bulging mouth, and a trash can by his feet.

Aunt Gong brought a glass of boiling water and reported to Song Qingcheng downstairs: "This child seems to be hungry, so I opened a packet of snacks you bought the other day for him to eat."

Song Qingcheng smiled and said, "It's okay, just eat if you want."

After speaking, walk into the living room.

Song Qingcheng handed the clothes to Joice and made a "change" gesture with him.

Even if she did not do well, Joice understood. He took a paper towel and wiped his hands. Without Song Qingcheng's guidance, he went to the bathroom with his clothes.

Joice is obviously familiar with this.

Aunt Gong has put dinner on the table.

Joice quickly changed his clothes. When he sat at the table, before Song Qingcheng could speak, he himself began to roll up the long sweater sleeves, pile after pile, his movements were gentle and methodical, and he felt that this was a relatively precocious one. child.

Song Qingcheng filled him with a bowl of soup and reached out to put the bowl beside him.

Joice looked up and looked at Song Qingcheng sitting across from him, politely saying thank you in sign language.

Song Qingcheng smiled slightly: "You're welcome."

Joice returned her with a big smile.

Afterwards, he shouted ‘Dad’ and asked in sign language: "Why haven’t you come back?"

"He has a job at night." Song Qingcheng was afraid that he would not be able to distinguish the word'entertainment', so he changed it to'work': "I will be back later."

Joice nodded, and didn't ask anything else.

Seeing the child drinking soup like a kitten eating, Song Qingcheng also picked up the chopsticks. When she first met, she did not observe carefully. Now looking at Joice with the bright light, she feels that it is not her own subjective conjecture, this child It really resembles Yu Tingchuan, especially the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.

Because Yu Tingchuan was not there, Song Qingcheng also asked Aunt Gong to sit down and eat together.

Aunt Gong glanced at Joice, and saw that Song Qingcheng was trying to avoid the embarrassment of being alone with the child, so she nodded and took a pair of dishes from the kitchen.

After dinner, Song Qingcheng used his cell phone to dial Yu Tingchuan's number while the child was watching cartoons.

Xu Dong answered the call.

"Zong Yu is chatting with a leader of the Internal Revenue Service at the dinner." Xu Dong said on the phone: "If you have something, I will give the phone to Mr. Yu."

Song Qingcheng didn’t want to disturb Yu Tingchuan, so she told about Joice’s affairs at No. 8 Yunxi Road. Because she was not sure whether Yu Tingchuan knew it, she just said, “Don’t give it to him, Assistant Xu, please help me to tell him, Joice Just now I asked when Dad would be back, so I called to ask."

Xu Dong's tone is respectful: "Okay, don't worry, I will pass the words to Mr. Yu."

Song Qingcheng made this call on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

After hanging up the phone, she opened the door and went out.

As soon as he walked through the stairs, he found that Joice was looking this way, and saw her appearing with a big smile. Song Qingcheng did not hesitate to curl his lips, and went to the living room to accompany him.

At first, Joice was a little shy and cautious.

After a meal, he got closer to Song Qingcheng.

At this moment, he put an iPad on his lap, which should be carried with him.

Seeing Song Qingcheng approaching, Joice clicked on the QQ icon on the tablet, and then raised the tablet to show her. Song Qingcheng found out that he was on the interface for adding friends, and guessed what he meant, but he asked again: "You add me as Buddy?"

Joice nodded heavily, eyes bright, like stars.

Seeing the child's expectant gaze, Song Qingcheng couldn't act in the cold. If a child is innocent and kind, leaving other factors aside, no one would want to hurt him.

After adding friends, Joice put the tablet next to him and took out a plastic box from his school bag.

In the box, there are very mini hand-made fondant cakes.

On the pink cake, there are small yellow ducks, giraffes and baby elephants, with some flowers embellished, very delicate and cute, and the English letters "Merry/Christmas" are written.

Aunt Gong cut the fruit and came over, saw this slap-sized cake, smiled and praised: "This is really beautiful, is it a model?"

"It's a very popular fondant cake recently." Song Qingcheng explained.

Joice was lying in front of the coffee table, as if she could see that Aunt Gong was curious, and handed the plastic box containing the cake to Aunt Gong, then made a few gestures, and turned his head to look at Song Qingcheng.

Song Qingcheng helped him translate: "Joice said I would lend it to you for a while."

Aunt Gong took the box, took it in her hand and looked at it carefully, and then went to talk to Song Qingcheng: "What kind of sugar cake is made like a toy, and it can still be eaten?"

"I haven't tried it either. It should work."

Song Qingcheng smiled: "I just saw a famous female singer on the Internet who won an award abroad for making this fondant cake."

Aunt Gong wanted to take another look, but Joice stood up, took the delicate little box in her hand, turned around to Song Qingcheng, and yelled'elder sister' in a hoarse childlike voice, and then put the box away. Tucked into Song Qingcheng's arms, a posture to be given to her.

"Did Joice made it himself?" Song Qingcheng asked.

Joice nodded as if smashing garlic, then smashed into the bag again, and took out another box.

The fondant cake in the box is a mini-office scene. A man in a suit is standing next to an office desk. The surrounding furniture is not very well done, but it can be seen that he has taken care of it.

Joice carefully put the box on the coffee table, and then went to see Song Qingcheng.

Song Qingcheng asked very cooperatively, "Give it to your father?"

Joice pursed his lips, showing shyness.

Song Qingcheng knows that children need encouragement, especially those with strong hands-on skills, and hope to get recognition from adults. Therefore, she held the box and looked at it and nodded: "I've done a good job. I will practice more in the future. I should be able to participate in the competition. ."

Sure enough, Joice smiled.

He had been looking at Song Qingcheng's mouth, reading her lips, and knew that she was complimenting himself.

Joice walked to the school bag again, took out a small box of skittles from it and handed it to Song Qingcheng, in order to give her something to eat.

This is a way for children to express kindness and friendship.

Share the things he likes with the people he wants to make friends with.

After a while, Joice came over again with his schoolbag in his arms, sat next to her, holding the Pokémon doll on the schoolbag, raised his face and called to his sister, wanting Song Qingcheng to look at his hand.

This doll was given to him by Shen Che at the police station.

Moving this afternoon, Song Qingcheng was still seen by Shen Che in a row beside the bed.

Song Qingcheng asked: "Do you like this?"

Joice nodded and took his tablet.

He tapped his finger on the screen, typed a line, and put the tablet on Song Qingcheng's lap.

Song Qingcheng went to see the tablet.

It says: "Except for the little dolphin, I like this best."

She raised her head and looked at the dolphin toy on the sofa.

Aunt Gong noticed and explained: "This dolphin has been around for two or three years. There was a time when my husband took Joice to the company. When he came back, Joice held it in his arms. It should have been bought through a toy store."

Song Qingcheng's arm was patted, and he retracted his gaze to look at Joice.

Joice said in a sandy voice, "No, no," and then typed on the tablet: "Daddy got my WIN back with an air gun."

Because he could not type the word ‘win’, he used English words instead.


Yu Tingchuan came back not too late.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Song Qingcheng was sitting on the carpet with Joice playing a game of looking at pictures and guessing idioms.

Joice noticed it, raised his head and looked around, and saw the man in the hallway, he immediately got up and ran over, grabbed Yu Tingchuan's waist, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Dad!"

The pronunciation is a bit difficult, but exceptionally clear.

Yu Tingchuan held the child with one hand, but cast his deep gaze into the living room.

Song Qingcheng stood up and met his gaze. The roots of his ears were a little hot. He didn't walk over, but just said, "Joice was checking your person just now."

Hearing this, Yu Tingchuan looked down at his son in his arms.

Joice smiled, very happy, then gestured.

After the comparison, he turned to ask Song Qingcheng for help.

Song Qingcheng helped explain: "Joice said he missed you very much."

After spending more than two hours together, she could also tell that Joice could only say simple words.

Yu Tingchuan held on to Joice's little shoulders, squatted down in front of the child, looked into his eyes and asked, "Tell dad, who came with you?"

Yu Tingchuan’s appearance is not harsh, but he has been infiltrated in the business field all the year round, and the accumulation of prestige on his body is still there, especially when he is seriously questioning, Joice is a child again, even if he can’t hear him, he can feel this. It's not a pleasant atmosphere, and Dad's appearance obviously doesn't want him to lie.

Joice lowered his head, wearing Yu Tingchuan's clothes, the whole person looked even smaller.

Yu Tingchuan didn’t blame him. He thought that he was too serious. He touched the back of Joice’s head. When the child secretly raised his eyes, he said, "Daddy doesn’t mean anything else. You come here without saying hello. There are no people around you. , Safety cannot be guaranteed."

Joice was silent. He didn’t dare to say that his mother asked him to come back. He was afraid that his father would be angry and quarrel with his mother. , And later followed a grandma into the community.

He stayed here for several summer vacations, so he touched the house with three crutches and five crutches.

Not to mention the child, Yu Tingchuan had his own guess in his heart.

He let go of Joice and looked at Qingcheng standing there, his eyes were gentle, and he confessed: "I will send the child to the old house."

Song Qingcheng knew that he should have something to tell Joice.

Including remarriage.

You can't participate in these issues.

Yu Tingchuan is Joice's father, and he communicates with Joice in person, which is the best way to confess.


Yu Tingchuan took Joice's schoolbag in the living room and noticed that the child was wearing an inappropriate sweater. The temperature outside was very low, so he borrowed Song Qingcheng's coat and put it on the child.

When he was about to leave, Joice suddenly looked at Song Qingcheng and shouted: "Sister!"

His eyes are clear, as if asking, are you leaving too?

Song Qingcheng thought, Joice should treat her as the person who works here. Faced with the silent question from the child, she doesn't know how to explain it. It's hard to say directly. Don't be too surprised. I remarried with your father. I am now you. Stepmother.

Even if this child was born to Yu Tingchuan and other women, she would have a taste when she thought of Mu Qingyu, but she never thought of using words to hurt a child, or a child with a disability.

Children should not be involved in matters between adults.

Yu Tingchuan seemed to understand Joice's meaning. He raised his hands to Joice and looked at him and explained: "My sister lives here and won't go with us."

At this moment, Yu Tingchuan did not rush to correct Joice's name.

Joice looked puzzled. He took out his tablet from his schoolbag, typed on it quickly, and eagerly lifted it up to show Yu Tingchuan: "Dad, why do you live with your sister?"

In fact, he already had a little speculation in his mind.

Not only Yu Tingchuan, but Song Qingcheng also realized that Joice might understand something.

Therefore, Yu Tingchuan did not give Joice an answer in the villa.


On the way to the old house, Joice was depressed.

He buried his head, put his little hands on his laps, and dared not ask Yu Tingchuan next to him again, fearing that he would get an answer that he didn't want to know.

Yu Tingchuan drank at the dinner, so it was Lao Zhao who was in charge of driving.

Along the way, the car was very quiet.

Yu Tingchuan sat with Joice in the back of the car. He wanted to call Mu Qingyu to find out what was going on, but in front of the child, there were some things that were not suitable for him to do. He rubbed his painful temples, looked at his side and said nothing. His son raised his left hand wearing a steel watch and touched the child's head.

In the old house of the Yu family, Yu Linjiang also came back not long from the dinner.

At this moment, I was sitting on the sofa drinking honey water.

After he was fifty years old, he paid special attention to maintenance, so he didn't have any major physical problems in the past few years.

Just about to go upstairs, the nanny came out of the kitchen: "Chairman, Mr. Yu is here!"

The kitchen of the western-style building is facing the entrance.

Yu Linjiang paused in the air with his hand holding the cup, and then looked at the entrance of the western-style building. The nanny had already opened the door. After a while, he saw Yu Tingchuan leading Joice in.

Joice's eyes were red and he lowered his head, looking unhappy.

Yu Linjiang unexpectedly saw his grandson who was supposed to be in Australia, his face flashed with surprise, but soon, with a loving expression, he proactively stretched out his hand: "When will Joice come back, why don't you notify Grandpa in advance?"

From the Yu family to his generation, descendants are prosperous, but to his grandchildren, only a granddaughter like Yu Jing. When he was in his forties, he met a fortune teller who said that he had a good life, and finally all I am afraid that the family business will have to follow other people's last names.

The implication is that he will only have a granddaughter, so he may be cut off.

Later, the second daughter-in-law found out that it was a male fetus. She finally gave birth to the child and raised it to the age of one year. She could not speak at all. At that time, the child was raised by Mu Qingyu and she didn’t care too much. Speaking later than other children, it is too late to send to the hospital when something is detected, and hearing aids can no longer be installed in the child's ears.

Whenever thinking of this incident, Yu Linjiang couldn't let go.

Over time, it became an indelible thorn in his heart.

Now that the technology is advanced, even if you are born deaf and mute, as long as the treatment is timely, there is no room for maneuver.

As a result, I was flabbergasted like this!

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